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March 3rd, 2021, 05:32 AM
Also, check out this good video that breaks down costs of iRacing. There are a few extra things he could have covered, but a great break-down none the less.


March 3rd, 2021, 05:38 AM
Also also, if you decide to sign up, one of us could get ten iBucks if you use our e-mail in the referral field. Since I appear to be the only active iRacer here, PM me for my e-mail. :D

March 3rd, 2021, 05:54 AM
And there's this, of course.

iRacing is not the economical option for sim racing. Full disclosure, I have spent about $600 on iRacing, totaling up all the cars and tracks and membership fees I paid for. I bought over 40 pieces of content, so I get 20% off everything now. There are a few cars I regret buying, but I use most of the things I bought regularly.

Rare White Ape
March 3rd, 2021, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the info Cam. Yeah chuck me your email address and I'll use it for referral.

That video was great. I think I might progress more slowly through the series than this guy is positing. But the best idea which I never even thought of was to create an alt-account for a few months before diving in fully on a main account. I will do that this week!

The time is right, since I am off my feet but able to drive again. After a couple of hours in Assetto last night I'm finding muscles I forgot I had!

Rare White Ape
March 4th, 2021, 02:20 PM
Alright. So let me get some things straight.

iRacing is at week 12 right now. Week 13 is considered the 'off' week where they still host races but no collisions or off-track incidents affect your SR, yeah? So now is a good time to buy-in because I can do some races with no pressure before the real stuff begins.

For the next season, where can I find out the upcoming schedule? If I subscribe now, I assume I will be best served driving in the MX-5 cup, which looks like it is completely free. And then after that I am sure I will be wanting to step up to Ferrari GT3s. If I get bored of those there's always dirt, oval and rallycross, which also have no additional costs.

What do you guys consider to be the most rewarding pathway to where you are now?

Tom Servo
March 4th, 2021, 03:14 PM
Yep, week 13 is the "screwing around" week. You're still expected not to intentionally crash people or anything, but you don't get dinged for getting a little too exuberant.

I know you can look at the upcoming schedule because I did that and bought all the tracks for the series I planned to do, then didn't do at all. Heck if I can remember where though. The forums might also be a good place to look, each series I think has its own forum and they probably post the schedule there.

If you're doing road racing, you'll definitely start in the MX-5s. Most people moved on to the Skippy from there, if only because at the time I did it the only D class cars were the Skippy and the Spec Racer Ford, and the latter was incredibly hard to drive. Now I think there's a few other options, which might be the way to go if you're looking to get into the GT3 cars. I enjoy driving the CTS-V quite a bit, which I think is D class. Then just focus on your safety rating and ignore the irating until you get to the class that lets you drive the car you want.

Rare White Ape
March 4th, 2021, 03:34 PM
Oh yeah, Skippys too. I forgot about those.

With regards to the schedule, what about if you’re not a paying member like I am currently?

Tom Servo
March 4th, 2021, 03:47 PM
Ahh, you probably have to ask one of us who is a paying member and we can go look for you.

March 4th, 2021, 04:02 PM
Schedules are normally posted in a PDF on iRacing forums. You need to be an iRacing member to access the forums. 2021, season 2 has not been announced as of yet. I think it is safe to assume that it will be similar to season 1.

I have uploaded the 2021, season 1 schedule to my web space for your convenience and consideration:

March 4th, 2021, 04:14 PM
Yes, at the moment, it is week 12 of 2021, season 1. The 13th week between seasons is a bit different, as it has events that do, and do not, affect your ratings. You can choose what races to run. It tells you in the series information if it counts towards your ratings; ranked or unranked.

For noobs that have not leased more content, race selection can be limited, depending on the week. You will have a few tracks and cars available that are included with the initial membership. For example, When I first signed up, I could drive the Radical, but not every week because I did not own the tracks that the car was racing on that week. In my time zone, the new week starts on Monday evening around 7:00pm. At first, I raced a lot of MX-5 Cup, Sim Lab Production Car Challenge (Pontiac Solstice and Mazda MX-5), Spec Racer Ford, Fanatec Global Challenge (Cadillac CTS-V and Kia Optima), Pro 2 Lite Trucks and iRX (VW Beetle) depending on the track. It was months before I decided to take the plunge and bought a whack of content.

I would be happy to provide more information for you if you have questions. :)

March 4th, 2021, 04:21 PM
Also, an earlier post about licenses. Le Mans series is now called European Series and requires an A license.

You would have to spend some time earning higher licenses. You start out at Rookie, then it goes D, C, B and A. You have to complete four races in each license to earn the next license. Having a high Safety Rating can fast-track your license advancement. To race the C8 Vette, you would need at least a C license for the IMSA Sports Car Championship and The Le Mans Series requires a B license. I am not sure if it is in any other series this season. Although, I heard that the Le Mans Series is going A class next year. I am not sure.

Edit: The C8 Vette is also being used in the GT Endurance Series this season. Lots of options for the Vette! :D

Rare White Ape
March 4th, 2021, 04:56 PM
I would be happy to provide more information for you if you have questions. :)

Thanks a heap! That's all the questions I have so far. I am sure more will pop up once I start actually racing.

Yobbo NZ
March 4th, 2021, 10:44 PM
I hated the MX5 with a passion.
When you think you're doing ok, go join a room with Shane Van Gisbergen, Liam Lawson etc, and see how slow you really are.
Think I came within 5 seconds of them at Silverstone.
I loved the Solstice in the multiclass series, had a few wins with that.
Also enjoyed the Kia in with the Cadillac.

Yobbo NZ
March 4th, 2021, 10:45 PM
And the sprint cars are friggin awesome to drive too. Mostly have clean, close races. Definitely recommend.

March 5th, 2021, 06:13 AM
RWA, this site may have information that can help you make informed decisions about what cars and tracks you would like to lease.


Tom Servo
March 5th, 2021, 06:18 AM
I hated the MX5 with a passion.
When you think you're doing ok, go join a room with Shane Van Gisbergen, Liam Lawson etc, and see how slow you really are.
Think I came within 5 seconds of them at Silverstone.
I loved the Solstice in the multiclass series, had a few wins with that.
Also enjoyed the Kia in with the Cadillac.

The reason I'm not on there much these days is I feel that way with *every* car. I got all excited when I set my fastest ever lap at Suzuka in the CTS-V during qualifying, then went into the race and found myself a few seconds off the pace of everyone else.

I really should just tank my irating because it's clearly too high.

March 5th, 2021, 09:20 AM
You just don't race often enough. :D

Personally, my safety rating is more important to me than iRating. I feel like my iRating would be higher if I didn't keep getting wrecked. If I do not get wrecked, I can normally make up many positions during the race. I rarely qualify well. I do not use qualifying sets, so my race pace is normally my qualifying pace. On the rare occasion, I remove fuel from the car for qualifying.

Tom Servo
March 5th, 2021, 12:51 PM
That is entirely possible. I find it very hard to find a window of even 30 minutes where I can just concentrate on racing, and that's led me to just not bothering. When I do find it, I find that I'm extremely slow. I have a feeling it'd help if I didn't keep getting dropped in higher splits than I should be in given my skill level, but in the meantime, it's pretty discouraging.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 01:43 PM
Just do some reverse boosting. Tank your stats and have fun again.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 02:55 PM
It is done. 1yr sub purchased. Cam gets his $10.

See you on the road, skags.

March 5th, 2021, 04:15 PM
Awesome, man! :hard: Thank you very much for the iBucks. :D YOU HEAR ME BRONZE?

Tom Servo
March 5th, 2021, 04:39 PM
If we can work out a time for a race to all get together in and laugh at how much I suck, I'm down.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 04:43 PM
First impressions: it feels really good, and after faffing about to eventually be able to test drive, it’s easy to set up.

I did four laps in the MX-5 at Laguna Seca and quickly found that I have to forget my GTS habits. There are some off-track zones that you’d abuse the hell out of in GTS but can’t in iRacing. And the age old question: do I change to 4th before the final corner, or do I let it hang in 3rd for 50 meters :lol:

I’ve entered my first race on an AU server. It’s on in 15 minutes!

March 5th, 2021, 04:52 PM
Friend request sent. Accept so I can spectate! :popcorn:

/me eagerly awaits debrief of RWA's first race. :D

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 05:42 PM
Ehhhh I’m confused by the UI.

Please stand by.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 05:45 PM
I was using the iRacing launcher, but eventually found the relevant place in the members site. There’s another session in 15 mins. Wish me luck actually getting into a race!

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 06:11 PM
I’m into a race. Starting on pole :D

Tom Servo
March 5th, 2021, 06:42 PM
I apparently have forgotten how to spectate a race, I was hoping to watch you out there.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 06:45 PM
Well, that's race 1 done and dusted. I alt-tabbed out of it for a second to check something after quali but it left me with the taskbar showing.

I fluffed the start because I never even thought to check how to do standing starts and let two cars by.

At the end of lap 1 the car in 2nd place ran wide at turn 10 so I filled the gap and left him plenty of room on my left. He then drove across to take the racing line but hit the side of my car and ended up getting punted right dead smack into the end of the pit wall. LOL. Not my fault. I carried on.

I stuck myself to the tail of the lead car and waited for a mistake as it's just too hard to pass without divebombing. You gotta work for it! On lap 6 he ran wide exiting the Corkscrew but then did a late cut across my front as I attempted to capitalise. Kinda my fault. He apologised later. I carried on again like Teflon and crossed the line about 2.5 seconds ahead. Daylight to 3rd place behind us.

I copped 6x in total for two collisions and two off-tracks. 100% win rate. Not bhed. Time to uninstall the game.

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 06:46 PM
I apparently have forgotten how to spectate a race, I was hoping to watch you out there.

I saved the replay. How do I share it?

In fact, how do I even watch it myself?

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 08:22 PM
I figured out the above.

For your perusal:


March 5th, 2021, 09:36 PM
He's a natural! *saves to Watch Later*

March 5th, 2021, 09:38 PM
A winner is you!

Rare White Ape
March 5th, 2021, 09:56 PM
Race 2 was not as grandiose. I opted to not qualify and use my new-found overconfidence to attempt a last-to-first. That confidence sunk when I watched the times roll in and everyone set a sub-1:41, which is right around my speed. I gridded up 9th thinking this will be a tough race but got caught in a huge lap 1 bingle-bangle when two cars tried to squeeze side-by-side into turn 6. I was set to gain about four spots going up the hill but the guy who caused the incident was still trying to regain control and spun from my blind spot right into my path :lol: I was damaged and lapping two seconds slower, let one guy through, and finished 9th. Still gained +9 SR tho.

March 6th, 2021, 04:51 AM
The lower your SR and license, the easier it is to increase your SR. When you have an A license and your SR is 4+, it is much more difficult to keep your SR up.

March 6th, 2021, 01:30 PM
Tim and I just finished third in the VRS GT Endurance race today. We are thrilled with a podium! I led for several laps before Tim got in the car about half-way. He lost one position overall, but the winner was DQed for not changing drivers. Great way to finish a season where we struggled in many races. Chekkit on my channel. :D

March 6th, 2021, 05:05 PM
130R is so fast in those cars.

Rare White Ape
March 6th, 2021, 06:50 PM
Good stuff Cam. Good driving!

Yeah I was reading about SR gains in relation to license level. I’d just forgotten all about it because I’ve spent so much time watching other drivers being super careful and still losing SR.

No racing for me so far today. I’ve spent my morning socialising and then limped around the shops to do some groceries and now I’m utterly pooped.

I’ll see about jumping on pretty early tomorrow so that you right-way-up people can do some Sunday night spectating if you want.

March 7th, 2021, 01:30 AM
My bro and I are doing a six-hour at Le Mans today. :hard:

Rare White Ape
March 7th, 2021, 02:06 AM
Noice. I could drive there for a few hours without a breaking a sweat.

Give me a few months and I’ll just invite myself along to your endurance soirées, won’t I.

I could easily be your overnight guy in a 24h.

March 7th, 2021, 02:57 AM
My bro and I are doing a six-hour at Le Mans today. :hard:

I'll keep an eye out for that :up:

March 7th, 2021, 12:10 PM
Finished 5th in the Euro Enduro today! Coasted across the finish line out of fuel. :hard: Chekkit on my stream and make sure to like and sub! ;)

Admittedly, it was a lonely race. Except at the start, we were not near any other cars on track. Nice to get a top five though. I did not think to set the engine map to conserve near the end. I made it anyway. :D

Rare White Ape
March 7th, 2021, 11:34 PM
I uhh, reached a bit further that what I was planning to this week. I've been sitting here since 1pm, and it's now after 6. I got a D licence and bought the Ferrari GT3 and Spa (and Long Beach to get the discount).

Couple of races in and I found it a bit harder to drive than the Mazda. Are they running different generations of tyre model? The Ferrari is eager to lose rear grip in high speed corners like Pouhon but then it's impossible to catch unless you drive on a knife-edge. Best to drive conservatively, I think. Plus the feedback from the wheel feels less detailed in the Ferrari too.

Despite my conservatism, I still got caught up in other people's bingles and in the last race I ended up with a 14x :| A few of those were from cutting at Radillon but the rest were other cars just being turned around on each other in the slow corners that I couldn't avoid.

Ah well, I'll drive more carefuler.

March 8th, 2021, 04:16 AM
You are right, GT3 cars are nearly impossible to save once you get loose. I think it is the nature of the sim. It happens in other cars also. The best thing to do to stop a spin in iRacing is to stomp on the brakes to lock all four wheels. It does not work in cars with anti-lock brakes, such as the GT3 cars.

March 8th, 2021, 06:31 AM
One of the racers near me in the division 7 points standings did an average of 27+ races a week this season. That is more than four races a day. Considering most of those races are 40-60 minute races that happen every two hours, that is pretty much 8+ hours a day of racing. :erm:

Rare White Ape
March 8th, 2021, 11:30 AM
^ lockdown
^^ not lockdown
^^^ after I made that post last night I hopped in the shower and it occurred to me that I hadn’t considered shifting the brake bias. I was losing it heading into corners, not mid- or late-corner. Shower thoughts eh? I just remember to map brake bias adjustment to some wheel buttons.

March 8th, 2021, 12:19 PM
Fixed setup series might not allow brake balance adjustment. I never raced fixed Ferrari, so I do not know if it is allowed. I raced fixed Pro 2 Lite trucks quite a bit and it allows brake balance adjustment. The GT3 cars are simply loose on high-speed corner entry. You just have to brake in a straight line, then turn in.

The first race of the season in VRS GT Enduro was Spa. Both Tim and I spun out in Blanchimont during the race. Pouhon entry is also a tricky spot. The last VRS GT race was at Suzuka and the exit to 130R is really tricky too. Keep it on the black stuff. The green bit on corner exit is really slippery.

Rare White Ape
March 8th, 2021, 01:11 PM
I’m used to those parts being heaps more grippy in GTS. Even on wet tracks you just take the normal lines, including going all over the kerbs.

So yeah, adjustments to my driving have to be made.

March 8th, 2021, 06:23 PM
I have not driven iRacing yet with the new TV, but I watched a replay in 4K. Looks good.

March 9th, 2021, 10:22 AM
Season 2 schedule has been released. Go to: iRacing Forums > iRacing Staff Announcements > 2021 Season 2 Schedule and download the PDF.

March 9th, 2021, 12:38 PM
So many series I want to do this season. I want to do the same series I did last season, but I've wanted to do Indy Pro and more dirt road racing. Too many choices!

C-class series:
Kamel GT - I enjoy driving the Nissan GTP-ZX Turbo, even though I am painfully slow in it compared to the small, but passionate, community that races it regularly. Races are broadcast live on Saturdays, but I normally only raced Fri. afternoons. I made all the races last season but the last. I won my division (7) in iRacing's points standings simply because I was the only driver to do more than one race. :lol:
Indy Pro 2000 - This is the car that replaced the Formula Mazda, in which I seemed to do really well. I wanted to do a whole season in season one, but committed myself to doing too many other series. I would skip the oval weeks.
Porsche iRacing Cup - Regular Tuesday night races with Gone Broke Racing. I will be doing this series again, as GBR is a great group of guys and PCup always provides exciting racing. I made every race last season and won my division in iRacing's points standings.
Supercars Series - Same deal as PCup, but Thursday nights. GBR's bread and butter series. Always provides close, exciting racing. Again, I made every race last season and finished 4th in my division, the only non-Aussie in the top ten. :lol:
VRS GT Endurance Series - I teamed up with my brother for this one and will certainly do it again, if he's up for it. They use the same tracks in the same weeks as the Sprint Series. We raced it regularly on Saturday afternoons, but we missed a few rounds for various reasons.

B-class series:
IMSA Hagerty Series - Formerly called IMSA Sportscar Championship. I enjoyed this one in the 911 RSR. In fact, I think I won my division in iRacing's points standings, despite not making all the races.
VRS GT Sprint Series - GT3 cars, pretty much one of the most popular series, next to Mazda Cup. I was leading my division for a while, but other drivers were really committed to racing this series, like it's a full-time job. :erm:
GTE Endurance Series - 90 minute races that happen every other week on the week-end. There are only three sessions for each track. I discovered this series late and only made four of the races. I would like to do a full season. Bad luck followed me in this series.

A-class series:
Pure Driving School European Sprint Series - LMS/WEC-style races. I raced the first eight races in the Porsche 919 and every race in the 911 RSR. I came second second in both LMP1 and GTE points standings in my division. I gave up on the 919.
European Endurance Series - Six-hour races every other week using the same cars and tracks as above. I wanted to do a full season, but my brother could not commit. We only did the last race at Le Mans in the 911 RSR. It's also tough to commit to this series when I also aim to do numerous other endurance races on the Special Events calendar.

Dirt Road series:
iRX - I intended to do a full season, as I really enjoy driving rally, despite being bad at it. Alas, I committed myself to too many other series. It fell by the wayside. However, I purchased a few dirt road tracks, planning on doing a full season.
Pro 2 and 4 Trucks - I seem to do OK in these series, but it was lower-priority than iRX. I may do a few races this season, depending on what else I have going on.

Special Events:
There are many 12 and 24 hour races that happen throughout the year, which cause me to miss other endurance series. I normally do these races with the GBR guys, who are more concerned about safe, gentlemanly driving than outright speed.

Yeah, too many choices! I think I will have to narrow down the list a bit. I would be up for a GTX team for a six-hour enduro, depending on the week, if anyone here is interested. Jeez, I need to make a calendar to keep track of all this shizz. :lol:

Rare White Ape
March 9th, 2021, 12:54 PM
Season 2 schedule has been released. Go to: iRacing Forums > iRacing Staff Announcements > 2021 Season 2 Schedule and download the PDF.

Thanks for the heads up. But can’t they just make it available to open in browser so that phone plebs can view it too?

I see the Wk13 schedule on the main site. A different track every day! I only know a handful of them :( No pressure, I can dip in and out as I please.

I’ll stick mostly to Mazdas and Ferraris this season, but I am keen to join an endurance race if you’ll have me. I’d love to just sit in the car and churn out easy consistent laps. Different mindset to sprint races. I am certain that I’ll be able to get a C license without too much effort, if that affects anything.

Just make sure it isn’t between midnight and 6am like your last one! I think the ideal time for North Americans and Aussies to race together is in your evenings, which is early morning here.

Edit to add: it’s currently 10pm in London, 5pm in New York and 8am in Brisbane.

March 9th, 2021, 01:39 PM
Yeah, kind of tough for Americans and Aussies to team for the 3-6 hour enduros. Depends on the time slot.

*checks schedule*

Yeah, it would be... inconvenient for us to team up. Not impossible, however. :scratchchin:

You have the Ferrari 488 GT3, yeah? If you get your C-license, we could do the VRS GT Endurance Series (3 hour), which happens every week-end. Time slots are Saturdays 9 and 19 GMT and Sundays 17 GMT. In Eastern Time zone, that is currently Sat. 4 and 14 and Sun. 12. Time will change by one hour soon, though. How does that work out in your time zone?

Rare White Ape
March 9th, 2021, 02:06 PM
Sat 0900 GMT is 1900 Saturday
Sat 1900 GMT is 0500 Sunday
Sun 1700 GMT is 0300 Monday

There’s no daylight savings in my region so I’m always GMT +10. And GMT isn’t the same as London time, because that changes with daylight savings.

I’m guessing those races are with a driver change, doing 1.5hr stints? I could really only make the first slot as lead driver Saturday or second slot as 2nd driver Sunday morning.

March 9th, 2021, 02:34 PM
I could work with that. Although, I am guessing my bro and I will continue to do the 3 hour enduros together. At this point, with the number of 12 and 24 hour enduros coming up with GBR, it is difficult to say when I would be available to team up. I am pretty sure I do not want to get up at 4am though. If it goes to 5am after the time change, I might consider it. The whole time change thing is confusing. :?

Yes, we found 1.5 hour stints works best for us.

If you eventually get your B license and your SR is above 4, you could participate in the six-hour Euro Enduros.

Rare White Ape
March 9th, 2021, 09:37 PM
Yeah if we were to team up the second slot would fit best. But that relies on me not having a few too many drinks on Saturday night :/ And lets be honest here, it might be SRS BDNZ but it's just sim racing!

Looking at the schedule for the 6-hour races, I don't think the timeslots line up for both of us at all. They are: Sat 0700, 1800, Sun 1400.

For me that works out to Sat 1700, Sun 0400, 2400.

You're in GMT -5 so that's Sat 0200, 1300, Sun 0900

What works for me doesn't really work for you, unless you start a race and drive for three hours before I take over for three hours. Or if your brother was included we could do the second slot; you guys do one stint of two hours each and I do the last stint of two hours.

Besides that, I still have to get a B licence up to 4.00, which is.. a lot. Whatever happens, if there is a clear opportunity to do a 12 or 24, I am in 100%.

On a personal note, I haven't had to commit to anything since waking up on the 16th of October, so having something that other people will rely on me for is probably a really good thing, mentally and physically. Might as well make it fun.

March 10th, 2021, 05:15 AM
My PC chugs a bit to run iRacing in 4K. I had to dial it back to 1080 to get a desirable frame rate.

Rare White Ape
March 11th, 2021, 12:04 AM
I run mine at 1080p as well, at 120Hz. I cap it at 180, and the framerate counter never shows any dips below that!

Question: Say I wanted to enter the Ferrari 488 GT3 into a GT3 race, would I need to purchase all of the GT3 cars to race against them, or just download them so they can be loaded into the session?

March 11th, 2021, 03:05 AM
You do not need to own all the cars. I am pretty sure you have to update/download the content though. When there are updates, I just select all and update.

Freude am Fahren
March 14th, 2021, 12:41 AM
It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, that's where you see "optional" downloads underneath required before downloading the latest update. So there you'll usually find cars you don't own, but can download. So you can download the GT3's but not the NASCARS if you want.

If you try to enter a race that has a car you don't own and haven't downloaded, it will have the "needs updates" or whatever instead of "race now" I think.

Rare White Ape
March 14th, 2021, 01:40 AM


I fluffed the start but check out the pass I made about 5 minutes into the race. After that it was all about the defense.

I've not raced at Charlotte before and knew nothing about its layout, so I did all that learning over the course of four races and a few practise sessions. I'm still 1 second slower than the guys who actually know what they're doing. I lose heaps of time in the long right-hander in the infield, as well as coming onto the banking on the back straight. Tricky.

And whats the etiquette with the blue line in the infield and below the apron? Surely they would be off-track zones but they aren't, so everyone just drives across the lines like they're nothing. I follow suit, and deploy the tactic on the last lap to keep the guy behind at bay.

Now, I know this is week 13 and it's less serious, but: I had one guy come out of the pits right in front of me in a practise session and just drive on cold tyres for a whole lap before I could pass him, then he tried to race me for the next two laps as I was trying to learn the circuit.

And I had another bozo turn hard right into my path exiting the pits, causing a three-car pile-up.

Then in one of the races a lapped car parked himself right in front of me in the final chicane while I was running in second, then just let the guy in 3rd right on by, losing me almost the entire 1 second of lead I'd built up.

March 14th, 2021, 04:08 AM
Intentionally racing on the apron or other similar off-track areas is not allowed. I report it if I see someone repeatedly do it.

You are racing in a rookie series with noobs. They will do stupidly unpredictable things. You have to put up with it. If a driver is annoying you, best to just get away from them somehow.

When I bought a load of new content all at once, I stopped racing rookie Mazda Cup.

Report any driving that is against the Sporting Code. Read the Sporting Code.

March 14th, 2021, 04:45 AM
Thrilling race!

I should clarify that the apron is normally not allowed. You can cut across the blue line when coming on to the oval, for example. Also, the suggested line tells you to drive to the left of it on the short straight in the infield.

Rare White Ape
March 14th, 2021, 05:18 AM
I happen to quite like the few races I've done with the Mazdas so far. The standard of driving among the lower ranks happens to be better than what I often would see in the A/B races in GTS. Some of them were bedlam, and had lots of angry drivers with a vendetta. But I suppose that's what you get with a product where they continually fuck with the safety penalties (apparently they're completely switched off for collisions at the moment) and there's no crash damage.

Interesting what you say about the blue line. The field in that video was a mixture of licences, and it would obviously be the experienced guys showing the newbz like me the naughty-but-fast way. I did a few laps solo before joining a practise lobby and I didn't cross it until I saw others doing it. I'm not sure about reporting for the blue line just yet. If I did, I would have to report every single car in the race, while also being squeaky clean myself. I think it should be as simple as the devs putting off-track boundaries in place here. But yeah I should have a deeper look in the sporting code to see if it is mentioned.

I have looked at the code. Well, skimmed it really. I know how to drive!


I will stick with Mazdas, since they are at no extra cost, and flip-flop between those and the 488 GT3s next season. I really have to learn those tracks anyway. I'm not too worried about iRating for now, I'm just in it to have a good time and build some SR. IR will come naturally and should push me to safer splits eventually.

Rare White Ape
March 14th, 2021, 03:28 PM
I happen to quite like the few races I've done with the Mazdas so far. The standard of driving among the lower ranks happens to be better than what I often would see in the A/B races in GTS. Some of them were bedlam, and had lots of angry drivers with a vendetta. But I suppose that's what you get with a product where they continually fuck with the safety penalties (apparently they're completely switched off for collisions at the moment) and there's no crash damage.

And this just popped up in my YouTube feed this morning :lol:


March 14th, 2021, 06:45 PM
I tried oval racing today. My bro was talking about it and complaining that he keeps getting wrecked and he can't get his SR or iR up. I decided to see for myself. I did about half-a-dozen Street Stock and a couple of Dirt Street Stock races. The last one was pretty fun, actually. I was in a three-way battle for the lead in the closing laps and finished 2nd.

March 14th, 2021, 06:49 PM


I got two in Euro Sprint because I completed the season in both LMP1 and GTE.

Rare White Ape
March 15th, 2021, 05:23 AM
Did some racing today.

MX-5 at Oulton Park. That was a mistake. Got caught in a T1 pile up and then sped out of the pits, resulting in a black flag.

And Ferraris at Lime Rock. That was a mistake too. I was just cruising around behind the car in 6th when I got a punt on the 3rd lap. That made me all upset and I made more and more mistakes of my own. I don't think the track suits these faster cars very well.

Turns out those count toward your licence progression and iRating this week, while some others don't. I had no idea there was a difference.

I did have a good time in the GT3 fixed races at Spa today. I came second in one race, and won another. But they were unranked :(

Here's a video of a particularly funny incident. Old mate in the McLaren lost it all by himself at Blachimont, then did an unsafe rejoin right into the path of first place. You can see how the leader just keeps the boot in while he decides the best course of action, leading to his own demise :lol:

I eventually came second in that race.


Bonus video: I was wondering why the McLaren driver was so far back to begin with, so went back to the start. Check this out!

Note that this is the endurance layout, so the start line is down the hill after T1.


Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2021, 02:26 AM
Old Nathan. Poor Nathan.

Nathan was faster than me in a practice session, but qualified behind me for some reason. I was in 2nd, just up ahead of old Nathan here.

To be fair, he did redress and let me back through after this small contact, but then....



March 19th, 2021, 05:40 AM
Oof. :lol:

Yobbo NZ
March 19th, 2021, 01:07 PM
"Oi dickhead, brake a bit earlier."
Would have probably been my response to that over the mic.

Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2021, 01:55 PM
I had a few interesting ones last night after I switched to the Ferraris at Laguna Seca.

During practice one guy would slow right down at the last corner and want to race (and thus get in the way of) people who were just doing solo hot laps. I braked late and went wide at turn 2 to let him past but he followed me deep. I held the brakes on until I stopped with his front awkwardly positioned against my rear wheel arch.

In one race I hadn’t set a qualifying time so started near the back among the numpties. I let them all pass by on the green flag but of course you catch up to everyone when they try do turn 6 and Lawson corner three-wide.

There was a guy just in front of me in the warmup lap (so he’d qualified slowest) who was a menace into turn 1. Five laps later he ran off at the Corkscrew then WHOOSHED across the track to stop me passing, then just held me up, and I wasn’t even driving particularly fast. Into the last corner he WHOOSHED across the track to block my pass. I’d feint to the left into turn 2 and he WHOOSHED across the track to block me again. I sat behind him somewhat annoyed for three laps while we negotiated backmarkers (he passed one and got ahead a bit but I caught him within half a lap) and then faked a pass into the final turn, and again he WHOOSHED across to cover me, but by that time I’d manoeuvred back to do the over-under and accelerated past him down the front straight.

March 19th, 2021, 02:35 PM
Blocking is against the sporting code and should be reported. Protesting the wankers is the best way to deal with them.

Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2021, 03:35 PM
Noted. I'm looking at the driver's profile and it turns out he was disqualified from that race with 20x!

I'll file a report.

Edit: looks like I can't as I have no evidence to upload :(

Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2021, 08:40 PM
Currently I’m just doodling around in the game. I’m tired and full of pain killers so speed (not that kind of speed) is not my forte right now.

So all I’m doing is grinding my way up to a C license, and hopefully I’ll get it today. I’m starting from pit lane in each race and just circulating at a steady pace about 2sec off my PB. It’s also fun to just drive around behind someone where you’re both not making mistakes, and I’m aiming to drive for the whole afternoon with no incidents at all.

Just like an endurance race but split into smaller 20 minute chunks :)

Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2021, 11:26 PM
Entered a race and omitted my qualifying as usual. I was gridded last, so joined the warm-up lap rather than starting from the pits, and took off really slowly. There was one other guy who started from pit lane.

On lap 1, a car spun exiting the Corkscrew, and the guy who started from the pits ran up my bum while I was negotiating the incident :rolleyes:

Rare White Ape
March 20th, 2021, 03:33 AM
Ohhhh man.


I qualified 4th for this but started from the pits anyway. I'm the red/white/green car. Came 9th in the end after I let a couple of cars through. I get nervous if they look racey in my mirrors so I just pull over :lol:

My best result from the pits tonight is 8th. Down in the pack all you see are people shitting the bed left, right, and centre.

One more race and I'll have my C licence.

March 20th, 2021, 04:49 AM
Yep, garbage drivers make it really difficult to keep your SR up. :|

Rare White Ape
March 20th, 2021, 05:13 AM
Got my C licence. In that last race someone spun off and I passed them, then entering turn 5 they slammed me up my poo hole and put me in the gravel, then retired from the race. Can’t tell if it was intentional or just stupid, but I did save the replay this time. What do you think Cam?

Now I’m looking at the race guide and I’m confused about something. I understand all the D class races don’t meet the MPR requirements to boost my license any further, but they still count towards SR if I do something silly, yes?

But the confusing thing is in the race schedule PDF. Take the fixed GT3 series as an example (page 76). It says “Class C (4.0) —> Pro/WC (4.0)” in the description, but apparently I cannot race in it if I don’t have a B licence. Is this correct?

March 20th, 2021, 05:32 AM
If it looks like a driver obviously crashed into you intentionally, then you should file a protest.

All ranked races count toward your ratings.

If you have a C license, and your SR is 4+, you can race in B class races. It is the same for every license. As long as your SR is 4+, you can race in the next higher license class. The exception is Pro. I am pretty sure you have to be Pro class to race in Pro.

Rare White Ape
March 20th, 2021, 05:49 AM
Ahhh I get it.

I suppose it's confusing because you get automatically upgraded if you reach 4.0 like I just did.

Now I am making a mental shopping list for what I want to do next. Ugh...

March 20th, 2021, 06:56 AM
You have to have met your minimum participation requirements (MPR) and be SR 4+ to be automatically promoted to the next higher license class. For example. I recently started racing oval. I did the MPR of two rookie races, got my SR above 3 and was promoted to D. I got my SR above 4 and was eligible for C races. Your SR drops 0.4 when you get your next higher license. I did four C races for the MPR, got my SR above 4 again and was awarded a C license. Now, I just need to get my SR above 4 again and I will be eligible for B races. Although, I will probably have to purchase more content to do B class oval races.

Rare White Ape
March 20th, 2021, 03:13 PM
Yeah. For me the honey is in the B and above races: mixed class 45-minute races with a pit stop. I wanna do IMSA!

What's the best 1-hour race in GT style cars?

March 20th, 2021, 03:59 PM
Pure Driving School European Sprint series (60 minutes) includes GTE. IMSA Hagerty iRacing Series (45-60 minutes, depending on the week) has both GTE and GTD (GT3.) Every two weeks, there is a GTE Endurance Series race on the week-ends (90 minutes.)

Rare White Ape
March 20th, 2021, 04:00 PM
Thank you Cam I will check them out :up:

March 21st, 2021, 01:31 PM
My bro and I had a reasonably good race today in the VRS GT Enduro. We were the slowest of the qualifiers and gridded 50th. In the first 90 minutes, my bro brought the car up to 18th with only 1x! His best drive so far, I think. I had one incident that cost me a bit of time, but brought the car home 11th. 50th to 11th, that's a pretty good race, I would say. :hard: I cannot help but think I could have had a top-ten if I had not made that error.

Rare White Ape
March 21st, 2021, 03:12 PM
Nice going!

Rare White Ape
March 21st, 2021, 05:14 PM
I've made a decision on what series' to focus on for the next few weeks. I'll keep doing the Ferrari GT3 Challenge, because that's a really satisfying car to drive, and I'll do the advanced MX-5 cup to fill my need for longer races and meet MPR requirements. To that end I have made a shopping list of tracks to buy in packs of three to fill both categories, in the order in which I will need them, spread out over the coming weeks.

I expect that I will get a B licence before the season finishes, quite easily in fact, and add the occasional GT3 and IMSA race when I feel like it :)

Rare White Ape
March 22nd, 2021, 03:03 AM
Did another race at Laguna Seca.

Got hit from behind in the Corkscrew on lap 2 while I was allowing another car in front some space to navigate the corner. The car that hit me kept on going while I had to give up 0.5 seconds because I’d cut the corner.

That allowed the car further back to catch me, but he was being attacked into the final corner, but the guy who did the attacking completely missed his braking marker and tagged me as I was rolling thought the apex.

Two hits on one lap :smh:

Both of those drivers subsequently caused themselves more trouble a few laps later and quit out of shame.

Later in the race, another car ran off at the Corkscrew so I slowed and moved to the left to avoid, which meant another car caught me, and for almost a whole lap he desperately tried to pass. The pressure caused me to stuff up some corners and pick the wrong gear, but he tried everything. He finally got me exiting turn 5, then VERY AGGRESSIVELY cut across to the right to take the line into 6, then immediately hit the sausage and drifted pathetically wide into the gravel trap.

I LOLed, called him a fuckwit, and carried on my merry way fleeced of 9 safety points.

March 24th, 2021, 01:39 PM
is the track of Chicago for the Indy/Nascar event paid or promotional content?

March 24th, 2021, 01:59 PM
I do not know what you are talking about.

March 24th, 2021, 02:30 PM
Chicago street circuit coming to iRacing pro-invitational (https://www.nascar.com/news-media/2021/03/24/sweet-home-chicago-street-circuit-coming-to-iracing-pro-invitational-series/)

Though, I confused it up with a newsbite that I saw of Roger Penske saying that it'd be interesting to have a mixed weekend of Indy/Nascar, I thought this was a feeler, to get people interested.

Rare White Ape
March 24th, 2021, 03:25 PM
Very likely that it will be paid content. The game ships with a handful of free cars and tracks (quite a lot actually), and anything new that they add is paid DLC.

March 24th, 2021, 03:41 PM
Has there even been an actual race on the streets of Chicago? That is a pretty lame looking circuit. They could learn a bit from Project Gotham Racing 2.

March 24th, 2021, 05:21 PM
I have a magnet in my car this week. :|

Rare White Ape
March 24th, 2021, 06:50 PM
Yeah I saw a bit of your VRS race this morning. Shitty collision at the start. I think the white Lambo was looking to maybe go around the car ahead which hit the wall but didn't know you were still alongside him. A bit of awareness and he would've backed off a touch and it would have been fine.

Has there even been an actual race on the streets of Chicago? That is a pretty lame looking circuit. They could learn a bit from Project Gotham Racing 2.

Heh! Looking at Google maps, I think they could have added a block to the north and made it a bit longer, but I do like the idea of a possible street circuit rendered in a sim like this. Should be more of it! And I REALLY want them to come here and scan Surfers Paradise!

In other news my licence is now C4.49 which makes me eligible for B races, so goal achieved :)

I've downloaded Sebring and I'll be hitting the track in half an hour for the Fanatec GT3 Fixed race. Later I will do a VRS Sprint and see how I go with a 45 minute event.

Edit, scratch that, I need to have lunch so I will eat, then do more practice and jump into the VRS first in an hour and 10 minutes.

Rare White Ape
March 24th, 2021, 07:18 PM
Even better: I microwaved my meal and sat down in the sim and ate while I watched other people practise.

I’m all about burning down conventions and erasing tradition here. Nobody has ever done this before. I am a pioneer.

Rare White Ape
March 24th, 2021, 07:56 PM
Did the GT3 Fixed race, started from the back and came 8th with fuck all effort. Best lap time 2:03-ish.

March 25th, 2021, 04:37 PM
This is a first. I guess I'm doing it right?


Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2021, 01:12 AM
Recognition! :up:

I just had the *best* race in VRS. Didn't qualify, started 2nd last. Approaching the green I even let the car behind me pass by. Turn 1 had the obligatory pile-up with cars everywhere. I came to a near-stop because I didn't want to fly through and risk cleaning up one of the many cars selfishly hurrying to get back on the track. The whole thing can actually be watched here courtesy of the kid I sold my Logitech wheel to, if you skip to the 1hr 44 mark, or the 2:27 mark to see it in all of its dirty glory: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/963442007

So I gained a lot of spots, and you can see me slip by and end up right in front of Blake until he spins out the very next lap :rolleyes:

On lap 7, this happened.


I then spent the entire next half a lap laughing my balls off. Focus time again, but then one lap later some dickhead rear-ended me right in the middle of Sunset bend. There was a BMW already half-spun and having a close look at the inside wall, and obviously this guy didn't get the memo about being a little more cautious if the spotter tells you there's a car off to the side. He apologised but then quit the race I suspect out of pure shame. Luckily I didn't suffer much damage and kept going, plus I was in the top ten by this time and hit the pits a few laps later for fuel.

The remainder of the race was uneventful, except another BMW which ran wide at Le Mans two laps in a row, the second time mercilessly spitting him off the kerb and into the barrier. Following this I was a comfortable 6 seconds behind the car ahead and 5 seconds ahead of the car behind. I had to keep my pace up otherwise the guy behind would get a sniff and start pushing, so I made sure I brought it home. I was gifted a late placing when the guy running 5th had to stop for a splash-and-dash and in the end I came 9th, some 50 seconds behind the leader.

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2021, 01:52 AM
A uniquely American sport.


March 26th, 2021, 06:35 AM
I enjoy reading about, and seeing, your exploits. :D

March 26th, 2021, 12:33 PM
Is it me or was the red lambo a bit of douche?

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2021, 01:03 PM
Yeah, obviously faster than me but very aggressive. It’s unbelievable how impatient people can be even at the tail end of the field where nobody has any chance of a podium.

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2021, 01:06 PM
I enjoy reading about, and seeing, your exploits. :D

Thanks Cam! You’re the second person to tell me that since yesterday. I always feel a little self-indulgent posting videos so I keep them short unless there’s something going on for a whole race.

I tell you what though: streaming myself has been tickling my mind.

March 26th, 2021, 02:32 PM
Racing: the only thing that matters is getting ahead of that car in front of you. :rolleyes:

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2021, 06:18 PM
Cam I see you're practicing for Sebring. Are you doing the 12H that's on now or another slot?

March 27th, 2021, 05:05 AM
Sebring 12 Hour today! Checkkit on my channel. :hard:

Rare White Ape
March 27th, 2021, 03:24 PM
I'm watching :hard:

You've just explained why you stopped replying to my comments that I leave on your live streams!

I dunno how Streamlabs works or even if you use any streaming interface at all, but there could be a way to set up a comments only display on a second screen like a laptop or phone app and just have it plugged in and running off to the side out of your immediate view.

And another suggestion: I think your streams would be enhanced by including the voice chat from your team mates, because you talk to them and we don't know the context. But I guess that would require the OK from any others who are doing the talking. I thought I'd mention it in case you were looking to make the streams more enjoyable to watch.

March 27th, 2021, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the support, Mick!

I regret buying a 4K TV. I should have bought a 1080p unit. It sometimes has trouble switching resolutions. It is problematic for me to alt-tab to other apps from iRacing, for various reasons. It is best if I just don't switch during a race. A solution would be to watch my own stream on a laptop to read and moderate the comments. However, I want to minimize my bandwidth usage during the stream. I might try that next time.

Rare White Ape
March 27th, 2021, 05:56 PM
I have a 4K telly but I run it in 1080p/120Hz mode for teh frameratez. Yours might be able to do the same, or else just keep it in 1080/60 mode. Alt+Tabbing is pretty seamless, however with iRacing it always comes back windowed and I can't full screen it unless I quit and relaunch.

Rare White Ape
March 28th, 2021, 02:02 AM
Just another Sebring first corner. Three unconnected incidents turning into one massive quagmire. I'm the orange McFerrari.


March 28th, 2021, 04:57 AM
To maximize (go full screen) a window in Windows, press alt-enter.

March 28th, 2021, 02:24 PM
It was a rough go at the VRS GT Enduro today. Oddly, there was no qualifying. We started 34th. I got wrecked on lap two. I continued, but I was down a bit on top speed. My first pit stop necessitated almost three minutes of repairs. The very next lap after leaving the pits, I got caught up in another incident, damaging the car a bit. Pro tip: if you wreck, hold your brakes on until you stop. :rolleyes: I brought the car up to 17th, and my bro got in the car at the 1.5 hour mark. He did great on his first tank of fuel, bringing the car back up to 15th. Alas, he spun three times in the same place. We finished 15th. Things could have went much better. At several points in the race, we caught and passed cars that were a lap up. Oh well. We look forward to next week at Daytona!

Rare White Ape
March 28th, 2021, 09:32 PM
To maximize (go full screen) a window in Windows, press alt-enter.

Derp! Of course. Thank you.

Now to contrast your unfortunate race, here’s a really good one! Now that I’ve got a B licence I’ve decided that if I get into a close fight I will turn up the offence a little bit and be more a little bit more aggressive. And I had a really satisfying race this morning doing just that.

My confidence in driving close to other cars needs to improve otherwise I just sit meekly behind for the whole race, or become a danger to other cars if I can’t judge distances properly. I’m still happy to do that if I see no clear passing opportunities, and a week ago I would have stayed behind this pack doing nothing.

This was incredible fun, and no other game has delivered the feeling of participating in motorsport quite like this game has.


Rare White Ape
March 29th, 2021, 04:22 AM
I went out on a limb and purchased the Porsche RSR along with some tracks for next week.

This meant I could enter an IMSA race. So I went out on an even longer limb and tried my luck at Sebring in the dark for my first ever multiclass race. And I had one lap of practice.

I stayed out of qualifying and gridded 28th out of 30. By the end of lap 1 I had safely let everyone by and just looked after my own race. I was chasing a BMW that was a bit slow and erratic and was constantly stuffing up a few corners.

The first LMP to pass us reached my tail end on the approach to the hairpin, so I let him by and slotted in behind, just in time for the BMW to spin out on the apex and nearly do a Suez and take out the leader. The two of us stopped momentarily while we waited for the giant Bavarian monstrosity to roll onto the grass.

Later that lap the following LMPs whizzed by on entry into Le Mans and I decided that this was the most exciting thing. I made up a spot on lap 10 when a car towed to the pits with damage, but then ran off at the hairpin when I locked the wheels under braking earning myself my only incident point. Did you know that GTEs don't have ABS? Gotta keep reminding myself of this fact.

I made up some more spots through incidents, and pitted on lap 16 after a few laps of mental arithmetic to figure out how many minutes remain and how much fuel that would require. Turns out I got it spot on because I finished with about a lap of fuel remaining. I was 23/30 overall and 13/19 in class.

And it was a nice surprise to see that this earned me my A licence!

March 29th, 2021, 05:35 AM
Cool! Nicely done. Do you own Spa-Francorchamps?

Rare White Ape
March 29th, 2021, 06:02 AM
Yes, it was the first track I bought.

March 29th, 2021, 09:08 AM
Do you have Nurburgring Combined? I have just the team series for us, Mick! https://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3796005.page

Sundays at 01:00 GMT would be perfect, I think. That is 21:00 on Saturday night for me and 11-12:00 on Sunday for you, I think. Four hours at the ring! :hard: First race is the 18th of April. You would probably have to get another car, unless you are OK with Mazda Cup. I'm OK with Mazda Cup.

Rare White Ape
March 29th, 2021, 01:23 PM
I’m in. Tell me what car to buy because I don’t wanna drive Mazda Cup for that long :lol:

And I just purchased the second half of the ‘Ring puzzle last night. After I did my IMSA race I went and put a half a tank of fuel through the 488 GT3 on the 24H layout in the dark!

March 29th, 2021, 01:58 PM
I own the Audi R8, 911 Cup and the Cayman GT4. I'll be honest, I think I would like to do the Porsche 911 Cup car, because it has no assists. It's a challenging car to drive, but rewarding. Driving cars with assists (ABS, TC) is fine, but once you get out of shape, the car just does not stop. Plus, the Porsche Cup is a very popular series and you can't go wrong buy purchasing it, in my opinion.

We came second in class in the Nurburgring 24H last year simply by not crashing. Being safe in endurance races is way more important than being fast.

Rare White Ape
March 29th, 2021, 02:06 PM
Ok sweet: I’ll buy that car next week and start using it in the Porsche Cup to get to grips with it.

I would like to join your team for the 24h if you had a slot available, but I’d have to convince you first I guess.

March 29th, 2021, 03:48 PM
The team I race with is not concerned with being fast. However, you can't be out there crashing three times in the first lap either. Let me be clear, being safe and clean is a priority over speed in endurance races.

March 29th, 2021, 04:30 PM
They're generally the 'lowest inc/lap' champions. :up:

March 30th, 2021, 01:19 PM
Mick, you want to do Spa 12H on Saturday? 13:00 GMT time slot. Ferrari 488 GT3.

Rare White Ape
March 30th, 2021, 03:49 PM

1300 GMT = 2300 Saturday to 1100 Sunday. I am familiar with that car and track.

I will say yes.

Where can I find the details?

March 30th, 2021, 04:53 PM
Sorry, that is a just in case. I was not sure we had enough drivers. I'll get back to you.

Rare White Ape
March 30th, 2021, 05:07 PM
Ok, I'll be super keen to join you. Please let me know as soon as you can :)

Is it a league race on a private server?

March 30th, 2021, 06:36 PM
No. It is the first race of the Creventic Endurance Series. https://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3795600.page

Only one of my usual team mates seems interested and he's a maybe at this point.

Rare White Ape
March 30th, 2021, 08:26 PM
OK so if he is a go then you will run three drivers, or do you only want to race with two?

Rare White Ape
March 30th, 2021, 08:43 PM
And moving to a different topic just for one second, I am having two weird problems with iRacing.

I've been fiddling with Streamlabs because you know I want to be a famous streamer and things. Both problems are related to playing and recording the game but occur independently of Streamlabs running in the background, but I only discovered them while testing recordings of my gameplay.

The first issue is that Streamlabs doesn't like an HDR feed, which is perfectly understandable. The problem I have is that I play iRacing at 120Hz, and that works just fine when my PC is in HDR mode. But when I switch to SDR mode, is can play the game windowed at 120Hz, but it switches to 60Hz when I go fullscreen. All of my settings in the options screen are definitely set to play the game at 120Hz fullscreen.

Second issue is the quality of the audio when I select the headphone output. It sounds terrible. I use a pair of genuine Sony PlayStation 5 wireless headphones which come with a dongle. If I play the headphone audio from a recording out through my normal speakers the sound is thin and lacking depth. If I play normal audio from a recording through my headphones there is a nice rich sound quality. This tells me there is a difference in the way that iRacing processes sound for different sound outputs. I assume most people run a wired headphone by plugging a cable into an amplifier or the audio jack on the PC, so I don't know how that would change the audio.

Plz halp if you can.

March 30th, 2021, 09:14 PM
I don't know what to tell you. I have never used that software. I use OBS Studio for my streams. It allows you to record or stream specific programs or your whole desktop. Alas, you cannot isolate audio like you can the video. It's all or nothing with the audio.

I was giving the normal crew an opportunity to team up before I invited any noobs. Nothing personal. I am not comfortable saying, "Hey come race with us." without the approval of the rest of the guys. If it is just going to be my brother and I, we would be happy to have you along.

Rare White Ape
March 31st, 2021, 03:12 AM
Hey yeah all good man, not argument there. If you want guaranteed performance and are going to take it seriously, I've no qualms if you want to go with your regular crew. I'm happy to sit in reserve if you need it.

March 31st, 2021, 12:07 PM
None of the regular crew are interested. Grab your gear, Mick, you're in. I will PM you.

March 31st, 2021, 01:42 PM

Rare White Ape
March 31st, 2021, 01:44 PM
The weight of the entire GTXF and the Cammie's Garage team rests upon my shoulders.

Rare White Ape
March 31st, 2021, 09:05 PM
Now THIS was a race. Cam this is the one I was talking about earlier. Top split Ferrari GT3 Challenge at Spa, with a group of 2000+ iRating drivers, and the leader (who you only see for a few corners) with 5000+. Myself and the guy in the white Ferrari behind me were on 1600-1800 iRating.

I'm in the blue/orange McLaren Ferrari, and instead of this replay being all about me, me, me, I thought I'd switch to the other cars in the train to see what they were getting up to. It was hard just keeping on their tail, and all the racing was tight and clean. I maxed out my current pool of talent and only lasted three laps before cutting at Radillon and taking a slow-down penalty.

You watch!


April 1st, 2021, 05:14 AM
Watched, liked and subscribed! :D

April 1st, 2021, 02:52 PM
Did you know that GTEs don't have ABS? Gotta keep reminding myself of this fact.

I meant to address this and forgot. You may have noticed the lights flashing at you on the dash in the RSR. Blue means the TC is working. Yellow means you are starting to lock up, the more yellow lights you see, the closer you are to locking up. Purple means that you have locked a wheel. The number of purple lights indicates the severity; more=bad. Ideally, I think it's best to brake so that only one yellow light is flashing, maybe.

April 1st, 2021, 04:20 PM
I've been wrecked in my last four races, the latest one, twice. :smh:

Rare White Ape
April 2nd, 2021, 04:28 AM
The 12 hour is 24 hours-ish from now.

Cam will be streaming as usual here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsxn4bjBUEh_zUuGwTFDsfg

I have a Twitch channel and I will be streaming my version of events here: https://www.twitch.tv/mickjohnson

I will qualify the car and start the race, then go to bed at around 02:00 upside-down time. Cam and Tim will then drive their stints while I sleep. I'll wake then be ready on the sim by 8am Sunday and drive from 9-9:30 to the finish at 11:00.


April 2nd, 2021, 05:47 AM
Live stream link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBbVSx4k7XY

April 2nd, 2021, 07:03 AM
Good luck! Be great!

April 2nd, 2021, 11:05 AM
I've been wrecked by others' garbage driving in seven of my last eight races. :|

April 2nd, 2021, 11:29 AM
Not sure if you're podcast people, but I listen to Dinner With Racers when in the garage. They interviewed David Kaemmer a bit ago, the guy that made GPL and eventually iRacing. Good listen:

Rare White Ape
April 3rd, 2021, 07:34 AM
Race update:

We qualified 6th in our split and I put in about 30 solid laps keeping up and almost passing 4th place.

Unfortunately I network’d out at the start of my second tank of fuel with about 45 minutes of my stint remaining. Cam has taken over the car but we are 1 lap down.

So I’m off to bed early and I’ll catch up with the guys in about 5 hours.

April 3rd, 2021, 01:03 PM
Ash and I were watching Cam's feed when that happened. I texted him but I think there was still about a minute of dead stoppage. Bad timing on that.

April 3rd, 2021, 02:09 PM
I put the stream on while getting dressed to go out, and then got in a conversation with someone and have been watching for at least a couple of hours now. Watching Cam reel in people that were only ahead because of the network incident was fun. Watching Tim get body slammed into another car by a grey Ferrari at the bus stop was not fun.

April 3rd, 2021, 02:42 PM
Yeah, that wasn't great.

April 3rd, 2021, 05:36 PM
Mick put in WORK. Cam will have all the details, but some great stints to overcome bad luck!

April 3rd, 2021, 05:39 PM
How would one donate enough for the team to use a C8.R? And would one get sponsorship space if one did so? ;)

Rare White Ape
April 3rd, 2021, 05:53 PM
Mick put in WORK. Cam will have all the details, but some great stints to overcome bad luck!

I did! We did! What a race.

Driving that car feels like wearing a comfortable pair of old slippers, and the track is a comfortable pair of old underpants. I could mostly turn my brain off and race car go brrrr but I still had to worry about traffic and off-tracks. There were a few hairy moments especially with dinguses in the bottom end of the field.

But yeah that was great fun! This is what it's all about for me. Finally doing a sort of bucket list thing. Biggest hugest thanks go out to Cam and Tim and the Gone Broke Racing crew for having me along. Love you guys!

April 3rd, 2021, 06:25 PM
To finish fourth in our split, considering our issues, was really great. Mick had a brilliant performance in his first team enduro. Tim had good pace, but had difficulty managing the off-tracks. We lost a lap when Mick discoed. Then, we lost a lap due to damage taken when Tim got punted. We got punted twice more, but had negligible damage. It was an exciting finish with a close battle with 5th. We almost got a penalty with 49 incident points. Great race, team!

Rare White Ape
April 3rd, 2021, 06:38 PM
For those not on Facebook, here's a pic I shared of my hands after the race. I have a knockoff Momo that I got from eBay for $60, and the "suede" loves to give up its ink if you have sweaty palms.

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/167525647_10158892361315792_5223642483603362916_n. jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=lS7SjWgjJQYAX86783m&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=6d9b61fabd394b5882e21af3e44d5dd0&oe=6090935A

Rare White Ape
April 3rd, 2021, 06:47 PM
Results chart.


Rare White Ape
April 4th, 2021, 02:41 AM
This happened part way into my 2nd stint while Cam was away getting food :p



April 4th, 2021, 04:56 AM
Time to get some sim racing gloves, mah boy!

April 4th, 2021, 09:57 AM
Didn't get a chance to check this out live, but did watch a little bit today. Nice driving guys!

April 4th, 2021, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the support, guys!

Nice save, Mick! :cool:

Tim and I have been doing the VRS GT Enduro on Sundays. He thought he would not be available today, but called me a few hours before and said he would be home for the second half if I wanted to start. I registered not knowing if he would make it on time to do his fair share. I qualified 24th out of 59 cars. I got caught up in a T1 wreck and was down on top speed. I pitted about 15 minutes in, knowing that was enough to offset needing a splash of fuel at the end. Thankfully, I only needed about 40 seconds of repairs. I exited the pits in 47th position, I think. The car was still down a bit on top speed, so I did a lot of drafting, allowing others to tow me around. Tim showed up with about 1.5 hours left in the race. I knew a tank would last about an hour, so I pitted with about 56 minutes left and Tim got in the car. He exited the pits in 13th, I think. Many other cars had to pit before the end. We finished 5th, with mere fumes left in the tank. Tim even had a faster best lap than I did. We are really stoked with that finish. I mean, I would have been stoked with a top-ten after being lower than 40th.

The GTE Enduro was kind of forgettable though. I got caught up in a T1 wreck again and the car was 3 seconds a lap slower because of it. I pitted as early as possible and yet only do one stop. I was still two seconds a lap slower after three minutes of repairs. I finished 30th.

April 4th, 2021, 03:08 PM
How would one donate enough for the team to use a C8.R? And would one get sponsorship space if one did so? ;)

You could simply sign up and race yourself for the amount it would cost the team to get the Vette. :D

Rare White Ape
April 4th, 2021, 04:08 PM
Wow, epic work in the GT3 enduro!

April 4th, 2021, 04:39 PM
You could simply sign up and race yourself for the amount it would cost the team to get the Vette. :D
Considering that, not only do I not own a force feedback wheel from the last decade, I also don't even own a single working Windows PC, I have a feeling it would be a lot cheaper to get you guys C8.Rs then to get me into the game :)

Rare White Ape
April 5th, 2021, 04:11 PM

*Wasn’t me crashing tho :D

Watch from the 7:57 marker.


April 5th, 2021, 04:43 PM
"You can just see my arse for a second!" :lol:

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2021, 02:40 AM
This afternoon an annoying stutter cropped up in my iRacing activities. I was driving Ferraris at Summit Point for a while then switched to Mazdas at the Norschleife, and that's when the stutter began. Now it is affecting every session I participate in, and happens 3-4 times per lap.

I've looked online and people say to turn off the 'sysmain' function in Windows services. That reduced the problem but did not eliminate it. Originally it was audible as well as visible, now it's just visible. I've also restarted my PC multiple times and made sure nothing else was unnecessarily taking up huge amounts of CPU resources, and completely reinstalled the game. Any other ideas?

It's hard to spot unless you're actually driving, but I did make a video trying to illustrate it. It didn't happen here, but I have had the stutter not register control inputs like gear changes. Note that the video was recorded in windowed mode to show task manager at the same time, while the problem crops up either while windowed or fullscreen.


April 6th, 2021, 04:07 AM
Sorry to hear that. I do not know.

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2021, 05:46 AM

Right. The stutter seems to have gone away all by itself, so I joined an IMSA race at Long Beach. I was doing SO WELL, qualified higher than I should've (but I did cause a traffic jam at the hairpin when I failed to keep to the right on the warm-up. Oops) got a good start and was coming 5th. I even got a handful of 0x from brushing the walls gad damn this track is so intense, came in for my fuel stop, entered back onto the track and...

Down for maintenance. FUCK.

Why don't they wait until all races are completed before updating hmmmm?

Anyway, bonus video. Here's something else I was 'researching' while I was looking into that stutter problem.


April 6th, 2021, 08:06 AM
Oof, yeah, that sucks about the maintenance thing. :(

April 6th, 2021, 06:09 PM
I have just witnessed angry Cam, as some dick at VIR hit him multiple times before passing him for 13th. And then he almost got taken out by a spinner that had just passed him!

Damn Porsche drivers!

April 6th, 2021, 06:15 PM
And now a shit blocking move from someone rejoining after an off on the backstraight. Cam isn't the fastest around here, but the bullying is silly.

April 6th, 2021, 07:24 PM
I tuned in just in time to see him drive off by himself at Oak Tree. Nice to see he is human. ;)

April 6th, 2021, 08:17 PM
Thanks for watching, guys. Gah, I am so despondent with my iRacing right now. So many jerks out there! :smh: I don't have many subscribers on my racing channel, but I lost a couple in the past 24 hours. I totally understand, because my solo races suck and I've am constantly bitching about it. I just looked through my most recent streams I got wrecked or got caught up in other people's garbage driving 11 out of my last 18 streams. If you count the races I did not stream, the percentage is higher than that. The quality of drivers is in the toilet right now. :|

Even in the enduro races, where we did well, we still got wrecked or caught in others' garbage. :smh:

Seriously, looking through the entire season so far, I estimate I have a 75-80% Cam-gets-wrecked rate. :rolleyes:

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2021, 12:18 AM
Shitty day for me too.

IMSA at Long Beach (could be considered a mistake to enter that race but I had a good time last night with that effort) an entitled LMP2 did the big dive into T1 and tried to pass me going through the fountain section, which spun me out, I got flustered, then made a few mistakes of my own as a result. I still had fun though, despite losing 41 SR.

MX5s at Summit Point, I don't know the track very well yet but I was 4th on lap 3 and a C-plater poked his nose awkwardly alongside me as we approached that fast blind left going into the downhill hairpin, a stupid place to attempt a move. That slowed my sequence of corners, and he then rear-ended me HARD, sending me all the way across to the other side of the track after the carousel, which resulted in a stop-and-hold penalty for corner cutting. I narrowly missed the leaders as they came through. Here I lost 56 SR.

Finally, Ferraris at Summit again. I opted to start from pitlane but still ran off all by myself like a chump for a 1x. Late in the race I caught a group of cars and made an admittedly dodgy move and spun one guy off. I let him continue ahead of me, then got a good run onto the straight behind him a few laps later. He then blocked me three times. I still passed him and left him in the dust. Replay clipped and protest lodged against that guy. Minus 17 SR for this one.

April 7th, 2021, 01:58 AM
I do wonder if the channel I watch the most for iRacing, Dave Cam, records instead of streams, just so he can only post races that are without annoying incidents. He will often mention his failed attempts at recording a race in a series before the start of the one he does post.

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2021, 02:59 AM
He probably does, but I don't think he actually races as much as you'd expect. Below are his last 10 races. Match them up with the recent video output and see what you get.


April 7th, 2021, 04:14 AM
I need to start making crash compilations of my races. I get lots of material to work with. :rolleyes: That requires work though. Simply streaming races is simple and easy.

I considered doing what Dave Cam does and record races. However, I wouldn't have much to show if I only published the good races. :(

April 7th, 2021, 05:31 AM
I wonder if Oli Peacock has a feed.

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2021, 12:39 PM
I tuned in just in time to see him drive off by himself at Oak Tree. Nice to see he is human. ;)

I don’t know VIR very well but I’m guessing this is some sort of rite of passage yeah?

April 7th, 2021, 04:11 PM
It's not a particularly challenging sequence, no. He was getting pressured from behind and missed his braking point, I think.

April 7th, 2021, 04:32 PM
I was pushing a bit harder trying to figure out how I was losing so much time. I was SO off the pace last night. :thppt:

I just finished a IMSA race at Long Beach where I was slower in my GTE class car than the faster GTD class cars. Obviously I am over-the-sim-race-hill. :(

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2021, 07:01 PM
We've all been there. I had a GT3 that was hard to pass yesterday in that race. They must have a combo of excellent knowledge of the track, heaps of confidence, and a good setup, that we mere mortals do not possess.

Now, I've just done a 1hr Monza race. Literally my first race on the track in iRacing. I did a praccy sesh, cobbled together a setup, and turned myself loose on the track. I started 10th and finished 8th. I would have been 6th, but I was on fumes for the last two laps and cruised around giving up those two places. My fastest lap time was a 1:45.779. I gained plenty of IR but lost 4 SR because I had one OT exiting Lesmo 2 and had to cut the turn 1 chicane on lap 2 to avoid a spun Ferrari, grazing his rear bumper in the process.

The highlight, however, was lap 1. An LMP1 decided to start from the pits and.. yeah.


There's no sound for this video because I had my audio output set to headphones. HOWEVER, you can watch a version with sound if you click on this link and watch my Twitch stream of the race from the 1h 3m mark and then drop a follow etc etc nudge nudge wink wink


April 8th, 2021, 11:39 AM
That would require me to make a Twitch account.

Indy Pro at the 'Ring; 24 cars. I started from the pits. Finished 8th, simply by not crashing. :)

April 9th, 2021, 03:24 PM
That LMP car joining from the pits is like people here in Portland merging on the freeway. At least get up to the speed traffic is going if you are just going to decide to join in right in the middle of the field!

Rare White Ape
April 9th, 2021, 06:30 PM
Trouble with that is the pit speed limit line is just at the end of where the pit wall ends, so he didn't have much time to accelerate. It was actually caused by the Ferrari ducking out then pulling in last minute and getting itself wedged on either side. In a real-life situation the driver would have been able to spot it.

My favourite part is how every single car that drove past me rather than hanging back ended up being caught in the incident. That's why they have yellow flag rules! But in saying that I should have stayed behind the LMP myself :p

To prevent it, obviously change the way pit lane starts are handled. Either hold the car back for another ten seconds or have a longer gap to the GTE field. The effects of either change would be much more manageable.

April 9th, 2021, 06:30 PM
That would require me to make a Twitch account.

Tweesh, deescord... kid these days.

Rare White Ape
April 13th, 2021, 06:55 AM
I had a really good time racing IMSA at Watkins Glen today. I has an inexplicably spare slot in my track buying spreadsheet and filled the gap with the Dallara LMP2. I did three 45-minute races in that. Two were spoiled by crashes leading to 10+ minute repairs in the pits (but I carried on because that's the racer's spirit yeah!), but the third was a good-ish run only marred by a rather boysterous entry into pit lane that earned me a 40 second hold, with only two off-tracks and 5th place out of 10 cars-in-class.

For my fourth race I switched back to the Porsche RSR and qualified an amazing 29th overall (19th-in-class) out of 36 cars. On lap 1 there was a hyoooooge pile up then a few more spins that gifted me 10th-in-class by the end of lap 1. I held onto it, pitted, and enjoyed a rather lonely race where I finished 14th overall, 6th in class. I passed nobody on the track for a position. They were all beaten by attrition.

April 13th, 2021, 10:59 AM
Sounds like most of my GT sprint races. :lol:

Rare White Ape
April 13th, 2021, 02:01 PM
One thing that has been quite successful for me is hugging the inside line on turn 1. I was fortunate to start each race on the right side so I didn’t have to change lanes on the green. I just move over to the wall and then slot in behind someone on the apex making sure that nobody moves down on me.

The rationale is that accidents will carry momentum to the outside of the turn and away from you. The biggest risk is cars approaching from the rear 3/4 taking the racing line which you can’t see very well, and you might be out of their view too.

I don’t know how well this strategy will work at Nurb-GP T1 however.

April 13th, 2021, 06:30 PM
I'm sitting here at home screaming at my TV, "WATCH YOUR REJOIN!!!!" but the dummy didn't listen and took out Cam and the other cars around him.

And now I'm seeing it's the second time a spinner took him out in the same race, but the first time was just someone losing it and not knowing what to do. This second time was just a full on idiot and/or intentionally doing it.

April 13th, 2021, 07:49 PM
Yeah, I'm reporting that guy. He wrecked all four cars in our little train. :angry:

One of my buddies on TeamSpeak said, "You're a magnet for that stuff." Yes, I absolutely am. :|

Rare White Ape
April 14th, 2021, 05:10 AM
I had a REALLY good race in IMSA tonight. Bottom split :p

I chose the 911 RSR starting 18th overall and stalked another guy in the same car for most of the race. Behind me was another guy in an M8 GTE and they both kept me very honest. We hung around 0.5-1.5 seconds away from each other the whole time.

When the LMPs started to lap us, one guy did the traditional dive just as I turned into the final corner (it's at the Glen so that's a dangerous high speed area to be shoving a car at the last moment) and put me into a gentle slide, from which I thankfully recovered. I gave him a few words (non-sweary ones) and told him to be a little bit more patient. A few moments later he passed the guy in front of me then bit the grass going up the hill and nosed the wall pretty hard. I pushed the radio button again and told him it serves him right. Seconds later, he manually disconnected. He was in 4th place. Ha!

Anyway, the three of us GTEs in 6th, 7th, 8th continued on until the pit stops were due. I chose to pit one lap earlier than the guys around me. After they pitted I was ahead of them in 5th place. The driver in 4th was travelling pretty slowly with some damage and he pretty well let me pass a few laps from the end. I crossed the line 4th in GTE and 12th overall :up:

The race seemed really uneventful but the fight came in keeping pace with the guys around me and then nipping past them in the pits. I just love this sort of stuff, it really makes me happy to take part in hard gritty races like this.

Also, Ferraris this week are at Road Atlanta. That track is just nuts. The last turn.... ooh boy.

Rare White Ape
April 16th, 2021, 02:33 PM
My boy Blake is racing in an invitational on iRacing. I sold him that steering wheel :D

You watch now!


Rare White Ape
April 16th, 2021, 04:29 PM
He ended up being taken out of the reverse grid race by none other than Tony Kanaan :lol:

Rare White Ape
April 17th, 2021, 03:50 PM
Cameron and myself are gridding up for a Nurburgring 4-hour in about an hour, driving the uncooperative but rewarding Porsche 911 GT3 Cup.

I will stream, and Cam will stream. You should know how to find us by now.

April 17th, 2021, 04:07 PM
You gotta make it easy for the fans, Mick! :D


Rare White Ape
April 17th, 2021, 05:33 PM
Ohhhkay Cam!


We are both live now!

April 17th, 2021, 06:13 PM

April 17th, 2021, 06:33 PM
Oh, Cam....honey. :erm:

April 17th, 2021, 07:20 PM
Yeah, embarrassing. :o

April 17th, 2021, 07:23 PM
Not saying I predicted that wheel drop. But when you overslowed when approaching him going into the first left hander I knew it would be dicey.

Rare White Ape
April 17th, 2021, 08:38 PM
Hmmmfgggin BMW drivers :x

I’m about to hop in for the final stint. We are 4th in Porsche Cup and 12th overall.

April 17th, 2021, 10:09 PM
Podium! :D Could have been cleaner, but I don't think our final result would have been different. Still, I am quite pleased with the result. Mick drove a great race. I look forward to teaming up for the next one. :)

Rare White Ape
April 17th, 2021, 10:13 PM

Rare White Ape
April 18th, 2021, 09:46 PM
Cam, we spoke a few weeks ago about teaming up for the European Endurance Series and gave up because the time zones didn't line up. I would like to explore that possibility again, purely because Le Mans is coming up in a few weeks with a 6 hour race.

What I propose is this:

We enter the Saturday 18:00 GMT race, which is 14:00 your time and Sunday 04:00 my time.

You and Tim (or someone else) start the race and do the first four hours. I wake up and hop in the car with two hours remaining (08:30 my time) and finish the race.

I would like to do this, because we can't bank on iRacing having a 24 hour race at that venue this year. Is this something you'd like to collaborate on?

April 19th, 2021, 05:55 AM
Yes. I will talk to Tim about it. I think he will be interested. Although, Tim and I did that race last season and it was kind of boring, despite a good result.

Rare White Ape
April 19th, 2021, 06:47 AM
Cool cool. No pressure if you don't want to do it.

April 19th, 2021, 09:30 AM
I just noticed that the SRF is getting a big overhaul next season. It's getting whole new physics, tires, engine (moar powa) and a six-speed gearbox to bring it up to current specs. I raced it a lot before I bought extra content.

April 20th, 2021, 05:12 PM
Good. Maybe I will be able to drive this one.

April 21st, 2021, 03:34 PM
I started a VRS GT race earlier at the Nurburgring 24H track. There were 29 entrants. I set a qualifying lap earlier in a separate qualifying session, so officially, I gridded 8th. I did not want all those goofballs behind me, so I started from the pits. I momentarily lost power about one minute after the green flag fell. I was streaming it, so naturally, the stream stopped. I rebooted and was able to rejoin the race with about 28 minutes left in the 40 minute race. I figured I could finish the race on one tank. I had to conserve, but I finished 17th. :lol:

Rare White Ape
April 21st, 2021, 04:47 PM
Good effort!

I have done two of those races so far. I have finished 7th and 8th, respectively.

My starting position (out of 30) was in the pits 29th and on the grid 24th.

After lap 1 in each race I was P12 and P10.

Doesn't take much effort! But after that first lap only the reasonably skilled fast guys remain ahead of me so the last four laps could be a snooze-fest :D

April 21st, 2021, 06:51 PM
My races this week have been snooze fests. ZZzzz...

V8 Supercars Thursday night though! Always brings the goods.

Rare White Ape
April 21st, 2021, 07:26 PM
I tried the Mustang Supercar on Tuesday night while maintenance was happening.

It's... harder to drive than I thought. Very fast with the potential for talented drivers to extract a LOT of speed out of them. But very very hard to just hop in and go vroom vroom.

I'm still suckling the teat of GT3s and they are designed to be easy to drive for low talent gentleman drivers like myself!

Rare White Ape
April 22nd, 2021, 01:56 AM
You know, if you want to be like the best, you have to act like the best.


Rare White Ape
April 22nd, 2021, 04:28 AM

Interesting race tonight. Got hit from behind by a BMW BRO in the mini Karussell. Admittedly it was a great move and I turned in on him, but he could only take that move because I was being careful behind that brown Ferrari. I could've covered the left, or I could've had my eyes focused behind AND in front of me. Racing incident. He sent it, I got sent, and that other Ferrari really got sent, poor bugger. I apologised to him. But then I got my revenge...


Different BMW BRO to the one before, but he got taken out by the guy who hit me in the first video. That guy was involved with at least three kills across the three lap Nords race, bloody menace. This guy, however, did one of the worst rejoins in history. And he got fucking sent.


At the end of the race this BMW BRO had a good time. Look at the name of the driver, his finishing position, and the content of the text chat on the right. Be sure to watch this all the way to the end.


Fucking BMW BROS.

April 22nd, 2021, 07:21 AM
A+ posts. Would look again. :lol:

April 22nd, 2021, 07:28 AM
Although, extracting revenge like that is against iRacing's Sporting Code.

"Why would I not send it?" Uh, because you wrecked both cars doing it, douchebag.

Rare White Ape
April 22nd, 2021, 02:35 PM
Pretty much. Despite what a lot of people may think, the end of the straight isn’t a passing zone. At all!

There are probably only two or three places to actually pass on the entire combined north and south circuits, and one of them is while slipstreaming along the Dottinger Hohe. If you’re not fully alongside by the time you go under the bridge then you HAVE to pull out.

Last minute send, just because it’s the last lap? That’s no excuse for recklessness.

Rare White Ape
April 24th, 2021, 12:00 AM
Nurb 24h today/tonight!

Myself and Cam are driving with Gone Broke Racing.

Going live in 3-4 hours.

April 24th, 2021, 03:30 AM
Watch here!


Rare White Ape
April 24th, 2021, 05:20 AM
Shane Van Gisbergen is in our split in GT3.

April 24th, 2021, 11:21 AM
We had to retire. The car was too busted. :(

Rare White Ape
April 25th, 2021, 05:23 AM
Results sheet has come through. We still got a top ten!


But it'll be unclassified because we didn't complete at least 50% of the laps of the race winner. I still gained 40 SR though thanks to my 0x run.

April 25th, 2021, 02:27 PM
I've run I think five of the short 3 lap GT3 races at the ring this week, I've only had one with 0x incident points, two without any damage to the car. Seems like a tough track to drive for 24 hours!

I've had a weird experience twice where I've had a wreck, limped the car back to the pits, gone through both required and optional repairs, and the car is still undriveable. I've then stopped, towed back to the pits, and when the car makes it back they then do more optional repairs, and the car was then driveable again.

I haven't been able to find any discussion on the topic, maybe it's just that somehow towing back to the pits is better than driving, but on a long endurance race I might try pitting a second time just to see if somehow the car gets fixed more.

April 25th, 2021, 03:21 PM
If you wreck the car bad enough, even repairs do not fully fix the car. I seem to remember dodint remarking something to the effect of, "If the car can't be fixed, just tell me."

Did the VRS GT Enduro (3 hours) at the 'Ring today with my bro. I got bashed twice on lap one by two different teams. Both those teams eventually DQed. One for too many incidents, the other for one of their drivers not doing their fair share. I bumped a car on lap one also, but they recovered and drove away from me.

Rare White Ape
April 25th, 2021, 09:37 PM
I just had a really good race in VRS GT Sprint, for some reason it gridded me in 3rd, and I came 2nd. Netted a heap of IR and SR. I am now at 4.66.

I really want to get to 4.99, but I also really want to try my first race in Porsche Cup because it's at Long Beach... but it's at Long Beach.


Rare White Ape
April 26th, 2021, 12:24 AM
I chose to do another VRS Sprint. Got taken out on lap 1 by a dude with a high iRating. A tow + a 21 minute repair. Such is life.

The guy who took me out did it on the fast run entering Mutkurve, where you don't pass due to the danger. He subsequently took someone else out on lap 2 trying to pass at the end of the Dottinger but ended up with terminal damage and quit.

I finished my repairs and just beat the leader back to the finish line to avoid being given the checkered flag, which meant I did one more lap than the guy who took me out.

I lost ~20 SR and IR. He lost 1.15 SR and 77 IR.


April 26th, 2021, 03:17 AM
Of course, high iR does not mean they have good race craft. :shrug:

Rare White Ape
April 29th, 2021, 01:29 AM
I'm having one of those days. GT3s at Road America.

First race, VRS Sprint, taken out on lap 6 while defending into T5 by a BMW Bro. He was on the flashers a lap prior.

I mean, what's the point of being right up my poo hole if I'm defending? What do you expect to gain there? Just take the normal line!

Second race, high split lobby for a GT3 fixed. Spun all by myself out of 10th on the last lap for an 18th place. I was racing really well against guys faster than me up until then.

Third race, another VRS Sprint. Veeeerrry gently nudged a guy wide at Canada, so I stopped to let him pass. This was early in the race so I lost a bunch of places. Then late in the race I veeeerry gently nudged a guy into a spin on the final turn, so I stopped to let him pass. Then... spun all by myself again on the same corner as before.

By then I CBF'd and drove the last five laps at a medium pace and then packed up my rig for the day.

April 29th, 2021, 06:09 AM
I mean, what's the point of being right up my poo hole if I'm defending? What do you expect to gain there?
He expects to knock you off track, duh. You are forgetting that being in front of you is more important than anything else that has ever happened in the history of the world ever.

Rare White Ape
April 29th, 2021, 12:58 PM
I also had the speed to catch the guy in front but the battle caused both of us to lose time. And what’s even worse is that after I careened into the wall at the far end of the sandpit, this driver finished fourth.

I should’ve just let him go.

April 30th, 2021, 08:54 AM
Another four-hour 'Ring enduro coming up Saturday night!


Rare White Ape
April 30th, 2021, 09:54 PM
I dunno if y'all do this, but do this.


Definitely use the colour temp and colour balance options. The rest is up to you.

My settings and comparison screenshots below:



May 1st, 2021, 10:12 PM
Fifth in class in the 'Ring Enduro. There were 18 cars in our class. We were not fast, but we were safe. :cool:

Rare White Ape
May 1st, 2021, 11:58 PM
The servers are back online (they were down when we exited our race) but they haven't counted our 4hr result :(

All that effort...

May 2nd, 2021, 06:41 AM

Lots of angry drivers on the iRacing forum right now.

Rare White Ape
May 2nd, 2021, 07:12 AM
F to them haha!

Rare White Ape
May 2nd, 2021, 07:13 AM
I know it sounds weird but I don’t care, despite our strong result.

It wasn’t human error.

That’s racing for ya.

May 2nd, 2021, 08:06 AM
There will probably be drop weeks anyway, so not that big a deal.

Rare White Ape
May 3rd, 2021, 06:18 AM
I was doing IMSA tonight at Road Atlanta (I love it... when you don't get taken out) and found out the split above mine (https://members.iracing.com/membersite/member/EventResult.do?&subsessionid=38615352&custid=613857) had Jos Verstappen taking part in LMP2.

Of course, Jos being the smurf account for Max.

If I had a car for GTD IMSA I'd have been in that split. In fact, GTD seems so unpopular that I might buy one and get into top splits by default.

May 3rd, 2021, 07:05 AM
I have not done that race yet. I am just really tired of getting wrecked in that series. :|

Rare White Ape
May 3rd, 2021, 01:25 PM
One of my races last night on lap 1 a car two places behind me missed the braking going into the last chicane, drove across the grass and got a long distance sniper shot on my back wheel almost as I went under the bridge.

8 minutes of repair. Then I hit the pit speed button too early because the green cone is two meters beyond the line and had a stop and hold penalty.

The guy who hit me came 3rd.

Rare White Ape
May 3rd, 2021, 01:34 PM
Oh! In my last race I took it very very extra carefully while the other LMPs did their thing and got themselves all messed up.

On I was in maybe 10th when the guy who qualified 4th was catching back up. As we started to lap the GTEs he began to make aggressive moves to try pass me while I was being patient and waiting for safe moments. On lap 12 he was on my arse going into turn 1. I was almost ready to let him by but he got surprised by how slow I was compared to him and took to the grass and ended up in the wall.

On the radio he gently and politely expressed his surprise and astonishment that you brake there into turn 1, but didn’t take into account the fact that he was behind a slower car because of mistakes he made five laps ago and that he should drive accordingly.

May 3rd, 2021, 03:03 PM
Yeah, a significant number of drivers do not consider other drivers may brake earlier than them. :shrug:

May 3rd, 2021, 04:05 PM
Definitely use the colour temp and colour balance options. The rest is up to you.

What does the top image show, a Mexico by Hollywood preset?

Rare White Ape
May 3rd, 2021, 07:23 PM
Pretty much. Or it could be called Mid-2000s videogame brown.

May 3rd, 2021, 07:27 PM
Bottom settings are overdone and make it look cartoony. Probably a happy medium between the two.

Rare White Ape
May 4th, 2021, 01:24 AM
What da fuq is this shit?


The featured car was the overall leader of LMP1. The car he hit is me, coming a solid 5th in LMP2.

The lap was the last lap. The leader was coming in to take the checkered while I was about to take the white flag. There's no rhyme or reason (other than glory) for why I didn't simply let him past, but that was not his problem. His problem was making sure he uses his brake pedal.

After the race he gets on chat and complains that I was driving too slow. He claimed that I was 40kmh slower than the LMP2 leader in that chicane. He said it was dangerous.

I said that his logic was stupid and I don't care how much slower I am than what the leader is.

He signs off by saying that he will lodge a protest for intentional wrecking. I have the whole chat log screen-shotted and the replay saved in case I need it.

Look at his driving record (https://members.iracing.com/membersite/member/CareerStats.do?custid=430124) for crying out loud? Surely he would know better.

Rare White Ape
May 4th, 2021, 01:37 AM
Bottom settings are overdone and make it look cartoony. Probably a happy medium between the two.

I was mostly aiming to cool the temperature of the overall image and bump up the green hues. That's probably why it looks closer to Super Mario 64 than real life.

As result it looks so much more crisp and cool, and I think that it communicates the feeling of a fresh Autumn morning much better when the weather is clear, unlike that horrible hazy afternoon soup seen last week at Road America.

Of course, it's all subjective, and I really like this nicer tint. It helps calm me down while driving too. A claim for which I have no proof whatsoever :p

Rare White Ape
May 4th, 2021, 01:39 AM
Plus Cam, I saw the end of your VRS Enduro. I hope you guys reported the living shit out of that driver.

May 4th, 2021, 03:46 AM
Tim made the report, I think. I do not know the result yet.

You can report the P1 driver for being a douche and harassing you. I had an very similar thing happen to me in Kamel GT on Friday.