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September 30th, 2020, 11:27 AM
If he wins in November, he will finally be free to do
whatever he wants… or maybe “wants” is too strong a word
for right now. It conjures up images of Papa Doc, Batista,
Somoza; jails full of bewildered “political prisoners” and the
constant cold-sweat fear of jackboots suddenly kicking your
door off its hinges at four A.M.


MR2 Fan
September 30th, 2020, 11:54 AM
I still am 95% sure that Trump CANNOT win legitimately, the numbers for him just aren't there. Heck he's killed off probably 100,000 or more Trump voters with COVID already (He "won" by ~17,000 votes in 2016)

So if he somehow "Wins", it won't be legitimate and who knows what we will do at that point in response

September 30th, 2020, 01:03 PM
Perception is a mutha fucker ain't it.

Most of the tweets I saw regarding the debate debacle alluded to the ... uncontrolled nature of it (i'm trying not not harp on specifics like the Proud Boys non moment.) And how the moderator was basically useless. Something that I agree with. Regarding the moderator, I do agree with your earlier hashtag about muting Trump's mic. I'm surprised it's not already standard practice for debates when someone repeatedly violates the rules.

I saw one tweet that made me pause in my own criticism of Biden. It said that in the chaos and flurry of words that was Trump, and was reflective of his presidency, Biden was a sea of calm. And I hadn't really thought about that. And maybe that's what he was trying to project.

To you and I (most men i think) we saw Biden essentially cowering to Trump (cowering is a strong word, but bear with me.) But to many women, they saw their abusive/ manipulative/ alcoholic ex in Trump's behaviour. Maybe he was trying to highlight how deranged Trump is. I wouldn't say cowering. He just didn't fight back hard enough and sounded too much like a nice guy. Can't play that way with Trump. Looking calm and civilized is all great, but it's 2020 and society has coarsened to such a degree that matching Trump's aggressive tone might be the only way to beat him in a debate.

You know I reread what I wrote in earlier posts and maybe I was a tad bit harsh on old Joe. I guess I was just disappointed and expected more. I wanted to see someone really stand up aggressively to Trump, but instead Trump went on the attack and Joe looked like he was on the defensive quite a bit. That was frustrating to watch. I so wish it were Obama debating Trump. He would've eviscerated him with ease.

If he'd called Trump a sick son of a bitch the media would've glommed onto that harder than why he even said it. The right wing talk shows and Fuax would be all atwitter about the crassness of Biden and it would be all they talked about for the next three weeks. YOU. KNOW. THIS. For reference see; her emails, Benghazi, he wore a tan suit.
The media have not challenged Trump at all. They haven't called him out when he lies. They haven't called his lies "lies." They've been complicit in his elevation and in maintaining him elevated. Ok maybe it's good he didn't use expletives. But if someone were to constantly attack my kids in the public forum I'd at least react in a much more forceful manner. I wish he did that. He could've used any combination of phrases to illustrate how much of a sick and deranged individual Trump is. People on the right need to hear that in real time. Especially those people just right of center who are still undecided.

I, was impressed that Biden, a stutterer mind you, who has taught himself not to stutter and to be a competent public speaker, was able to keep himself composed for the little that I watched. I knew his stuttering was part of it. Being a stutterer myself, I can very much relate. That's the disadvantage of being a stutterer, it's a fucking debilitating impediment. For me, at least. The degree that Biden has it under control is unreal to someone like me. In fact, I didn't even know he had a stutter until a couple of months ago when I came across a video by chance. I hope he can use whatever he learned to overcome his stutter to help him in the next debate. I wish him the best of luck in fighting this good fight. He needs to get that psychopath out of office!

Tom Servo
September 30th, 2020, 01:18 PM
I definitely would have liked to see something like "Are you capable of following the rules you agreed to in this debate? Is that something you can handle? Schoolchildren routinely have to handle that task, can you?", but I'm not sure it would go over with others as well as it would have gone over with me.

September 30th, 2020, 01:53 PM
I definitely would have liked to see something like "Are you capable of following the rules you agreed to in this debate? Is that something you can handle? Schoolchildren routinely have to handle that task, can you?", but I'm not sure it would go over with others as well as it would have gone over with me.

He could easily say he didn't agree to any of that? This is a free country! I talk when I want to talk! If I don't want to talk about it... then I'll switch subject to talk about something else!

Should just do a zoom debate. When it's not your turn to talk, mute the mutherfoquer!

September 30th, 2020, 02:05 PM
My suspicion is that Biden's relatively underwhelming performance last night is part of a larger debate strategy - For the first two, he acts like somebody's reasonable uncle - answering the questions, defending himself against direct attacks, occasional snark, etc. This appeals to people who just want things to return to normal sanity and stability, and ideally gets trump to let his guard down. Debate 3, he shows up loaded for bear and tries to play trump's own game - being an asshole, cutting him off, throwing his tax returns in his face, trying to bait him into saying something even more over the line than normal, etc and generally trying to dominate him - With the intention of showing trump voters "Your big man isn't so tough after all," and trying to undercut his support.
That would be my strategy, anyway - pretty much everybody thinks he won this debate anyway, and if he'd come out too strong trump might have bailed on the later debates.
This way, he gets his centrist "I'm an adult, I can bring the nation back together. Oh, and by the way, I used to work with a guy you might have heard of- his name is Barack Obama."-stuff out, and then afterwards come out with stuff that makes twitter go "Oh shit! Joe pwned him!!! and then he started crying and pooped his pants on tv!"

But what do I know? I'm just a chump out here trying to reduce the amount of misery in the world and getting drunk every night.

September 30th, 2020, 02:56 PM
My suspicion is that Biden's relatively underwhelming performance last night is part of a larger debate strategy - For the first two, he acts like somebody's reasonable uncle - answering the questions, defending himself against direct attacks, occasional snark, etc. This appeals to people who just want things to return to normal sanity and stability, and ideally gets trump to let his guard down. Debate 3, he shows up loaded for bear and tries to play trump's own game - being an asshole, cutting him off, throwing his tax returns in his face, trying to bait him into saying something even more over the line than normal, etc and generally trying to dominate him - With the intention of showing trump voters "Your big man isn't so tough after all," and trying to undercut his support.
That would be my strategy, anyway - pretty much everybody thinks he won this debate anyway, and if he'd come out too strong trump might have bailed on the later debates.
This way, he gets his centrist "I'm an adult, I can bring the nation back together. Oh, and by the way, I used to work with a guy you might have heard of- his name is Barack Obama."-stuff out, and then afterwards come out with stuff that makes twitter go "Oh shit! Joe pwned him!!! and then he started crying and pooped his pants on tv!"

But what do I know? I'm just a chump out here trying to reduce the amount of misery in the world and getting drunk every night.

In my mind that's his strategy as well.

He's locked up the battered women and "we need a reprieve from the chaos" undecideds with this calm, reserved debate. I think, in the next one, he is more forceful, but still reserved. And talks a lot more about his plans and proposals. And in the last, like you said, plays Trumps game, interferes all the time, interjects, taunts him with his failures; his marriages, his businesses, his reputation. And then sits back and lets Trump damage himself.

What do I know. I'm just a chump out here thinking third party voters are NOT helping in the way they think they are.

MR2 Fan
September 30th, 2020, 04:39 PM
Third Party candidacy worked in 1992-ish when we had 2 normal candidates that had uncertain records (Bush I vs Bill Clinton) and a third party candidate with a lot of good points and momentum in Ross Perot.

These aren't those times and if Trump loses, I don't foresee a "normal" GOP candidate for a long time. They'll double down on the insanity next time, we'll get Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton or Ron DeSantis or someone like that running

September 30th, 2020, 04:44 PM
Anyway, I just think it’s wrong to interfere with a business like that. If the business model is just wrong/unethical, then don’t let them start it or just shut them down.
So minimum wage, standard weekly hours, sick leave, vacation leave - these should all be up to the business to decide?

The issue is more that we set a bunch of minimums that we as society says an employer should obey. But then casual/contractor is exempt. Which if often fine when its people working smaller number of hours, part time etc. But when people start having this as a fulltime job it really is just a loophole for employers to not meet the min standards.
We had a lot of issues with this in Australia and the courts basically came out with the concept that the person is fulltime or close and long term then they must be treated as an employee and hence get the same conditions. You cant just wave your obligations away with "oh not employee, contractor".
As for costs, these costs are covered by businesses for employees. Maybe if the business cant cover the costs they shouldnt be in business.
And I think its good for the whole of society - unstable workforce is being shown as just that - unstable and also damaging

September 30th, 2020, 06:24 PM
Third Party candidacy worked in 1992-ish when we had 2 normal candidates that had uncertain records (Bush I vs Bill Clinton) and a third party candidate with a lot of good points and momentum in Ross Perot.

These aren't those times and if Trump loses, I don't foresee a "normal" GOP candidate for a long time. They'll double down on the insanity next time, we'll get Ted Cruz or Tom Cotton or Ron DeSantis or someone like that running

Yeah, I'm a habitual 3rd party voter in the actual national elections in order to support the party I'm ideologically most closely aligned with (I primary democratic in attempts to push the party with an actual chance more towards my line of thought), but the republican option in 2016 and 2020 was too clearly a more deadly threat than usual to allow me to stand on ideological grounds and retain my morals. In 2016, I thought it was important to deal trump and his disgusting fascist supporters a crushing defeat to demonstrate that we as a species had moved past that shit - turns out we hadn't.
And now things are worse. At this point I'm almost resigned to seeing the unpleasantness of the revolution with blood in the gutters and all that.

September 30th, 2020, 06:39 PM

MR2 Fan
September 30th, 2020, 06:39 PM
Yeah, I'm a habitual 3rd party voter in the actual national elections in order to support the party I'm ideologically most closely aligned with (I primary democratic in attempts to push the party with an actual chance more towards my line of thought), but the republican option in 2016 and 2020 was too clearly a more deadly threat than usual to allow me to stand on ideological grounds and retain my morals. In 2016, I thought it was important to deal trump and his disgusting fascist supporters a crushing defeat to demonstrate that we as a species had moved past that shit - turns out we hadn't.
And now things are worse. At this point I'm almost resigned to seeing the unpleasantness of the revolution with blood in the gutters and all that.

I'm willing to see what happens this cycle.

Trump got ~60 million votes last time, and let's face it, a lot of voters don't pay close attention to details, only that they're voting for the GOP candidate. The bigger issue is that a majority of people who were eligible or of age to vote...haven't. I think that is changing this year. I also think a LOT of Trump voters who wanted to "shake up the system" realized their mistake.

The country's demographics are constantly changing and it's mostly away from old white men, that's part of what those people are afraid of. Biden is an old white centrist candidate...he will appeal to a broad range of people even if he's boring

September 30th, 2020, 06:43 PM
I agree with Swervo and Josh's views on the debate, as well as with #mutethemike

September 30th, 2020, 09:38 PM
So minimum wage, standard weekly hours, sick leave, vacation leave - these should all be up to the business to decide?

The issue is more that we set a bunch of minimums that we as society says an employer should obey. But then casual/contractor is exempt. Which if often fine when its people working smaller number of hours, part time etc. But when people start having this as a fulltime job it really is just a loophole for employers to not meet the min standards.
We had a lot of issues with this in Australia and the courts basically came out with the concept that the person is fulltime or close and long term then they must be treated as an employee and hence get the same conditions. You cant just wave your obligations away with "oh not employee, contractor".
As for costs, these costs are covered by businesses for employees. Maybe if the business cant cover the costs they shouldnt be in business.
And I think its good for the whole of society - unstable workforce is being shown as just that - unstable and also damaging

DN, companies can up their benefits in order to attract the talents they want. For the less talented work, or for seasonal work, should we really force businesses to hire direct? Not all businesses are equal, not all workers are equal. Not all work/jobs are equal.

Our company has unionized workers, non-union workers and also contractors. Why not let employer and employee figure out what’s best for themselves?

Even direct employees making way above min wage, we could still get shafted. Then what? Have the government force the companies to not lay me off?

Anyway, I just don’t believe our current approach works very well. It’s easy to just tell employers to pay living wages, give them healthcare, but the government itself has done very little for the people. All these pressures most likely also incentivized the companies to relocated to cheaper nations in order to cut cost...

Anyway I don’t know that’s the right solution, but I just thought it’s kinda ridiculous to create laws to force the rich companies to play robin hood to help the poor. Governments might as well play the robin hood role directly! And not saying governments should rob the rich, but at least make sure they pay their fair share.

Poor people really shouldn’t even exist in the US. I get the feeling that the republicans blame democrats and democrats blame the republicans and government blames these rich greedy businesses and the businesses blames the ineffective government, but they are all in bed with each other, not really doing much to help those who truly need help.

Push for min wage sounds good, but surely some will end up being let go when it’s raised to a level too high for some businesses... What then?

Some sort of UBI is needed to help provide true stability. Government should also be the one to provide paid quarantine leave. Don’t expect every business to be able to pay for this, but hopefully the mega rich companies will help end up paying for it with their taxes... rather than allowing them to hide their wealth offshore somewhere...

October 1st, 2020, 02:15 AM
Anyway I don’t know that’s the right solution, but I just thought it’s kinda ridiculous to create laws to force the rich companies to play robin hood to help the poor. Governments might as well play the robin hood role directly! And not saying governments should rob the rich, but at least make sure they pay their fair share.

which they won't do because leverage. that's why anti-capture measures (like overturning citizens united and campaign reform) are needed through and through.

why do to you think candidates like sanders get smeared with shit like "Bernie bros" all. the. time.?

those who profit from representative systems are afraid they'll lose their hold on things. they think a "minor" suffering for the masses is preferable than a major change to their way of life. that's what politics has been for the last 70 years.

Rare White Ape
October 1st, 2020, 02:36 AM
The Sheriff of Nottingham was a representative of a corrupt government.

Robin Hood (the hero) was an anarchist and an antifascist.

Do you really want someone like Robin Hood playing the role model for today's society?

October 1st, 2020, 04:32 AM
Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins


Incredible achievement!!!!

MR2 Fan
October 1st, 2020, 05:08 AM
The sheer amount of uncertainty between now and January 20th is going to really push people's sanity

October 1st, 2020, 05:10 AM
The sheer amount of uncertainty between now and January 20th may break the U.S. political system


October 1st, 2020, 06:43 AM
The Sheriff of Nottingham was a representative of a corrupt government.

Robin Hood (the hero) was an anarchist and an antifascist.

Do you really want someone like Robin Hood playing the role model for today's society?

Jesus is kinda like Robin Hood!

It’s time to find out if America is truly a Christian nation or not.

Our current path is heading off a cliff if we don’t make some sort of change... I believe we absolutely need somebody like Bernie or Andrew Yang. But I suppose we need to take baby steps with Biden first.

October 1st, 2020, 07:29 AM
The Sheriff of Nottingham was a representative of a corrupt government.

Robin Hood (the hero) was an anarchist and an antifascist.

Do you really want someone like Robin Hood playing the role model for today's society?


October 1st, 2020, 08:12 AM
Our situation isn't quite as bad as the story of Robinhood, but we're getting there.

In the story of Robin Hood, are there really people who thought Robin Hood is the bad guy?

Maybe Donald Trump thought Robin was bad... and maybe some of his supporters who are particularly rich.

I can't believe all republicans thought Robin is bad... probably not even roofer.

October 1st, 2020, 08:36 AM


October 1st, 2020, 08:39 AM
I know there's a lot of time left between now and the final day of elections, but I really hope we can pull this off.

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/senate/2020_elections_senate_map_no_toss_ups_race_changes .html

October 1st, 2020, 09:01 AM
I just want to see Mitch thrown out. That scumbag scumbag is both the dealer and the enabler.

October 1st, 2020, 09:51 AM
I know there's a lot of time left between now and the final day of elections, but I really hope we can pull this off.

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/senate/2020_elections_senate_map_no_toss_ups_race_changes .html


October 1st, 2020, 09:58 AM
I just want to see Mitch thrown out. That scumbag scumbag is both the dealer and the enabler. Yeah he's a dirty rat bastard.

October 1st, 2020, 10:38 AM

October 1st, 2020, 11:15 AM
Didn't realize 538 has a Senate tracker also:


October 1st, 2020, 11:27 AM
As it is pretty that Amy McGrath won't be able to put on a fight, what does mitch get if the Senate is flipped? Isn't he a first-term senator?

MR2 Fan
October 1st, 2020, 11:30 AM
Mitch? nooo, he's on his 7th term. Was first put into office in 1985

He would be the Minority leader unless the GOP decides to choose someone else. Then the dems pick the majority leader.

October 1st, 2020, 11:50 AM
Mitch? nooo, he's on his 7th term. Was first put into office in 1985

:Side-eyeing Chloe:

October 1st, 2020, 12:22 PM
I know there's a lot of time left between now and the final day of elections, but I really hope we can pull this off.

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/senate/2020_elections_senate_map_no_toss_ups_race_changes .html


Didn't realize 538 has a Senate tracker also:


I'm not believing a single poll until we know the actual results are in. They did this last time around. I think some of the non voters from last time thought it was already in the bag and didn't go.

Vote. Vote early if you can. Vote like your life depends on it. (For some people it does!) Then convince everyone you know to go vote early too.

MR2 Fan
October 1st, 2020, 12:28 PM
How do they do most polls these days anyway? Are they calling people with landline phones? That would skew toward older, less technical people for example.

October 1st, 2020, 12:55 PM
Abbot (Texas Governor. Republican.) just issued a proclamation that they are going to reduce the number of drop boxes available in each county to one.

There's fuckery afoot. In a time when there is covid, and now concerns about the post office handling of ballots, this is just another way to try and blunt the number of people voting.

But according to billi Republicans and Democrats are the same.

October 1st, 2020, 12:58 PM
Abbot (Texas Governor. Republican.) just issued a proclamation that they are going to reduce the number of drop boxes available in each county to one.
There's fuckery afoot. In a time when there is covid, and now concerns about the post office handling of ballots, this is just another way to try and blunt the number of people voting.

WTF? That seems like something that would happen in a Banana Republic, not in a G7 country.

Freude am Fahren
October 1st, 2020, 01:05 PM
WTF? That seems like something that would happen in a Banana Republic, not in a G7 country.

This should just be the masthead on this thread.

Or maybe the whole country.

Seriously though, what was his justification? I can't even think of a possible legitimate reason they could claim.

October 1st, 2020, 03:04 PM
This should just be the masthead on this thread.

Or maybe the whole country.

Seriously though, what was his justification? I can't even think of a possible legitimate reason they could claim.

This was where I found out.

October 1st, 2020, 03:07 PM
But this thread seems to have a lot of information.


October 1st, 2020, 03:24 PM
It is fascinating that we take less security measures when it comes to buying firearms..., but when it comes to voting... oooo, we gotta be careful!

Dave Chappalle was absolutely right. Every black man needs to start buying firearms so that at least they'll get serious about gun control.

And then take your legally registered firearm along with permit to the voting booth with you!

If you can't afford to buy a firearm, DNC should come up with the money to help them obtain firearm.

Perhaps this is the only way. Just like thermal nuclear war. Mutually assured destruction perhaps is the best way to maintain the balance of power.

October 1st, 2020, 03:52 PM
I'm not believing a single poll until we know the actual results are in. They did this last time around. I think some of the non voters from last time thought it was already in the bag and didn't go.

Vote. Vote early if you can. Vote like your life depends on it. (For some people it does!) Then convince everyone you know to go vote early too.

I’m not posting polls to say there’s something in the bag, just something to watch and hope for.

I already voted.

October 1st, 2020, 04:06 PM
Where and when are mail-in ballots opened and tallied? Is it the same for early votes?

October 1st, 2020, 05:14 PM
Varies state to state, probably... our country is a mess of different rules in different places

October 1st, 2020, 07:03 PM
I’m not posting polls to say there’s something in the bag, just something to watch and hope for.

I already voted.

Oh I know.

I'm just saying, regardless of what the polls say we all need to go vote like our lives depend on it. Taking nothing for granted. The last four years have taught us we can't be complacent in any election.

October 1st, 2020, 07:06 PM
Where and when are mail-in ballots opened and tallied? Is it the same for early votes?

Early votes are tallied right away. That's why on election night they can close the polls and already have "16% of the votes in with so and so leading by 4 points over whatshisface."

Mail ins are different by state as stated.

October 1st, 2020, 07:07 PM
It is fascinating that we take less security measures when it comes to buying firearms..., but when it comes to voting... oooo, we gotta be careful!

Dave Chappalle was absolutely right. Every black man needs to start buying firearms so that at least they'll get serious about gun control.

And then take your legally registered firearm along with permit to the voting booth with you!

If you can't afford to buy a firearm, DNC should come up with the money to help them obtain firearm.

Perhaps this is the only way. Just like thermal nuclear war. Mutually assured destruction perhaps is the best way to maintain the balance of power.

We've got guns. Lots of guns. We just don't advertise on youtube that we do.

Tom Servo
October 1st, 2020, 08:01 PM
Hope Hicks apparently has tested positive for Covid after becoming symptomatic, presumably meaning she's had an infection going for at least a few days. She's been on Marine One with Trump. Trump and Melania now quarantining while "awaiting test results".


Rare White Ape
October 1st, 2020, 08:12 PM
Good I hope the fucking cunt dies.

October 1st, 2020, 08:13 PM
If he’s been fucking her behind the scenes, which is a real possibility, then you know he’s got it too.

Tom Servo
October 1st, 2020, 08:32 PM
I refuse to believe that guy's been able to fuck anything other than all of us for years.

Tom Servo
October 1st, 2020, 09:02 PM
Well, this should be an interesting couple of weeks.

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!

October 1st, 2020, 09:32 PM
This won’t end well.

If he survives, this chinese virus will officially become another flu... we will have even more antimaskers!

If he’s dead, conspiracy theories will probably be trump killed by the left... which might cause another civil war... or perhaps wage war against China and maybe cause WWIII....

Biden probably should get tested. I know he kept his distance on Tuesday but that dude really wouldn’t shut up, so the viral load spewed into the air may be pretty heavy...

G'day Mate
October 1st, 2020, 09:52 PM
I feel like this has been a long time coming. Seemed an inevitability.

October 1st, 2020, 10:00 PM
Bleach and prayers!

Rare White Ape
October 1st, 2020, 10:02 PM
I wonder what reaction this will cause among the "COVID is fake" brigade, who tend to follow Trump pretty blindly.

October 1st, 2020, 11:24 PM
Bleach and prayers!

October 1st, 2020, 11:35 PM
Incredible achievement!!!!

G'day Mate
October 1st, 2020, 11:36 PM
So if Trump and Pence are too sick ... does Nancy take over?

October 2nd, 2020, 01:38 AM
He definitely needs to start drinking, injecting, and snorting bleach. Immediately.

Freude am Fahren
October 2nd, 2020, 02:09 AM
So if Trump and Pence are too sick ... does Nancy take over?


Technically. I'm sure they'd cheat their way around it though.

Rare White Ape
October 2nd, 2020, 02:27 AM
Vid somewhat related.


MR2 Fan
October 2nd, 2020, 03:12 AM
My problem is...let's say Trump takes a turn for the worse...will people on the anti-Trump bandwagon not bother to vote?

October 2nd, 2020, 04:06 AM
Are people really that stu... Oh, wait. Never mind.

October 2nd, 2020, 04:16 AM
Papa bless.

October 2nd, 2020, 05:13 AM
Papa bless.

And Pachamama too.

October 2nd, 2020, 05:13 AM

October 2nd, 2020, 05:47 AM
Apparently, President Trump had been informed on Wednesday that he had been exposed to Covid after RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel results came back positive.

Did he or his staff inform the Biden campaign? Well...

One of Biden’s front-row guests during the debate Tuesday night, whose father died of covid-19, was sharply critical of the president and his family for potentially putting others at risk in the debate hall.

Kristin Urquiza, co-founder of the group Marked by COVID, said that while everyone attending the debate had to test negative, they were also supposed to wear masks.

“And though every one of Biden’s guests managed to do this, Trump’s guests were shockingly barefaced,” she said in a statement.

“The Trump family exposed every attendee at the debate: guests, workers, Members of Congress, Secret Service agents, members of the media, and janitors to a deadly virus that has killed 205,000 Americans to date,” she said. “Irresponsible is an understatement: this is criminal.”

October 2nd, 2020, 05:58 AM
Guy who broke the news on twitter when he saw the Boeing E-6B Mercury pop up in aviation trackers:


RT There's an E-6B Mercury off the east coast near DC. I looked because I would expect them to pop up if he tests positive. It's a message to the small group of adversaries with SLBMs and ICBMs.

Here's another E6-B that just popped up visible on MLAT on the west coast. IMO Stratcom wants them to be seen.

Now thinks that:

@vp @Mike_Pence not being seen on camera strongly suggests he’s infected. Noting, however, that the @WhiteHouse
has total idiots running communications. @hogangidley45 @robertcobrien

Freude am Fahren
October 2nd, 2020, 06:46 AM
Pence allegedly tested negative this morning. Allegedly.

It's pretty early, so I'm not surprised to not see him on camera. If we don't see him all day, I'd be concerned, but it may be more of a, let's get him out of sight, just in case he's gotta take over.

October 2nd, 2020, 06:56 AM
I’m resisting the urge to post that Ivan Drago picture on social media. Doesn’t matter anyway since he only has mild symptoms, according to the news reports.

October 2nd, 2020, 07:28 AM
It's pretty early, so I'm not surprised to not see him on camera. If we don't see him all day, I'd be concerned, but it may be more of a, let's get him out of sight, just in case he's gotta take over.

The other guess was that Trump didn't want to share the limelight.

October 2nd, 2020, 07:32 AM
Most people have mild symptoms in the 1st week I think. It’s the 2nd week that things might make a turn for the worse...

Anyway, as much as I dislike trump, I do hope he recovers, not because I’m a nice guy, but I think we’ll be in bigger turmoil if he’s dead.

Lastly, do you guys think it’s a coincidence that Trump got infected with this Chinese virus on the same day CCP is celebrating their birthday? If the CCP really planned this, they really deserve to rule the world!

If it’s just God or karma doing this, that’s cool too of course. He was trying to declare pandemic to be over...

October 2nd, 2020, 07:40 AM
this Chinese virus

Do you not see the problems that are caused by the use of certain terms, you Asian?

October 2nd, 2020, 08:04 AM
Anyway, as much as I dislike trump, I do hope he recovers, not because I’m a nice guy, but I think we’ll be in bigger turmoil if he’s dead. I too hope he recovers because I want to see him lose decisively to Biden. Then get arrested and charged with a number of things, then go to prison for the rest of his life and effectively shut the hell up forever.

October 2nd, 2020, 08:05 AM
Okay, sorry Mario... let me try again...

This virus from China was able to infect Trump on CCP’s birthday.

Coincident or not?

Whether yes or not, it’s a great birthday present.

Personally I’d like to see this virus take out both Xi and Trump..., but then again, we might end up with a world that’s worse off with a sudden power vacuum... just as Saddam Hussein the asshole really should be removed..., but after his removal, Iraq really wasn’t better off...

so may Gods will be done with these kind of things...

October 2nd, 2020, 08:16 AM
It's a zoonotic virus, animals know no national boundaries!

Stop being thick!

October 2nd, 2020, 08:33 AM
I too hope he recovers because I want to see him lose decisively to Biden. Then get arrested and charged with a number of things, then go to prison for the rest of his life and effectively shut the hell up forever.

From your lips to, ... ah, fuck Trump.

October 2nd, 2020, 08:38 AM
It's a zoonotic virus, animals know no national boundaries!

Stop being thick!

Dude, chill out. I know animals know no boundaries.

Just wondering why these animals released this virus in China and then was able to give it to Trump right on People's Republic of China's birthday that's all.

Is the above sentence politically correct enough? How else would you phrase it in a way that's more politically correct?

October 2nd, 2020, 09:11 AM
From your lips to, ... ah, fuck Trump. Trudeau.

October 2nd, 2020, 09:23 AM
I too hope he recovers because I want to see him lose decisively to Biden.

Agreed. I don't wish death on the man. I just hope I live long enough to see how history will judge him in twenty or more years.

October 2nd, 2020, 09:38 AM
Agreed. I don't wish death on the man. I just hope I live long enough to see how history will judge him in twenty or more years.

Catch 22. I'm sure, that with all the resources that are going to be spent on his health, dickstain will make it thru. And then boast how minor this disease is. The privileged asshole!

October 2nd, 2020, 12:10 PM
The disconnect between politicians saying "Hopes and Prayers", and nearly everyone who isn't in the public eye saying "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, pity it wasn't sooner", is kind of amusing.

October 2nd, 2020, 12:25 PM
A few Republicans and journalists that attended the SCOTUS nomination event have now come back with positive tests. People are suspecting that’s the “super spreader” event.

October 2nd, 2020, 12:41 PM
Course it was.

October 2nd, 2020, 01:27 PM
Trump just about to be carted off to hospital. Going down the Borris Johnson route? Could this have any effect on the presidential race?

October 2nd, 2020, 01:34 PM
best one so far:

relax everyone it's a mild case, be patient while we inject the president full of a cocktail of experimental compounds that fell to earth during a meteor shower in 1957 and were described as "a weather balloon"

October 2nd, 2020, 01:34 PM
Also just reported, NONE of the folks he arrived with for the debate got to Cleveland Medical in time for a test.

"Thoughts and prayers"

October 2nd, 2020, 03:03 PM
The sheer amount of uncertainty between now and January 20th is going to really push people's sanity


This is what's at risk, and part of it is probably lost.

October 2nd, 2020, 03:40 PM
They released a video statement before he went to Walter Reed, I'm assuming it's precautionary because things could go south fast at his age. Walter Reed is set up for both his work with a full office, and they are more capable in handling medical emergencies than the White House is.

That being said, he must be feeling crappier than just a little fatigued, and if he's got symptoms already at his age I'm assuming it's going to go poorly, unless those experimental meds do miracle work.

October 2nd, 2020, 04:31 PM
Don't want him dead. He can't go to prison or be publically humiliated if he's dead.

MR2 Fan
October 2nd, 2020, 06:37 PM
Superspreader event...6 or 7 people close to Trump have it now, including Kellyanne Conway.

Oh here's a list:

Donald Trump
Melania Trump
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Thom Tillis
Kellyanne Conway
Notre Dame president John Jenkins
One White House reporter

October 2nd, 2020, 07:17 PM
Do you not see the problems that are caused by the use of certain terms, you Asian?

He doesn't, because he hates the CCP and loves the USA and Trump that much.

October 2nd, 2020, 08:44 PM
Don't want him dead. He can't go to prison or be publically humiliated if he's dead.

And while I want his death (fuck Trump) i want his very public and very elongated humiliation more. Preferably with jail time for crimes against humanity. And general douchebaggery.

October 2nd, 2020, 10:25 PM
Also, it's not a good idea to wish death upon a president, since Roofer might report you. :lol:

Speaking of which, is his page all "Pray for Trump" and shit like that? Lollolololoz

October 2nd, 2020, 10:46 PM
Also, it's not a good idea to wish death upon a president, since Roofer might report you. :lol:

Speaking of which, is his page all "Pray for Trump" and shit like that? Lollolololoz

Someone please tell us!

October 2nd, 2020, 10:55 PM
Don't want him dead. He can't go to prison or be publically humiliated if he's dead.

if he is dead, the lies directly from him will at least stop.

Given that he is clearly 100% delusional, and 100% narcissisms, regardless of how guilty he is found of how many crimes, lies, corruption, immorality, and wrongdoing... it's going to just teflon off his tiny tiny tiny little brain. So even if there was actually justice meted out on a rich white man (yeah, right, that's gonna happen ...), he still won't shut up, and fuck off.

It's going to be the work for historians to absolutely bury him, his family, and every gutless maggot of a politician who supported him while in office. It's their duty to ensure that future generations use "Trump" as a derogative term, and look at that four years as being a blot on the nation.

October 2nd, 2020, 11:31 PM
You know, it would be pretty horrific if someone were on a ventilator but the sedatives weren't working.

Rare White Ape
October 3rd, 2020, 01:36 AM
Imagine if a nurse forgot to change his poo bag and change the penis pipe for two weeks and he woke up…

In a sea of his own shit and piss.

That would be pretty nasty.

October 3rd, 2020, 03:02 AM
I guess when this is all done/ the phrase "This trumps that" will have to be re-purposed.

I suppose also, Euchre will have to be revised..

MR2 Fan
October 3rd, 2020, 04:22 AM
My thought for the past several months was, in order for a peaceful transition of power, Trump would have to pass away before the election.

Note: I am not wishing that on him right now, but you reap what you sow or, as Trump said "It is what it is"

Also, I could say Trump has been playing Russian Roulette with COVID but to him it's only called Roulette because he's already Russian

October 3rd, 2020, 07:52 AM
Also, it's not a good idea to wish death upon a president, since Roofer might report you. :lol:

Speaking of which, is his page all "Pray for Trump" and shit like that? Lollolololoz Nope, nothing like that. The most I saw was him in a discussion with someone dismissing the seriousness of it, pointing to it’s supposed 99% recovery rate.

He recently said a whole lot of other crazy shit in a long rant which I won’t copy and paste here, because I know half of you will make fun of him and the other half will be sick to your stomachs. I was the latter.

October 3rd, 2020, 08:24 AM
Diagnosed since at least Wednesday morning, uh?

October 3rd, 2020, 08:32 AM
A couple of twitter threads from Dr. Wachter from UCSF. Friday (https://twitter.com/Bob_Wachter/status/1312220372402540545?s=20)'s and Saturday's (explaining how the different Covid treatments work) (https://twitter.com/Bob_Wachter/status/1312406413340106753?s=20).

October 3rd, 2020, 09:03 AM
Nope, nothing like that. The most I saw was him in a discussion with someone dismissing the seriousness of it, pointing to it’s supposed 99% recovery rate.

He recently said a whole lot of other crazy shit in a long rant which I won’t copy and paste here, because I know half of you will make fun of him and the other half will be sick to your stomachs. I was the latter.

I dunno man. What's to stop people making fod someone while being sick to their stomachs?

October 3rd, 2020, 09:30 AM
I think one good thing about this incident is that Biden is pulling negative ads out of respect...

That is what I want to see in the 1st place. For sure it’s now clear trump is not just the lesser evil, but way more evil, still, Biden’s campaign really shouldn’t just be about beating him. We should not be focusing on him at all!

Hope Biden will now come up with more hopeful messages about how Biden is going to lead us out of these trouble times.

October 3rd, 2020, 09:43 AM
Imagine if a nurse forgot to change his poo bag and change the penis pipe for two weeks and he woke up…

In a sea of his own shit and piss.

That would be pretty nasty.

Yeah. That would be quite nasty.

Wouldn't wish it on any normal patient, of course.

MR2 Fan
October 3rd, 2020, 03:23 PM
If Donald Trump can't continue his campaign for whatever reason, I bet they keep Pence due to time and he picks Ivanka or Don Jr as VP to keep the Trump name somehow in the running

October 3rd, 2020, 04:54 PM
Based on the latest trump video, he looks well enough at this stage.

October 3rd, 2020, 06:25 PM
It’s likely he was never sick at all.

October 3rd, 2020, 09:36 PM
He’s not out of the woods yet.

October 4th, 2020, 06:15 AM

October 4th, 2020, 08:05 AM
No need to stoop to their same low level.

Anyway, I am hoping the sick senators will delay the Supreme Court justice confirmation...

Are they allowed to vote in quarantine or hospital? Mail in ballots should be completely dismantled in their states, right?

This new lady justice didn’t seem to get the virus though.... did she not celebrate with them?

Tom Servo
October 4th, 2020, 08:18 AM
She apparently already contracted Covid earlier this year, I think in May?

October 4th, 2020, 09:20 AM
It’s likely he was never sick at all.


Especially considering he's taking an "experimental" treatment. No fucking way that would be allowed. On top of that, his grifting-bitch daughter tweeted a picture of him at a conference table, in suit jacket (not hospital gown/robe?) and "siging" a piece of paper, with the caption "Even in the hospital, he works for the American people"

I've yet to see anything that leads me to believe this is nothing more than an example in theatrics. There are so many things "off" with it. Why the grand spectacle of using Marine 1, the doctors saying different shit each time.

My money is on him coming out of the hospital tomorrow with "look, it was nothing, I'm totally cured, and now immune, I was taking [whatever the fuck drug it is...."

I'm still betting on total stage act and ploy to get sympathy votes. Which, anyone that was on the fence about him (how the fuck COULD you be?) and this gets them to vote for him? Fuck those people too.

October 4th, 2020, 09:28 AM
I'm gonna save you the trip to twitter (https://twitter.com/Bob_Wachter):

mpressions of today's Walter Reed presser:

a) Conley's mea culpa: “I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude of the team. Didn’t want to give any information that would steer the course of his illness.” Trump's fingerprints.

But even so, today was only slightly better.

b/ Biggest news is that T had 2 episodes of hypoxia (down to 93-94% O2 saturation), & Conley evaded whether sat was ever <90. "Never in low 80s" is all he offered.

c/ Re: Chest CT: "There were some expected findings but nothing of concern." What the hell does that mean? ...To be clear, the "expected findings" on a chest CT is NORMAL. If it was normal, he should say that. Anything else should have been described. (The only semi-benign interpretation would be if the prez has a known chronic finding – like a benign nodule – that was seen), But it seems far likelier that they found evidence of pneumonia or other manifestations of Covid lung involvement or inflammation, which is serious and raises the level of concern and risk.

d/ They pulled trigger & started dexamethasone. So they were clearly concerned. Given documented low O2, dex definitely was indicated.

e/ Said they're starting to plan for possible discharge, as early as tomorrow. Even w/ WH's medical capacity, that seems like an awful call.

f/ Yes, they could give his last doses of IV remdesivir in WH, but still risky to discharge. In RECOVERY trial (which proved value of dexamethasone), mortality rate in TREATMENT group for pts requiring O2 was 23.3% (vs. 26.2% in usual care). A nearly 1-in-4 risk of death.

g/ Finally, most tellingly: when T was hypoxic, they tried to put him on O2. "He was adamant he didn't need oxygen." In my 35 years of practice, I've never seen a pt refuse oxygen. It's crazy, & illustrates who is running the show, which may well be scariest thing I heard.

Bottom line: it seems like Trump is stable, but remains at high risk, given transient hypoxemia, some findings on chest imaging. The happy talk and evasions are clearly at Trump's direction, putting the docs in a terrible position. No way he's ready for discharge tomorrow.

October 4th, 2020, 09:51 AM

October 4th, 2020, 11:57 AM
Still not buying it. 100% theatrics. Theatrics that, unfortunately, WE are paying for.

What a cunt.

MR2 Fan
October 4th, 2020, 12:03 PM
It's really difficult to tell what's going on, but the idea that many other people got COVID indicates to me that Trump has it.

Whether he has a severe case or not....more difficult to tell, because a lot of things don't make sense from the "official" stories coming out.

I'm down to a few possibilities:

- Trump is in severe health and has been demanding all different kinds of treatments
- Trump isn't in severe health and they're saying all of this and he will come out being the "strong, heroic" person who overcame it and he's been right all along
- Some other bullshit that's a mixture of both of these or completely different

MR2 Fan
October 4th, 2020, 01:47 PM
Trump just made a new video, then went outside in a motorcade to say hi to his supporters.....and according to sources, went right back into Walter Reed Hospital and not back to the White House.

So if he still has COVID then he's practically infecting his Secret Service agents/driver, or this is all fake and he's trying to show strength again

Tom Servo
October 4th, 2020, 02:41 PM
I don't buy the conspiracy theories at this point. Too hard to keep quiet, especially in this administration where one of the few constants is regular leaks to the press. Also, his entire thing is projecting strength even when it's not there, this is way too much of an admission of weakness.

In the meantime, the dipshit went for a drive around Walter Reed to wave to supporters. Days after testing positive and still hospitalized. In a hermitically sealed Suburban designed to withstand a chemical attack.

As I saw someone put it, the secret service in there with him signed up for a job where they agreed to die for the president. They probably just didn't expect him to be the shooter.

October 4th, 2020, 05:48 PM
An Incredible Achievement by Billi's favourite government and his fellow citizens!!!!

October 4th, 2020, 05:54 PM
I think it’s kinda sad that we and the media are still focusing everything on trump and not much on Biden. That’s not gonna be good for Biden. Biden really needs to find ways to steer the spot light back on him somehow.

October 5th, 2020, 05:28 AM
As I saw someone put it, the secret service in there with him signed up for a job where they agreed to die for the president. They probably just didn't expect him to be the shooter. Well put. Some agents are speaking out against Trump’s idiotic actions. I’m sure some of those very fine people on the right will be citing them for treason.

October 5th, 2020, 09:01 AM

October 5th, 2020, 11:26 AM
Based on Justice Thomas' reasoning, I can agree that supreme court should not make any ruling regarding gay marriages since constitution mentioned nothing about it. Court should not be making any ruling on this... so if he's more willing to listen to the will of the people, then let people vote on it. Make it more democratic as he said... That's should close and shut the case.

I can't believe majority of the Americans are against gay marriage at this point.

Anyway, looks like Justice Thomas is itching to do something. However, I'm not sure if they could come up with a rational justification to ban gay marriage at this point. Similarly, I wonder if the super conservative court now will continue to push for pro-life and banning pro-choice? So does that mean we ought to disregard anti-maskers' choice and mandate masks for everyone's lives? Allow healthcare mandates in order to protect more lives?

They will have to do some legal gymnastics to make the conservative agendas work and at the same time deny liberal agendas.

To be honest, I don't envy the tasks ahead as a supreme court justice. Hope they will do the right thing though...

October 5th, 2020, 04:20 PM
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjmMAr2XkAI2Kjq.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjmMAwhXkAY9XQC.jpg

Kellyanne Conway's teenage daughter is the new tiktok deepthroat.

MR2 Fan
October 5th, 2020, 04:32 PM
Yeah, despite what he wants to portray, it looks like he isn't doing that well:


G'day Mate
October 5th, 2020, 04:47 PM
Who is Brennan Murphy?

MR2 Fan
October 5th, 2020, 04:50 PM
no idea, just found one of the videos, there's several twitter posts with it

October 5th, 2020, 05:25 PM
When he was giving the salute it looked like he was about to collapse. His breathing looked suspect as well. Either that or I’m seeing things.

MR2 Fan
October 5th, 2020, 05:59 PM
he also took off his mask and proceeded back into the white house with people around, fucking hell

Rare White Ape
October 5th, 2020, 06:03 PM
Very trupumphant video showing him triumphantly removing the surgical mask, because he’s going to Trumpumphantly spread COVID to everyone he interacts with.

October 5th, 2020, 07:39 PM
Incredible achievement!

October 5th, 2020, 08:54 PM
Is he dead yet?

What about now?

October 5th, 2020, 09:06 PM
Should know in about a week.

October 6th, 2020, 06:34 AM

October 6th, 2020, 06:37 AM

October 6th, 2020, 06:39 AM

I don't know if it's going to be a contested election. I hope not. and it looks like it won't, but...

October 6th, 2020, 08:13 AM
Everything is up in the air in 2020.

Men could scheme, but God's will will prevail. :p

Take the supreme court confirmation for example. It was a done deal just days ago, but suddenly, Covid19 has taken away some votes from Judge Barret.


So for the presidential race... I still think it's up in the air... Yeah, biden is ahead in the polls now, but who knows what's gonna happen to Trump...

G'day Mate
October 7th, 2020, 03:26 PM


October 7th, 2020, 03:43 PM
What's amazing/ confounding is that Trump still has support.

G'day Mate
October 7th, 2020, 04:02 PM
Yeah, I just said to a friend that 42% of 330 million people is an inconceivable fucktonne of supporters who don't see through his bullshit, or do but don't care that it's bad for their country.

October 7th, 2020, 04:59 PM
It's because they watch Fox News*.

*GOP propaganda station

October 7th, 2020, 05:18 PM
And listen to Rush Limbaugh, like someone we know.

Tom Servo
October 7th, 2020, 06:02 PM
We do have a set of media that's literally just about creating an alternate reality. To paraphrase another joke I saw recently on Twitter:

CBS - Trump has COVID
ABC - Trump has COVID
CNN - Trump has COVID
MSNBC - Trump has COVID
FOX - Check out these soups with delicious fall flavors!
Fall Flavors Soup Channel - Trump has COVID

October 7th, 2020, 06:36 PM
The fly on Pence’s head was quite symbolic. Flies stick to shit, and he’s a piece of shit just like his boss.

Rare White Ape
October 7th, 2020, 06:40 PM
Is the presidential race nothing but a thinly veiled pantomime now?

This whole week seems like Trump's reelection campaign hired a really shit script writer and created a made-for-TV drama :lol:

October 7th, 2020, 07:20 PM
Who selects these useless moderators?

Tom Servo
October 7th, 2020, 09:05 PM
My guess is that that non-partisan commission on presidential debates or whatever it's called sets the ground rules, so the moderators have a set of rules they have to follow. I suppose the idea is that we're supposed to be able to formulate our opinions based not only on what they say, but also whether or not they can obey basic rules. I'm not sure how much I buy that as a premise, but here we are.

October 7th, 2020, 09:48 PM
I thought it was just Trump, but I guess even without trump, they just can't shut up.

The rules are kinda stupid too. Regardless of the person speaking was Pence or Harris... moderator would say you have 15s to respond.

WTF. Which politician speaks only for 15s? Why can't they give more time for people to respond?

And then when the times up, moderator would interject with 'thank you, thank you, thank you' attempting to shut them up.

Not only don't they answer simple questions, but they also don't shut up and the moderator and the rules are annoying too. I just can't watch it all and got out of it.

It's not like they'll change my mind anyways...

Anyway, besides that stupid debate, we have to hand it to Trump that his stupid words can manipulate the market pretty good. Just a few tweets could swing the markets up and down... Did coronavirus get to his brain? One minute no stimulus check and the other minute urging Nancy to get the check ready NOW!

I'm willing to bet Trump probably made some insider friend very rich with these swings...

October 8th, 2020, 03:04 AM
Is the presidential race nothing but a thinly veiled pantomime now?

This whole week seems like Trump's reelection campaign hired a really shit script writer and created a made-for-TV drama :lol:

That's been the whole last 5 years mate.

October 8th, 2020, 09:33 AM
That's been the whole last 5 years mate.
Exactly. Trump never stopped campaigning.
Something needs to change. They spend more time and money on that than actually governing.

October 8th, 2020, 09:49 AM
Exactly. Trump never stopped campaigning. And golfing.
Something needs to change. They spend more time and money on that than actually governing.

Important to also note the ... essentially a shut down of the government, due to the intransigence of Mitch in the Senate. A ... shutdown mind you, when the Republicans control the Senate AND the White House. Only one party has consistently done everything it can to destabilise and stop the government from functioning, in the 26 years i've lived here. One. The Republicans.

Then you get people "both sides are the same" because their chosen one didn't get enough support in the polls.

October 8th, 2020, 10:45 AM
Important to also note the ... essentially a shut down of the government, due to the intransigence of Mitch in the Senate. A ... shutdown mind you, when the Republicans control the Senate AND the White House. Only one party has consistently done everything it can to destabilise and stop the government from functioning, in the 26 years i've lived here. One. The Republicans.

Then you get people "both sides are the same" because their chosen one didn't get enough support in the polls.

I could go on with: one party has consistently tried to

* cut taxes for the wealthy
* cut taxes for corporations
(both of which defund schools, social programs, upkeep of the commons, etc)
* take away healthcare
* restrict people from voting
* cut food aid/ food stamps for the poor
* cut housing assistance (section 8 etc) for the poor
* pollute our national parks by allowing gas and mineral extraction
* done nothing about school shootings (I don't count "thoughts and prayers.")
* etc

But, yeah "both parties are the same ..." :rolleyes:

October 8th, 2020, 12:15 PM
Both parties are indeed the same from the perspectives of all the brown people outside of the US. (Chinese are not brown enough I guess, for the Chinese, definitely 2 parties are different.)

Inside the US, democrats often pretend to care for the poor... or perhaps 'try' to care for the poor and marginalized, but it's not often that they succeed. From BLM to affordable healthcare, they can easily just blame it on the other side.

I had a recent conversation with roofer on FB also with another coworker in Alabama... my conclusion is this: unless somebody is seriously a white supremacist, I think even most conservatives realize that 99.9% of the politicians are full of crap. They know perfectly well how fucked up Trump is..., but they're just afraid of 'socialism'. Likewise liberasl voters are afraid of their crazy conservative politicians..., but anyway, end result is that we keep on electing these BS politicians who actually work for the rich into public offices.

Yeah, republicans suppress votes more overtly... democrats try to pretend how open they are by allowing parolees or teenagers to vote, but in the end don't both of them meddle with the results? Bernie Sanders had been fucked over twice by the democrats... Anyway, I'm not sure if roofer or my Alabama colleague would prefer Sanders over Hillary, probably not..., but I do believe liberals would've been more energized and possibly pull off another win like Obama did.

As for Biden, again, I don't think roofer and my colleague would finallize wise up and give up on trump... I'm also not sure if Biden will be able to energize any undecided voters. But at least this time I'll be voting Biden to protest against Trump.

Let's see if my vote will finally make a difference this time... Hope so.

Rare White Ape
October 8th, 2020, 12:47 PM
That's been the whole last 5 years mate.

I think it has now turned utterly comical, hence the lol smiley.

Which reminds me: I’ve been meaning to say something but don’t quite know how to put it.

Basically, I think Trump is going to win this one. He is an absolute shoe-in. As unfortunate as that is for everyone, it’s likely to be a reality that we must deal with.

The reason I say it, is because I don’t want anyone to fall into a spiral of despair. Prepare yourselves mentally for how you will react if Trump wins, because your own mental health is the most important thing for you this election.

Plus it doesn’t mean you should stop fighting if he wins. I think the next steps after the election are to find ways that you can be the most effective counter-punch to Trump if he gets to keep his job. You are all soldiers in the good fight, so don’t let it get you down.

I learned all of this in May last year during the federal election when “my” party of choice didn’t get to form government. I quickly learned to let go and not take too much ownership over any particular candidates - it’s not a video game console war!

October 8th, 2020, 02:16 PM
Yes, expect and be prepared for the worst, but don't ever give up hoping for the best...

Trump isn't all bad. At least so far he has started no wars covert or otherwise... something pretty much every modern presidents have done. Trump gave us and the world lots of scares..., but at least we're not stuck in any stupid losing wars that caused regional instability...

I also like how Trump messes around with China. In a world where even Maverick of Top Gun bows down to the CCP by removing taiwanese flag off of his flight jacket, I like that about Trump. Now if only trump would fight the chinese virus the same way he fought the chinese, US would've been a much safer place...

Lastly, I really don't understand why Kamala Harris said she'd prefer Chinese president Xi over president Trump. How about Putin? Would she prefer Putin over Trump too? Why even make such comparison?

If Biden wins, surely CCP will be able walk all over the US.

On one hand, we worry about Russian influence, on the other, we worry about Chinese influence... Maybe with Bernie Sanders, we can all finally be friends? :D

In times like these, I'm really glad I believe in Jesus. :p

G'day Mate
October 8th, 2020, 02:31 PM
That's been the whole last 5 years mate.

I'm going to be eating a whole lot less popcorn if Trump loses. It's nice being an outsider.

Tom Servo
October 8th, 2020, 04:57 PM
Exactly. Trump never stopped campaigning.
Something needs to change. They spend more time and money on that than actually governing.

The funny part is, I bet if he wins he still wouldn't stop campaigning. Those rallies are like crack to him.

Turned in our ballots today at one of the local drop boxes. I still think that once you've voted, you should be able to opt out of political advertising.

October 8th, 2020, 05:55 PM
I keep getting texts from the Reps about voting for the cheeto. Block every damn one.

October 8th, 2020, 05:57 PM
Swervo, so what’s you final verdict on that privacy prop? Personally I’m still not so sure so I’m inclined to just vote no to be safe, but Andrew yang backs it so I also want to believe him too... so can you be my tie breaker? Which way do you lean and why?

G'day Mate
October 9th, 2020, 12:29 AM
Oh Billi’s god, this is amazing ...


October 9th, 2020, 04:28 AM
Just saw an article on a leaked internal R poll here in Kansas - Apparently the democrat challenger is up a few points over the the republican in our senate race. So that would be neat.
They're both getting tons of cash from pacs and national orgs so the advertising is oppressively constant, but its interesting to be in a position where a little national attention is being paid.

October 9th, 2020, 09:20 AM
Pence is not going where he was supposed to.
Trumps spokesliar won't answer the question "when was his (Trumps) last negative test for COVID?"

I suspect they both have it.

And had it when they took part in both their respective debates.

October 9th, 2020, 09:43 AM
Pence is a rat. I couldn't stand how he misappropriated the phrase "you're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts" the night of the debate. I thought the irony was thick seeing as how he's a part of the most dishonest and outright criminal administration in history. It sickened me to the core how someone of his ilk could have the gall to misuse one of the greatest quotes of modern history.

October 10th, 2020, 06:54 AM
If Trump wins again, this type of thing will happen less and less.


October 10th, 2020, 07:46 AM
Hillary says "I told you." (https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/10/hillary-clinton-doing-now-2020/616668/)

October 10th, 2020, 08:18 AM
For voters like me, it’s not that I don’t believe her, it just that I don’t want her. I don’t want trump too. That’s why I voted for neither.

To fix the problem Hillary’s saying, maybe public offices are better off left vacant if they don’t get a certain amount of vote threshold. Just elevate the next in line to fill the office. Perhaps that’ll be able to fix the lesser of the two evil problem.

Keep the electoral college, but add that if you don’t have more than 50% popular vote, then speaker of the house takes over.

October 10th, 2020, 09:05 AM
I don't know, but I feel Yankee-right wing TV station Fox News isn't that far away from Bolivian-right wing TV station TVU.


Because a Biden 15 point lead is a close one, in the same sense that 30+ point lead is, right?

Tom Servo
October 10th, 2020, 03:51 PM
Ahh yes, the bar chart where all the bars are arbitrarily sized.

October 10th, 2020, 03:57 PM
I love how both Baya and Mamani are scoring twice as much as Chung yet...

Tom Servo
October 10th, 2020, 05:29 PM
Oh yeah, that leading zero is weird...

October 12th, 2020, 04:40 PM

Rare White Ape
October 12th, 2020, 04:46 PM

October 12th, 2020, 04:52 PM
where the fuck did that come from?

October 12th, 2020, 06:03 PM
DM'd to an African American doctor (https://twitter.com/uche_blackstock/status/1315801271715147781?s=19) after she had been featured on CNN and MSNBC talk shows.

She's the spokeperson for a group called Advancing Health Equity.

October 12th, 2020, 06:05 PM
I believe we are inching closer to a new fascist holocaust than we'd like to think, maybe not in 2020, but the levee's broken already and the next demagogue won't be as useless as Trump.

October 13th, 2020, 06:09 AM

October 13th, 2020, 07:36 AM
I believe we are inching closer to a new fascist holocaust than we'd like to think, maybe not in 2020, but the levee's broken already and the next demagogue won't be as useless as Trump.

QAnon is gaining traction in Germany as well...

However, I can’t believe America will repeat Germany’s mistake. I tend to think the left is over exaggerating a fascist overtake just like the right is exaggerating on a socialist overtake...

Anyway, most conservatives are probably like roofer, and I know he’s not a racist nor fascist. Should Trump or any future fascist dictator arise, I have little doubt that we will be able to finally put 2nd amendment into good use.

I think one of the main reason for our political polarization is due to our deep distrust of the other side. I don’t get why roofer is so afraid of socialism and I don’t get why you guys are so afraid of fascism...

Yes, both of those -isms practiced to the extreme could cause a lot of lives lost... so the key is moderation in everything...

Nationalistic sentiments had been rising naturally, thanks to the failures of globalism and now covid19. Are we going to have anymore shit piled on us to induced these extremist views? Maybe. However I’m hopeful most Americans won’t fall into that... I’d be more worry if we had never elected Obama... Americans may be dumb, but most of us are not evil.

October 13th, 2020, 11:52 AM
Regarding Supreme Court nomination... judge Amy claimed she will judge based on rule or law, not faith...

Is that really possible? Given that our laws are based on judeo-christian values?

Personally I think she’s probably a hypocrite like other republicans because she made a claim against confirming a Supreme Court justice during an election year during Obama’s time... in order for me to truly respect her, she should’ve withdraw or request to delay her own confirmation...

But anyway, if roe vs Wade will really be overturned, at least it won’t be done by all men justices... anyway, hopefully once she’s in, she will actually be able to properly deliver judgments in good faith based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

G'day Mate
October 13th, 2020, 02:33 PM
Given that our laws are based on judeo-christian values?

Without knowing exactly what you're claiming here, these values are probably fairly universal.

October 13th, 2020, 04:51 PM
Look, no matter how much you’d like to deny this, the western civilization has based itself on the laws of Moses, which was summarized by Jesus as love God and love one another.

Of course the ‘love God’ part could end up being twisted by some to cause persecutions so now we mostly just focus on the love one another part and made sure we allow people the freedom to worship freely.

So to answer your question, yes, it is fairly universal as well, but the Christian influence on the west should be pretty clear.

For a Supreme Court judge to deliver a good and fair judgment, he or she should be able to make both Jesus and the people happy. Not to just follow the letter of the law... we all could interpret the same sentences differently anyway... how can we be sure our interpretation of the law is really right?

Best we could do is to hope that whatever we do is out of love for God and for other people. We do this right, our future will be bright, we do this wrong, we enter into the dark ages...

G'day Mate
October 13th, 2020, 05:02 PM
But none of the silly stuff though right? Like clothing, haircuts, putting to death people who curse their parents ... basically only the stuff that makes sense without having to be told by Moses, right?

Perhaps this should be taken to the religion thread.

Tom Servo
October 13th, 2020, 05:47 PM
Yeah, there are a lot of assumptions about religion here (both that Christianity is what came up with those values vs. codifying already emerging values and that to be an effective judge means making Jesus happy is a prerequisite), definitely feels like it'd be better for the religion thread.

Suffice it to say, I don't agree that a judge having a faith means they have to make rulings that line up with that faith. Much like I don't think that owning a gun means you can't make fair second amendment rulings.

October 13th, 2020, 06:16 PM
Sorry, don’t mean to mix religion in this, but the discussion is relevant.

Jesus himself had been judged by the Pharisees for supposedly breaking God’s laws..., but of course pharisees’ interpretations were wrong. We need to try to figure out what is the spirit of the law rather than applying everything to the letter.

Plus, in the event of existing laws are unclear, what are judges to do? Pretend to be computers delivering syntax error judgements?

Anyway, point is I’m on the fence about judge Amy. She appears nice, but not sure if I trust her based on her words...

G'day Mate
October 13th, 2020, 06:28 PM
What was the vote in favour of Ruth Bader Ginsburg? 90-something to 2?

Would any nominee do anywhere near that well in the current climate?

October 13th, 2020, 06:33 PM
if you took the crazy out of Amy, she'd probably score high marks. she's pretty favorable to business.

Tom Servo
October 14th, 2020, 07:19 AM
I know a lot of us, myself included, thought that the debate likely didn't change many minds and hoped that Biden had done better. Turns out, at least I was off the mark.

Trump hasn’t recovered from tailspin set off by raucous debate performance, poll shows (https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-10-14/trump-debate-performance-polling)

Main gist is that for most people, polled before the debate with how they thought he'd do and then again after the debate with how they thought he did, Trump did really poorly, especially amongst right-leaning independents. Also that polling effects of debates are usually short-lived, but this is proving to be long-lasting, and his refusal to do a virtual debate on the 15th isn't helping him any.

October 14th, 2020, 08:08 AM
I think at the end of the day, at most those conservatives not happy with Trump simply won't vote or go 3rd party like me?

Of the conservative friends of colleagues I know, they all know Trump sucks with lots of personal failings, but Trump is still better than whatever 'socialists' democrats put on the ballot. Less of the 2 evils continue to work well on both sides...

Those recent poll can help us feel good, but... seriously, I really thought Hillary had it in the bag with the pussy grabbing thing came out. Anything can still happen... the fat lady hasn't sung yet.

October 14th, 2020, 12:37 PM
I'm dragging this from the religion thread because it has more to do with rule of law and also because seriously guys, religion thread? yuck!

Swervo says some judicial interpretation is based on poorly written laws... so, how does your perfectible union go about changing that? afaiu amendments are political tools for change... and codification works in a hierarchy, operational code has to comply with regulatory arrangements, which have to comply with constitutional rules or they get changed. if the poorly written code allows for abuse by a few actors with technical expertise, then it's considered a loophole and the law is only changed by pressure from interested parties.

but what happens if the law is just dysfunctional without the need of a particular knowledge?

October 14th, 2020, 01:14 PM
If a particular law is just dysfunctional or just plain stupid based on your own 'moral value', then as a judge, surely you have the flexibility to make a change rather than insist on applying the stupid law?

If I were a judge, for one, I would at least grant leniency to the offender of a stupid law. If I were a supreme court justice, then of course I will try my best to deliver something that is more just than what is written.

Of course the problem is that we may not share the same exact morals... even Christians can interpret the bible differently, let alone interpret laws... but each one of us only have our own conscience to answer to if we are at such position of power to make the change. As long as somebody isn't corrupting the system, I can respect judges who just have entirely different opinions than myself. I just want somebody with integrity, this somebody doesn't HAVE to be Christian.

October 14th, 2020, 01:34 PM


October 14th, 2020, 01:41 PM
If a particular law is just dysfunctional or just plain stupid based on your own 'moral value', then as a judge, surely you have the flexibility to make a change rather than insist on applying the stupid law?
Generally no. That pesky separation of powers gets in the way.
It of course depends on the specifics, in some circumstances they can dismiss charges if the case is unprovable, enact a minimal sentence, or attempt to negate the charges with specific jury instructions - This last one can get judges in serious trouble though, so they don't tend to do that. None of these things change the law though - that is a job for upper courts when you're appealing, and even then the most they can generally do is declare a law unconstitutional and suggest it be rewritten.

Tom Servo
October 14th, 2020, 01:50 PM
If a particular law is just dysfunctional or just plain stupid based on your own 'moral value', then as a judge, surely you have the flexibility to make a change rather than insist on applying the stupid law?

If, for example, it's stupid in a way that means it contradicts the constitution, then a judge can rule it unconstitutional. I'm not sure a Supreme Court justice can just strike down a law saying "I think it's stupid."

There's definitely a lot of vexation about the idea of "legislating from the bench", which I think is what you're referring to, and the more excitable among us would yell about "activist judges".

October 14th, 2020, 01:53 PM
Generally no. That pesky separation of powers gets in the way.
It of course depends on the specifics, in some circumstances they can dismiss charges if the case is unprovable, enact a minimal sentence, or attempt to negate the charges with specific jury instructions - This last one can get judges in serious trouble though, so they don't tend to do that. None of these things change the law though - that is a job for upper courts when you're appealing, and even then the most they can generally do is declare a law unconstitutional and suggest it be rewritten.

Yes, generally no, but not always. I've highlighted the exceptions that judges can do with stupid laws.

October 14th, 2020, 02:53 PM
What you're missing is that with the exception of the final sentence*, none of the potentialities I offered do anything to the law itself. Said law remains on the books, and other people can and do get charged for violating the law. This is a serious problem, because you don't want uncertainties and uneven application in your legal system - when you have these uncertainties and uneven application, that is a failure of "Rule of Law" which is the basic concept upon which our entire legal system rests.

* Even then, its iffy. The courts have limited power to make any other parts of government do anything. See Worcester v Georgia and Andrew Jackson's apocryphal response "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."

October 14th, 2020, 03:29 PM
I understand the limitation of the courts, but there will be uneven applications in all fields... This problem exists everywhere! ;)

I just thought we should carefully consider the spirit of each law rather than just apply it to the letter blindly. If I were a judge, just saying that I won't blindly follow every law. Surely not all laws are created equal. If it's unconstitutional, goes against the 'golden rule', or just plain stupid, although I can't change it, I will try my best to minimize it. That's all.

If a judge has no integrity, then I suppose he or she should just try to apply the laws to the letter..., but I seriously doubt a judge without integrity could even do that.

Also, circumstances could be different too... if you have a serious medical emergency and decided to blow thru a red light because there's really no cross traffic, should the cop insisting on enforcing the traffic law and the judge charge you guilty? Legally it's not the wrong thing to do, but it'd be very stupid thing to do.

October 14th, 2020, 03:38 PM
I think I understand what you're getting at billi, but, my question was geared more towards how does the whole of The State reacts when it finds a loose coupling. Thus why I referred to the Union.

October 14th, 2020, 05:11 PM
I don’t really have a detail answer for you, all I can say is that if we find something lose, we’ll have to find a way to tighten it back up or we’ll risk failing something... :p

I tend to view the State as a vehicle and the individuals living in it are the drivers... so I don’t expect cars to be able to fix themselves. Without good actors/drivers, the car will eventually break down.

October 15th, 2020, 07:04 PM
Trump continued to be ... Trump in his "townhall"; combative, evasive, prevaricating.

Biden, seemed to listen, answer the question and even speak at length on the question. Quite the contrast.

October 16th, 2020, 05:20 AM
It was comforting how boring Biden's Town Hall was. He had long nuanced answers, and actually talked to people. Miss that in a President.

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2020, 08:30 AM
I saw one of Trump's campaign staff dismissing Biden's town hall as being like watching Mr. Rogers. I don't think they get how much people loved Mr. Rogers. Then again, one of Trump's favorite insults is to say someone did something "like a dog" which I don't get because dogs are great.

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2020, 05:04 PM
It only matters because it'll ruin Trump's day, but he got lower ratings than Biden did in the town halls.

October 16th, 2020, 06:04 PM
Biden was still answering questions 30 minutes after his event was supposed to end. <hat tip.>

October 16th, 2020, 07:25 PM
I saw one of Trump's campaign staff dismissing Biden's town hall as being like watching Mr. Rogers. I don't think they get how much people loved Mr. Rogers. Then again, one of Trump's favorite insults is to say someone did something "like a dog" which I don't get because dogs are great.

Trump doesn't own a dog, or any pet. That says enough about him as a man right there.

MR2 Fan
October 16th, 2020, 08:30 PM
Trump is now floating the idea of leaving the country if he loses.

October 16th, 2020, 08:58 PM
Trump is now floating the idea of leaving the country if he loses.

Russia might take him?

Oh wait, he'll be of no use to them.

October 16th, 2020, 08:59 PM
Israel? it doesn't have a lot of extradition treaties.

October 16th, 2020, 09:33 PM
Couldn’t care less where the hell he goes. Just hopefully not the White House...

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2020, 10:32 PM
Trump is now floating the idea of leaving the country if he loses.

oh please oh please oh please. And take his shitty kids with him.

I figure Giuliani can patrol the moat.

October 16th, 2020, 10:55 PM
the number of "celebrities" who have said they'd leave a country if an election didn't go their way considerably outnumbers the amount who have actually followed through. This will be no exception.

October 17th, 2020, 12:15 AM
It's probably more of a "flee" thing, than leaving. I have a hunch there's a few indictments waiting for him on his last day. him, his inner circle, and his whole fucking family.

Cunts, the lot of them.

October 17th, 2020, 12:33 AM
Rich ones though. Which makes it highly unlikely justice will ever be served.

October 17th, 2020, 08:36 AM
He'll just "retire" to the Caribbean, where all his money is.

October 17th, 2020, 09:49 AM
Jerusalem i tells ya! Dude might be incompetent but he is not stupid, he knows he can trust Bibi more than Vlad.

October 17th, 2020, 02:21 PM
Trump is now floating the idea of leaving the country if he loses.

He knows he's up on all sorts of charges.

October 17th, 2020, 03:31 PM
Couldn’t care less where the hell he goes. Just hopefully not the White House... Hopefully the big house.

October 18th, 2020, 04:32 PM
Trump is now floating the idea of leaving the country if he loses.That almost sounds like campaigning for his opponent.

October 19th, 2020, 05:07 AM
The funny part is, I bet if he wins he still wouldn't stop campaigning. Those rallies are like crack to him.

i bet if he loses he won't stop the rallies. Think about it, he has only served one term, thus he would still be within his rights to continue to campaign for the next presidential election. And he has a bunch of crazy people that love him and will continue to show up. He'll just keep holding rallies and saying shit about every little thing that Biden does in the White House. You'll start seeing Trump 2024 paraphernalia everywhere.

I'm serious, it won't stop until he leaves this mortal coil.

October 19th, 2020, 07:23 AM
Oh my gosh..., never thought of it that way. Even if Trump loses this November, it's definitely possible for him to come back after Biden's one term!!! :eek:

Hope that nightmare scenario won't happen... I suppose maybe it's a good thing. Keep them politicians on their toes... hey, if you're not careful, Trump just might come back!

October 19th, 2020, 07:43 AM
I thought American voters are dumb because a lot of us actually did not have a college education, but apparently college education doesn’t help! :|


Why are we paying so much for college?

October 19th, 2020, 12:19 PM
I thought American voters are dumb because a lot of us actually did not have a college education, but apparently college education doesn’t help! :|


Why are we paying so much for college?
See post #1807 in the pandemic thread:

Before I jump into the deep end, I'd like to re-emphasize that the majority of these issues are rooted in and reactions to states cutting university funding across the nation. It's not that they suddenly got greedy, but were rather backed into the corner.

So why do they need students on campus? It largely comes down to big universities being low-key terrified of community colleges. Big schools make huge proportions of their money on first and second year students as they are often required to live on campus and not only do they pay the school rent - they buy the meal plans, actually purchase their overpriced books new at the on-campus bookstore, etc. Juniors and seniors don't do nearly as much of this stuff- plus, there are inherently fewer of them.

Studies indicate that students generally perceive that there's pretty much no difference between an amazing professor teaching online and a crappy one*. Further, most of time your intro courses aren't going to be taught by the amazing, famous-y professors anyway. Therefore, maybe a community college is a better bet if it's 1/3 the price per credit hour.

So if students aren't getting better educations at big universities, what else is drawing them? The main thing is your classic "College experience" - live in a dorm, rush a fraternity, get drunk/high, get into tie-dye, join a competitive hacky-sack team, hang out with cool grad students, etc. This is a big part of why schools have spent the past 15 years or so investing absolutely ridiculous amounts of money on "student amenities" - Dorms with rock-climbing walls, spas, movie theaters, and rooms that are frankly luxurious compared to in the past. And you can't get most of that stuff at a CC or any of that stuff if you're taking classes online in your parents basement in the pandemic. This focus on the "on-campus experience" has resulted in two major things - a low-key arms race between schools, and schools being massively invested in real estate/infrastructure which is beyond completely useless if they can't put students in them.

October 19th, 2020, 01:03 PM
i bet if he loses he won't stop the rallies. Think about it, he has only served one term, thus he would still be within his rights to continue to campaign for the next presidential election. And he has a bunch of crazy people that love him and will continue to show up. He'll just keep holding rallies and saying shit about every little thing that Biden does in the White House. You'll start seeing Trump 2024 paraphernalia everywhere.

I'm serious, it won't stop until he leaves this mortal coil. Shit I never thought of that. :mad:

October 19th, 2020, 01:35 PM
i bet if he loses he won't stop the rallies. Think about it, he has only served one term, thus he would still be within his rights to continue to campaign for the next presidential election. And he has a bunch of crazy people that love him and will continue to show up. He'll just keep holding rallies and saying shit about every little thing that Biden does in the White House. You'll start seeing Trump 2024 paraphernalia everywhere.

I'm serious, it won't stop until he leaves this mortal coil.

He's been campaigning since day 1. It's all he wants, adoration and applause.

Voted this morning.

G'day Mate
October 19th, 2020, 02:38 PM
i bet if he loses he won't stop the rallies. Think about it, he has only served one term, thus he would still be within his rights to continue to campaign for the next presidential election. And he has a bunch of crazy people that love him and will continue to show up. He'll just keep holding rallies and saying shit about every little thing that Biden does in the White House. You'll start seeing Trump 2024 paraphernalia everywhere.

I'm serious, it won't stop until he leaves this mortal coil.

I was about to say the same thing, and if anyone brings charges against him he'll claim it's another political witch hunt and he should be immune or something.

October 19th, 2020, 07:30 PM
I was about to say the same thing, and if anyone brings charges against him he'll claim it's another political witch hunt and he should be immune or something.

Of course it will. And that's why it has to be airtight. Like his "I call the CEO of Exxon..." comment today.

There'll be a notation on his calendar about a call or meeting with someone. Hopefully, a recording of said meeting. And a confession/ tweet from him. Plus the actual action decided in the meeting.

October 19th, 2020, 07:36 PM
I was excited about the mics being shut off in the next debate, but it's only for the two minute duration of the opening statement.

If Trump goes first, Biden should attack him mercilessly in those two minutes, bring up his record of failure, his bankruptcies, his divorces, his presidency. Then say, I can do much better than him. :thppt:

Trump will be unhinged for the rest of the debate. :lol:

October 19th, 2020, 08:57 PM
Trump will be unhinged for the rest of the debate. :lol:

*more unhinged ;)

October 19th, 2020, 09:34 PM
I don't think there wer ever any hinges to begin with.

October 20th, 2020, 08:49 AM
I was excited about the mics being shut off in the next debate, but it's only for the two minute duration of the opening statement.

If Trump goes first, Biden should attack him mercilessly in those two minutes, bring up his record of failure, his bankruptcies, his divorces, his presidency. Then say, I can do much better than him. :thppt:

Trump will be unhinged for the rest of the debate. :lol:

then bring up the fact his town hall got better ratings head to head...

October 20th, 2020, 09:32 AM
Viewers just like to watch doors crashing down unhinged and somebody getting hurt rather than watching it hinged and being used normally.

What kind of door do we want in the white house?

Tom Servo
October 20th, 2020, 04:11 PM
At least I hear it's the opening statement for each topic, so not just the first four minutes of the debate.

Thinking about the Venn diagram of people who are mad about the mic-muting thing after Trump couldn't abide by the rules he and his campaign agreed to and people who say about police shootings, "well, if you'd just follow the law, then this wouldn't happen."

Tom Servo
October 21st, 2020, 07:03 AM
After a judge appointed lawyers to find the parents of migrant children separated from their parents at the border under Trump's "zero-tolerance" policy, lawyers say they have been unable to location the parents of 545 children being detained.


October 21st, 2020, 09:20 AM
There is a very real probability that some of them are dead due to Covid. But yeah, this is Trump's America.

October 21st, 2020, 10:22 AM
Viewers just like to watch doors crashing down unhinged and somebody getting hurt rather than watching it hinged and being used normally.

What kind of door do we want in the white house?

Beaded curtain

Tom Servo
October 21st, 2020, 11:49 AM
I always love a good revolving door.

October 21st, 2020, 12:13 PM
I vote for a Fun House mirror to make visiting heads of state look short and fat.

October 21st, 2020, 04:38 PM
then bring up the fact his town hall got better ratings head to head...

That more people have donated to his campaign.
That he (trump) is universally disliked.

He really should just go in the gutter, if Trump goes first. I don't think that's an angle anyone will be expecting.

October 21st, 2020, 04:40 PM
After a judge appointed lawyers to find the parents of migrant children separated from their parents at the border under Trump's "zero-tolerance" policy, lawyers say they have been unable to location the parents of 545 children being detained.


I'm so livid about ... fuck all the people who couldn't get over her emails.

October 21st, 2020, 05:26 PM
Sorry, Mo...

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Tuesday it is not the job of her department to track school districts’ reopening plans or the number of coronavirus cases they are grappling with as districts look for guidance as to how to conduct classes safely during the pandemic. (http://gtxforums.net/showthread.php?82-Politics&p=156447#post156447)

I could have linked to the real news item, but, like, seriously, what else can be said to justify/rationalize/explain the shitstorm that the headline doesn't already?

October 22nd, 2020, 10:24 AM
DeVos is a major shitstain on humanity too.

October 22nd, 2020, 10:34 AM
I watched Obama's drive-thru speech last night and he referred to her as a hack.

(Ok not her by name, but all of Trump's appointees collectively)

October 22nd, 2020, 07:18 PM
Mute didn't seem to be employed much, if at all.

As always, I thought Joe did better than Donny. The moderation was better, but again, Trump ran roughshod over her numerous times. A near shit show.

And to think, all people had to do was vote for the lady with the emails.

October 22nd, 2020, 10:09 PM

October 23rd, 2020, 07:06 AM
It was a well moderated debate. Both men were allowed multiple responses to the issues and each other, and the whole thing flowed way better. I read people expected a brawl but got a debate instead.

One thing in particular stood out for me: during the immigration part, Trump and Biden were bickering after time was up and Biden kept going on about the 525 kids with lost parents, and Trump’s response was “good”. Anyone else remember that?

Tom Servo
October 23rd, 2020, 07:08 AM
I thought I heard good as well, but my wife heard "go ahead", asking the moderator to move on. After rewinding and playing again, I agree with her, he was trying to get off the subject and trying to get the moderator to go ahead and ask the next question.

October 23rd, 2020, 07:30 AM
Interesting. I suppose our internal bias could cause us to somehow hear things differently? ;)

Anyway, I only listened to the beginning. I do agree the flow and the moderator were a lot better than the previous debate. At least I wasn't as agitated listening to them talking over each other... however, I didn't feel like listening to everything because they weren't telling me anything 'new'.

I basically just tuned in to see how Trump looks after Covid19. I think the shade of his orange looks a bit different than before, but overall he looks surprisingly well. Yeah..., for better or worse... he's freaking immune to it now...

Tom Servo
October 23rd, 2020, 07:43 AM
Probably not the best look for him that as he insists everything's getting better on the covid front, the US posts its largest ever new case number.

October 23rd, 2020, 08:14 AM
He's going to stand by the fact that it's not that dangerous now. He will keep saying that he got it, was treated, and is now immune. He will also keep saying that young people are less seriously effected, so it's ok for everyone that isn't a senior citizen to go out.

October 23rd, 2020, 08:37 AM
One thing in particular stood out for me: during the immigration part, Trump and Biden were bickering after time was up and Biden kept going on about the 525 kids with lost parents, and Trump’s response was “good”. Anyone else remember that?

I heard "good" as well. I was appalled since he had started pushing eugenics as an immigration policy (the people with the lowest IQ among other bits) and almost vomited when I heard that.