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January 14th, 2021, 07:10 AM
We all worried that it was going to do that to Milo Yiannapoulos too. Yes, I understand, you're also asking "who?"

I get the fear, but *not* doing it lead to the President of the United States inciting an insurrection against his own government. I don't think not acting was an option.

There's a difference between wrong action and no action...

Our social media platform had bee doing practically the wrong actions and no actions before. I like the fact that they later on tried to tag posts that are not factual. I personally practice wholesale ban on Trump myself since I'd never actively read any of them. I just thought it shouldn't be so hard for social media companies to be able to selectively act in accordance to the content of the posts, especially for famous people's.

To give some credit to Trump, his posts were effective at telling those rioters to go home.

We no longer has this option anymore.

Hopefully Trump/fascism in America will now be forever hidden in the darkweb and people's minds and never see the light of day.

However, if FBI could fail to act when such discussions were openly spoken on social media platforms, now that we've successfully hid these things, FBI would be more effective when responding to these threats?

Anyway, personally, I'd like to openly defeat them rather than just forcing them to shut up about it. You know they won't shut up about it.

Hopefully the impeachment will successfully ban Trump from running for office again. If he's elected again, we'll surely be fucked.

January 14th, 2021, 07:11 AM
I just did a "fuck Trump" search in this thread for the hell of it. 3 pages of results, in which neanderthal and drew have 90% of it covered.

It's taken a long time for the nation to catch up.

Drew and I are now at another level: fuck Republicans. Join us, we have cookies. a fuck Republicans and hold them ALL accountable mentality.

January 14th, 2021, 07:16 AM
These are my arguments in support of the move by various companies to restrict Trump:

1. Free speech only limits the government from prosecuting you for what you say; It does not apply to private institutions
2. Free speech is not free of consequences
3. Social media platforms each have a T.O.S. which users agree to while signing up for the service
4. Social media platforms also have an obligation to ensure that certain types of speech (I.E. incitement to violence) are not allowed to be broadcast


1. We should be weary of allowing singular large organisations to determine what messages are allowed to be seen
2. We should also be weary of the laws that dictate what they can and cannot broadcast on our behalf
3. And we should be weary of the governments that create these laws

Note that 'weariness' doesn't mean I am against the law in question - preventing the incitement to violence is something that I definitely do support for obvious reasons. What it does mean is that we can hold governments to account if we think they have overstepped the line by limiting the free sharing of ideas.

Here's something I am definitely against:

1. The slippery slope argument

That is all.

Trump was given an excessively long rope to hang himself. You and I would have been banned already for using the things he said.

In fact, someone created a Twitter account specifically to only tweet what Trump tweeted. And, yes, got banned many multiple times. Trump is only getting banned now.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Twitter too, for not having the balls.

And notice there've been few in media who acknowledge that Madam Vice President Kamala Harris was right all along.

Vote like black women should really be listen to black women. It's what I mostly do.

January 14th, 2021, 07:26 AM
total intolerance of democracy towards intolerant (fascist) ideas and personalities.

Fuck Trump.

I'm not trying to defend Trump and fascism, but I wholeheartedly disagree with the saying 'I don't tolerate people who are intolerant.'

That saying is full of shit and giving people the fucking excuse to be intolerant themselves in a different way.

Both Fa and Antifa should not exist. Although Newton wasn't from Italy, but basic physical laws tell us action/reaction... if we can tolerate antifa, then that will naturally result in FA because you can't possibly be anti something that doesn't exist. Both extremisms are dangerous. We are tolerating the leftist extremism because it's countering the rightist extremism. It's the same policy as assuming enemies of our enemies are our friends. Are they really our friends?

January 14th, 2021, 07:28 AM
I would like to remind you all that the trump administration has not contacted the families of six hundred and eleven children who are held separate from their parents since they were detained trying to cross into the United States. For eighteen of those minors, public servants have no contacts of their parents.

Let that sink in.

A needlessly cruel policy is run by incompetent sadists.

A government program with no other objective than to cause emotional pain has ruined the lives of ay least 18 children.

That is the legacy of president trump.

Say it with me: fuck Trump. Fuck the Republicans who enabled him. Fuck the media that coddled him. Fuck all those in his administration who carries out his horrific ideas.


I want Nuremberg trials for all of the Trump administration and those that were involved with the babies in cages and forced hysterectomies. And I'm dead serious about that.

All those "we are a nation of laws" and "you do the crime you do the time" etc platitudes need to come home to roost.

I have very little faith in Joe Biden to pursue this the way I want it pursued.

And no, I don't care if it radicalizes Trump's followers, because I want trials for everyone if those fuckers who invaded the Capitol for being accomplices in the murder of five people. Every. Single. One.
Ask yourself how would the prosecutors conduct themselves if this was some black young men. They would call for the maximum sentence. And that's exactly what I want.

There are plenty of black middle aged men in jail right now who've been there for twenty or more years and all they did was be in the wrong place at the wrong time when they were teenagers.

So I don't want to hear about unity, their families, the hardships they'll go through, all that bullshit. Throw the whole mother fucking book at them. Throw the entire bookshelf. In fact, fuck it, throw the whole goddamn library at them.

January 14th, 2021, 07:31 AM
I'd gladly see Trump receive a fair trial and be locked away for good! However, I'd not like to see Trump being caged like a kid without due process. That's all I'm saying. We need not forget to be civilized human beings or else our civilization will never be great again.

January 14th, 2021, 08:05 AM
All the entitled cunts "protesting" walking through a metal detector: fuck YOU.

Here's an idea, if you don't want to abide by the rules and regulations of your work place, FUCK OFF.

Besides, aren't republicans "Law and Order", or is it only when it doesn't apply to them.

Fuck republicans.

The seditious 12 (think it's 12) need to be expelled and barred for ever holding another government position. In fact, they should only be qualified to scoop horseshit at a rural Indiana Wal-Mart.

January 14th, 2021, 08:11 AM
Following up a post, with a post, and I'm not worked up:

Second. Any Congressman/woman (or senator), that was even merely alleged to have been involved, needs to be gone, NOW. If an allegation of "sexual assault" caused Al Franken to voluntarily resign, where does sedition and insurrection land on that scale?

Fuck them all.

January 14th, 2021, 08:21 AM
I felt Al Franken incident was BS, not that I’m a sexual harassment sympathizer, but Al really wasn’t given a chance to be properly investigated.

It is fair to apply the same standard for everyone, but 2 wrongs don’t really make a right.

Further, it was the left who shot themselves in the foot with the Al Franken thing. If the left continue to ‘shoot’ like that, we’re just asking the right wing crazies to want to shoot back with real bullets.

In times like this, please don’t let emotions run too wildly.

Trump fully deserved what he’s gotten so far, but just saying we also need to remember to behave like civilized society and not degenerate to their deplorable levels.

Sizable amount of Americans believe the election is stolen. Better approach is to try to prove to them that Biden is the rightful winner rather than just shut Trump down and tell his supporters to shut up.

If these Americans were tricked into believing some sort of alternate facts, isn't it our responsibility to help 'untrick' them to help them get back on the right track? Rather than just tell them to shut up and fuck off, right?

That's why I believe right action is important. If we can't do the right action, then at least no action. Wrong actions definitely will only exacerbate the problem.

January 14th, 2021, 08:40 AM
Police departments across the country have opened investigations after discovering that members of their police force were involved in last week’s Capitol riot. According to reports (https://www.revolt.tv/platform/amp/news/2021/1/12/22227171/off-duty-cops-capitol-riot-investigation), multiple off-duty cops have been identified as pro-Trump rioters and are now facing repercussions back home.

January 14th, 2021, 08:55 AM
I felt Al Franken incident was BS, not that I’m a sexual harassment sympathizer, but Al really wasn’t given a chance to be properly investigated.

It is fair to apply the same standard for everyone, but 2 wrongs don’t really make a right.

Further, it was the left who shot themselves in the foot with the Al Franken thing. If the left continue to ‘shoot’ like that, we’re just asking the right wing crazies to want to shoot back with real bullets.

In times like this, please don’t let emotions run too wildly.

Trump fully deserved what he’s gotten so far, but just saying we also need to remember to behave like civilized society and not degenerate to their deplorable levels.

Sizable amount of Americans believe the election is stolen. Better approach is to try to prove to them that Biden is the rightful winner rather than just shut Trump down and tell his supporters to shut up.

If these Americans were tricked into believing some sort of alternate facts, isn't it our responsibility to help 'untrick' them to help them get back on the right track? Rather than just tell them to shut up and fuck off, right?

That's why I believe right action is important. If we can't do the right action, then at least no action. Wrong actions definitely will only exacerbate the problem.

Re-education camps it is

Rare White Ape
January 14th, 2021, 11:46 AM
Someone made a map of locations from video metadata that was uploaded to Parler.


There is extensive evidence of users in DC on the day of the riot, and he says that every second of the incident was filmed from at least one angle.

Cutting the footage together would make for a very interesting documentary. A film student’s project is just waiting to be made here.

Rare White Ape
January 14th, 2021, 12:39 PM
Someone made an animation (using the data from the Parler video uploads) showing the movements of people through DC after Trump's appearance at the Save America Rally on Jan 6th.


January 15th, 2021, 07:32 AM
It's taken a long time for the nation to catch up.

Drew and I are now at another level: fuck Republicans. Join us, we have cookies. a fuck Republicans and hold them ALL accountable mentality. My friend, I was anti-American (anti-Republican mostly) before it was cool. Especially during the George W. Bush era. I didn’t like him or his foreign policies and got a lot of shit for it on here by people who are now saying the same things. Funny how I now consider W to be an angel.

I look forward to the day America can reclaim its glory as a nation worthy of looking up to. Maybe Biden will truly MAGA!

January 15th, 2021, 07:52 AM
Hopefully President Trump's existence in the past 4 years was to help America be free from GOP's grip...

It seems regardless who's in the white house, GOP always had control in Congress... even when not, they can successfully obstruct and eventually get their way... and let's forget about the supreme court for now...

Anyway, at this stage, I think senate(Mitch) has been weakened. From the stimulus check fiasco to the now verbally agreeing with impeaching Trump... Mitch can't possibly keep the party together by appeasing both to the rich established members of the GOP AND the working class members of the GOP... So GOP is now fractured and hopefully the dems can build on this momentum.

President elect is also not a black dude nor a chick, so it'll be difficult for them white male supremacist to attack him on that. Biden's moderate position also meant he really isn't a socialist politically like Bernie... This old man is also unlike to do any hanky panky with any interns... So it will be difficult to drum up crazy reasons to attack him. Sleepy Joe only need to not fall asleep to be successful! ;)

Considering where we are right now, the only way for us to go is up, right?

Hopefully Biden will be able to be healthy enough to serve 2 terms... Because if after 4 years we end up with President Kamala, she will probably end up with greater obstructions/opposition than Obama did...

Rare White Ape
January 15th, 2021, 12:12 PM
This thread has had two posts since I posted yesterday.

What the fuck?

January 15th, 2021, 12:57 PM
The shitshow is about to end, hoping it will be boring politics after next week.

We should start another thread for "Soon to be ass-fucked traitors" and comment on all the inevitable arrests of fucktards.

January 15th, 2021, 01:48 PM
I think it’s the calm before the storm.

January 15th, 2021, 02:10 PM
Shut your mouth you all. Boring old Biden will be boring and then die in 2 years. Then you have nine and a half years of president Harris before the US implodes.

January 15th, 2021, 02:11 PM
My office is a few blocks from our state capitol and I'm here a couple days per week to take care of things I can't do from home.

Today the office hand-wringer announced she wouldn't be coming to work at all next week because of the riots.

January 15th, 2021, 03:21 PM
Hopefully President Trump's existence in the past 4 years was to help America be free from GOP's grip...

Considering where we are right now, the only way for us to go is up, right?

Hopefully Biden will be able to be healthy enough to serve 2 terms... Because if after 4 years we end up with President Kamala, she will probably end up with greater obstructions/opposition than Obama did...

I dont think you need to have GOP lose power, just realise that shifting towards racist fear mongering is not the way forward. Its amazing that your left leaning party is probably closer to our right wing party (and our left would seem like full socialists)

Also I cant see (and wouldnt want) two terms by Biden. His job was to beat Trump and then not screw up. I think that both parties need to find some new leaders.

January 15th, 2021, 04:41 PM
Yes, new leaders, younger ones, like in their late sixties.

January 15th, 2021, 05:08 PM

January 15th, 2021, 05:23 PM
I dont think you need to have GOP lose power, just realise that shifting towards racist fear mongering is not the way forward. Its amazing that your left leaning party is probably closer to our right wing party (and our left would seem like full socialists)

Also I cant see (and wouldnt want) two terms by Biden. His job was to beat Trump and then not screw up. I think that both parties need to find some new leaders.

We thought we’ve already realized racism is shit 12 years ago... that’s how we got a black president. But clearly america still has along way to go on the race front. I have my critical views of Obama, after all BLM started under his watch, not saying it’s his fault, but not sure what has he done to help. Anyway, the other unbelievable part was that just by being black with middle name Hussein and born in Hawaii were enough for his political opposition to smear shit all over him and obstruct everything that he does.

That pretty much proved that we have a lot of low IQ/racist voters around...

But anyway, Trump is leaving office with historic low approval rating at 29%! So perhaps we can be hopeful 71% of Americans still have some sense?

Regarding Biden, I didn’t want him even for 1term, but at this stage, I have to admit he is the best man under the circumstance.

I wanted Sanders, but obviously america isn’t ready.

Unless something drastic happens and somebody emerges out of nowhere like Obama, chances are Kamala will pick up where Biden left off.

To me, she is like Obama+Hillary. Will that be a dream combination or will that be a nightmare? We’ll see.

I do agree america needs to go to the left(progressive) more.

MR2 Fan
January 15th, 2021, 05:57 PM


January 15th, 2021, 06:16 PM
They’re just ‘restructuring’, probably trying to evade some debt or taxes and aiming to be a nonprofit organization.

January 15th, 2021, 06:21 PM
That's exactly what they are doing.

Tom Servo
January 15th, 2021, 08:24 PM
My office is a few blocks from our state capitol and I'm here a couple days per week to take care of things I can't do from home.

Today the office hand-wringer announced she wouldn't be coming to work at all next week because of the riots.

A friend got a company-wide email telling people to avoid state capitols and major city centers for the next five days. I don't think it'll be all that bad, but the Q types are pretty riled up. I hope that a lot of them suddenly finding themselves facing major federal charges might take some wind out of the rest of their sails, though.

January 15th, 2021, 08:42 PM
I’m just a bit concerned because I don’t know how much of our law enforcement is really infiltrated by Q...

If it’s just law enforcement vs civilians with guns, probably not much to worry about.

However, if there are sufficient Q cops or soldiers, things could get pretty ugly.

January 15th, 2021, 11:46 PM
HAY GUYZ IMMA JUST LEAVE THIS HERE, maybe it will help you understand Billi more or something. Some "highlights".


Hong Kong democracy activists confront their Trump dilemma

Jan. 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. GMT+8
HONG KONG — One by one, the Hong Kong democracy activists last weekend began switching their Twitter profile pictures to the instantly recognizable image of President Trump.

The man they view as their key ally in their fight against the Chinese Communist Party had been kicked off the platform hours earlier. They wanted to flood Twitter with his photo in solidarity.

“Support from Hong Kong,” wrote one supporter. “We are Trump,” said another.

Across Hong Kong, Taiwan and the globe-spanning Chinese dissident community, a significant number of activists have bought into the rhetoric and conspiracy theories promoted by Trump and some of his supporters, despite the president’s attempts to subvert U.S. democracy. As President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration nears, those who view Trump as dangerous and divisive are figuring out how to engage with Trump loyalists in their ranks, stop divisions from upending their mutual cause, and promote engagement with the new administration.

“We are trying hard to see where they are coming from, what exactly is at play that motivates people to support” Trump, said Sharon Yam, an academic at the University of Kentucky who is from Hong Kong. “This moment of reckoning for the U.S. has also become one for the Hong Kong movement, where we have to confront how right-wing we have become.”

'The plastic left'
For many Hong Kong activists, their entry point into U.S. politics came in 2019 during anti-government protests that were fueled by fears that Beijing was moving swiftly to end the territory’s autonomy and long-held freedoms. By the time the protests broke out, Trump was defined by his tough-on-China rhetoric, and the relationship between Beijing and Washington was plumbing depths unseen in decades.
Ahead of the November U.S. elections, popular broadsheets like Apple Daily, whose influential founder Jimmy Lai is a stalwart Trump supporter, began publishing op-eds endorsing the president. Through disinformation, including articles published in the Epoch Times newspaper and other outlets that oppose the Communist Party, some Hong Kong activists started parroting the language of the alt-right. (The Epoch Times has repeatedly pushed back against charges of disinformation, saying it stands for “honest and accurate” journalism.)

“Trump didn’t try to subvert democracy in his own country. He wasn’t the one who cheated in the election,” said a popular Hong Kong YouTuber who goes by the name Stormtrooper. “Everything he did was within the system, he did not incite people to be violent.”

Stormtrooper, who comments frequently on U.S. politics, added that Beijing will “have a chance to breathe” under Biden — echoing the Republican view that Biden will be soft on the Communist Party.

Debates between the Hong Kong camps have become so heated that those urging people to give Biden a chance often get attacked online, tarred with the same language as the president-elect. Hong Kongers who defend Biden have been called “leftards” or “the plastic left,” a term implying they are unrealistic and rigid. Lee Cheuk-yan, an activist who questioned Trump’s claim of election fraud in November, was vilified by people who said he had received money from the Democratic Party.

Right-wing factions have even coined new phrases in Cantonese, Hong Kong’s native language, such as “sam chang gwok ga” — meaning “deep state” — and are advocating for gun rights.

Thank you Lord Trump'
In Taiwan, which Beijing routinely threatens to invade, Trump is perhaps even more popular. Taiwan has been lavished with official visits and statements of support by the Trump administration, part of its campaign to confront Beijing but which has had the effect of making the island more diplomatically engaged with Washington and globally relevant. A YouGov poll in October found Taiwan to be the only one of 15 European and Asian states that favored Trump over Biden.

Facebook and Twitter accounts that extol Trump and lambaste Democrats as soft on China are highly influential there. In a typical post this past week, “Meme Power,” a Facebook page that supports the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, celebrated Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s lifting of restrictions on U.S. diplomats’ interactions with Taiwanese counterparts.

“Thank you Lord Trump for your great love of Taiwan,” said the post. “The shackles of bondage that Lord Trump finally unraveled for Taiwan will be placed upon Taiwan again after Biden takes power.”

Lev Nachman, a Taipei-based Ph.D. student at the University of California at Irvine who studies political sentiment, said support for Trump is one of the few issues Taiwan’s deeply polarized media can agree on. Outlets supporting both leading parties in Taiwan were filled in late October with negative reports about the business and sex life of Hunter Biden, the president-elect’s son.

In December, hundreds gathered outside Taiwan’s tallest skyscraper, Taipei 101, at a rally organized by the Epoch Times, where they held signs that read “Stop the Steal” and “Taiwan, Fight for Trump.”
Sang Pu, a lawyer and media commentator in Taipei, said he was one of many who believed the results of the November election were suspicious. As in Hong Kong, many in Taiwan are distraught over what they see as a Chinese-style effort by social media companies such as Twitter and YouTube to censor their hero, Trump, said Sang.

“People in China use VPN because they crave uncensored information, but now when they climb over the Great Firewall what they’ll find is more partisan, more censored, more narrow speech rather than an open arena for debate,” Sang said.

Rare White Ape
January 16th, 2021, 12:04 AM
Seems like they're grifting onto whatever entity helps them maintain their independence from China. They will cut and run towards the Democrats if they show a hint of being 'tough on China.'

But consider this:

https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/01/11/pompeo-makes-last-hour-push-to-set-the-us-up-for-confrontation-with-china/?fbclid=IwAR2Yh2xJNmmtmdA2sRN2PNGP96P_mWD276QVoBw0 vYtmw7_Un_53a3Agjec

Read into it what you want, but what I see is simply a move by the outgoing Republicans to do something on the edge of silly, so that when the Democrats inevitably roll it back they look weak, thus allowing the Republicans to score political points.

Nobody in their right mind would properly go toe-to-toe with China. It's military and economic suicide. And the moves by the Republicans are simply moving chess pieces around to suit their own ends.

It just makes the activities of the HK protesters look all the more foolish.

January 16th, 2021, 06:12 AM
Read into it what you want, but what I see is simply a move by the outgoing Republicans to do something on the edge of silly, so that when the Democrats inevitably roll it back they look weak, thus allowing the Republicans to score political points.

Of course.

And the moves by the Republicans are simply moving chess pieces around to suit their own ends.

Of course.

It just makes the activities of the HK protesters look all the more foolish.

If this comment had been reported to Billi's buddies a few years ago and you were ethnic Chinese and lived here, it's quite likely that:

1. You and your family would have been doxxed.

2. You would be roundly and virtually lynched/denounced online as a 50-cent (i.e. paid cybertrooper) CCP stooge/kowtowing to authoritarianism blah blah blah.

3. Anywhere from tens, hundreds, to even thousands of strangers (possibly even some of your friends!) would happily have wished death upon you and your entire family, online. Some would probably make death threats/menaces. All because paragraphs 1 and 2.

4. Any kids you had would be bullied in school, because paragraphs 1 and 2.

5. If you were employed, tens or hundreds of irate people writing to your employer telling them that you should be fired, because paragraphs 1 and 2.

6. If you own or participate in a business, your business would be put on a list of businesses to avoid (and possibly attacked, the euphemism amongst Billi's bros being "renovated", if the opportunity arose), because paragraphs 1 and 2.

7. Most, if not all, of the above would not be reported in the western English-language media.

But I guess some people on this forum don't seem to think that these are things to be worried about. Because Trump Pompeo Cruz Cotton Hawley and her emails?

January 16th, 2021, 07:03 AM
The NRA is bankrupt.

They have filed for Ch. 11 protections.

January 16th, 2021, 07:42 AM
Seems like they're grifting onto whatever entity helps them maintain their independence from China. They will cut and run towards the Democrats if they show a hint of being 'tough on China.'

But consider this:

https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/01/11/pompeo-makes-last-hour-push-to-set-the-us-up-for-confrontation-with-china/?fbclid=IwAR2Yh2xJNmmtmdA2sRN2PNGP96P_mWD276QVoBw0 vYtmw7_Un_53a3Agjec

Read into it what you want, but what I see is simply a move by the outgoing Republicans to do something on the edge of silly, so that when the Democrats inevitably roll it back they look weak, thus allowing the Republicans to score political points.

Nobody in their right mind would properly go toe-to-toe with China. It's military and economic suicide. And the moves by the Republicans are simply moving chess pieces around to suit their own ends.

It just makes the activities of the HK protesters look all the more foolish.

In the days when even Top Gun Maverick feel the need to remove Taiwanese flag on his flight jacket in order to sell his movie in China, I applaud Trump admins move when it comes to dealing with China.

Normalization with China since the 70s had been good for China and her people, but has it really been that good for the world? Yeah, everyone got richer and everyone got cheap iPhones but nearly everyone got the virus too.

For HK protesters, trump was their last hope and that hope is dashed.

Trump is definitely not a good and a dangerous president, but CCP ain’t saints either.

January 16th, 2021, 11:00 AM
The NRA is bankrupt.

They have filed for Ch. 11 protections.
Nah, they are just exploiting a loophole to avoid a lawsuit. :rolleyes:

January 16th, 2021, 11:02 AM
I sure hope in a few years "Trump" is used as a new term for EPIC disaster.

You really Trumped that car repair!!!

January 16th, 2021, 11:35 AM
Add it to Urban Dictionary. :D

Rare White Ape
January 16th, 2021, 11:35 AM
I made a post some time ago which I couldn’t be bothered to search for, and in it I made some predictions about how inauguration day would go down. I’m pretty sure I said it would happen behind closed doors due to fear of safety risks, but I also definitely said that Trump wouldn’t be there because he is a sore loser.

So, without proof to back myself up, can I definitively state that I called at least one of those predictions?

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-16/trump-plans-to-depart-washington-the-morning-of-inauguration-day/13063942?fbclid=IwAR2vTUSjVLDAbwQ5V_PyRNVWDaaD0pEu X9rk3RYgSkqYQ8TygSqjLUFOSZU

January 16th, 2021, 11:37 AM
It is amazing how fragile his ego is

January 16th, 2021, 12:06 PM
Nobody in their right mind would properly go toe-to-toe with China. It's military and economic suicide. And the moves by the Republicans are simply moving chess pieces around to suit their own ends.

Especially if you are soft target, one that is not powerful enough to do much about it.
Wouldnt it suck if they banned or heavily taxed most of your exports!!!

January 16th, 2021, 12:21 PM
I still think the inauguration scare is a tactic, in that, they decide to make it off limits to the public entirely, and he can boast about having a bigger crowd at his.

I wouldn't put it past his petulant ass.

At least, I hope that's what happens, not what really looks like a real thing happening. 1 dickhead arrested already with fake credentials and a handgun with 500 rounds.

Rare White Ape
January 16th, 2021, 12:39 PM
Especially if you are soft target, one that is not powerful enough to do much about it.
Wouldnt it suck if they banned or heavily taxed most of your exports!!!

Hmmm. Yes. Imagine if they stopped buying your country’s iron ore. That would suck hey?

January 16th, 2021, 12:51 PM
The NRA is bankrupt.

They have filed for Ch. 11 protections.

Socialist Rifle Association is still going strong

January 16th, 2021, 01:25 PM
Nah, they are just exploiting a loophole to avoid a lawsuit. :rolleyes:

but didn't the rich guy whose threat to sue triggered the bankruptcy filing is now threatening to sue for bankrupt fraud? because of how the NRA presented their case: "we are not really bankrupt, wet just want to avoid getting sued".

January 16th, 2021, 01:57 PM
I bet you in one week the right wing media will suddenly be concerned about COVID death rates, unemployment, the ballooning national debt, border security, etc.

And they're going to be telling us we need to cut the fat/ turn off the spigot etc by lowering taxes, so that the government doesn't "waste our tax money."

January 16th, 2021, 02:36 PM
Totally agree with you there.

Current conditions are also ripe for america to want a bit more socialism too. Whether it’s stimulus chk, medicare, online schools also can’t possibly continue to demand sky high tuitions... making them easier to be free or affordable...

GOP likely won’t be able to succeed this time around. Fingers crossed.

January 17th, 2021, 05:16 AM
Hmmm. Yes. Imagine if they stopped buying your country’s iron ore. That would suck hey?

Or even the food and drink one produces, nah yeah?

Rare White Ape
January 17th, 2021, 11:19 AM
Stopping wine imports was small beans. A warning of what is to come.

Buying their iron from elsewhere is more serious. But I fear it may not be their biggest hitter.

January 17th, 2021, 01:31 PM
Stopping wine imports was small beans. A warning of what is to come.

Buying their iron from elsewhere is more serious. But I fear it may not be their biggest hitter.

I think iron ore is the only thing they havent hit!
Definitely hit coal (both power and steel making) and agriculture (barley - who knew it was such a big export)
We should have brought back "naughty kids get a lump of coal for xmas" and Im sure we would have balanced it out!

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2021, 01:45 PM
Finally, a straightforward video that sums up everything perfectly in one place for me.


Rare White Ape
January 17th, 2021, 02:09 PM
I think iron ore is the only thing they havent hit!
Definitely hit coal (both power and steel making) and agriculture (barley - who knew it was such a big export)
We should have brought back "naughty kids get a lump of coal for xmas" and Im sure we would have balanced it out!


China - which imports 60 per cent of its iron ore from Australia - is looking at sourcing supplies of the steel-making material from other markets.
Iron ore is Australia's largest global export and China -the world's biggest steel producer - is our biggest trading partner.
China aims to build one or two major overseas iron ore mines by 2025 under a five-year government plan, Reuters reports.

Blah blah blah etc...

It does say that China was moving ahead with this plan before our government initiated trade tensions last year, but still, that's a big hole in our economy. There's no easy way to reverse course and fix the problem thanks to our idiot in charge.

Rare White Ape
January 17th, 2021, 03:45 PM
It's OK. It will all be over soon.

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/17/historians-having-to-tape-together-records-that-trump-tore-up?fbclid=IwAR2kt3GLlSEpm_aUwdc6abORibXBBlMchkBdhU b564-4an5zfERwwm-5ZE4

January 18th, 2021, 12:05 AM
HAY GUYZ did you know that

A new survey finds that a third of Americans embrace a nuclear strike that would kill a million people.

Imagine that North Korea starts, once again, testing long-range missiles that could reach the United States. Should we drop a nuclear weapon on them, killing a million innocent civilians?

You might expect most people would answer that question with a firm, resounding no. Such an action would be morally despicable, of course. It would lead to many, many deaths. Security experts say it would do very little to advance US interests, and it’d destabilize the whole world, increasing the chance of other nuclear exchanges, with catastrophic consequences.

But it turns out these reasons wouldn’t faze a good number of Americans. A survey by YouGov and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published Monday, finds that a third of Americans would be in favor of a nuclear strike even if it killed a million people.

Link to survey within article at https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/26/18750566/nuclear-war-polling-americans-support-civilian-deaths

January 18th, 2021, 05:47 AM
This should be nothing new. People have wanted the US to nuke the entire middle east for decades now, which would kill way more than just a million people.

January 18th, 2021, 06:15 AM
Horrific as that is, it’s good to know. Our wars have had unimaginable humanitarian costs. Understanding what Americans care about, what they’re confused about, and what influences their enthusiasm for war is important if we’re ever going to stop our atrocities overseas.

I believe the article has a misunderstanding of why America engaged in stupid wars. Yes, there are definitely a lot of stupid americans, but I'm pretty sure every single time, it's the stupid/greedy/evil politicians that started the wars. Even during WWII, American people were not willing to fight the Nazis until the very last minute... and it was perhaps the end of WWII that allowed Americans to favor atomic/nuclear wars, because it helps end wars faster with minimal american casualties.

Anyway, point is, American people are not the ones starting wars. I'm more concerned with the 'establishment' starting BS wars for their own gains. And just because they don't start nuclear wars, doesn't make them very nice people.

Tom Servo
January 18th, 2021, 06:52 AM
The fact that the term "glass parking lot" is in our lexicon pretty much rendered that survey unnecessary.

January 18th, 2021, 10:51 AM
It might be the politicians who start the wars, but decades of propaganda/rhetoric has meant that many citizens think that military might is the way to solve problems.

January 18th, 2021, 11:00 AM
Also, YW, you could survey yourself and all chinese people, see how many % of them are willing to glass Taiwan if they're unwilling to submit to the CCP.

I'm willing to bet at least equal number of %age of chinese people are willing to glass Taiwan or even HK if they dare escape this "abusive relationship". How China deal with domestic violence is our own business, everyone else should just back off... otherwise, we'll stop buying shit from you guys and you'll be very very poor. You guys don't want to be poor, right? So that's right Maverick, take that stupid taiwanese flag off of your flight jacket. NBA also should bend their knees to the mighty CCP...

Seriously YW, after what's happen in HK, should Taiwan really happily return "home" in such an abusive relationship? Are you really happy for HK under CCP rule?

My main beef is that CCP does not equal China.

I want China to be better, but I don't think I'll ever submit to CCP.

Both CCP and the US govt are not trustworthy. At least I'm doing whatever I can to reign in the US govt under control with my votes. I hope you won't allow CCP to get away with whatever they want.

January 18th, 2021, 01:50 PM
The fact that the term "glass parking lot" is in our lexicon pretty much rendered that survey unnecessary.

A) is terrible
B) reflects on the US foreign policy which is another form of imperialism, imo.

It might be the politicians who start the wars, but decades of propaganda/rhetoric has meant that many citizens think that military might is the way to solve problems.

This. Many many in the US think the worlds resources belong to the US. We, here on this board don't, but a metric fuckton* of people not on our little corner of the internet do.

*I think the only measurement greater than metric fuckton is a holy fuckton. But that's open to debate.

Rare White Ape
January 18th, 2021, 03:45 PM
There are also imperial fucktons, which are equal to 2023.978 fuckpounds, or 1.223 metric fucktons. Easy.

January 18th, 2021, 06:49 PM
Our country is ran like shit, and I'm starting to understand libertarianism more and more.

No! dude...


The government of your country is not run like shit, the modern liberal capitalist system underlying government institutions, has designed Nation-States to only be run like shit.

One example:

Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘vagina’ candle reportedly explodes in UK woman’s home (https://nypost.com/2021/01/18/gwyneth-paltrows-vagina-candle-ignites-in-uk-home-report/)

Why would the institutions of culture, finance and education allow persons to meet in the marketplace and exchange all the stuff that an economical lighthouse like Ms. Paltrow introduces into society? Because they are designed to allow such exchanges.

Come to anti-capitalism. We can see light at the end of the tunnel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy5Vh4uXp4M), we are just building a path for when capitalism implodes in the next generation.

January 18th, 2021, 08:13 PM
Bro, don't you worry about Certain Intelligence Agencies coming into your place to "educate" you about freeedommm and stuff?

January 19th, 2021, 02:12 AM
No! dude...


The government of your country is not run like shit, the modern liberal capitalist system underlying government institutions, has designed Nation-States to only be run like shit.

One example:

Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘vagina’ candle reportedly explodes in UK woman’s home (https://nypost.com/2021/01/18/gwyneth-paltrows-vagina-candle-ignites-in-uk-home-report/)

Why would the institutions of culture, finance and education allow persons to meet in the marketplace and exchange all the stuff that an economical lighthouse like Ms. Paltrow introduces into society? Because they are designed to allow such exchanges.

Come to anti-capitalism. We can see light at the end of the tunnel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy5Vh4uXp4M), we are just building a path for when capitalism implodes in the next generation.

Libertarian was originally coined in the mid 1800s to differentiate from state supporting socialist (ie: communist).

So Libertarian - socialism was the default meaning of the term until damn Americans got ahold of it.

January 19th, 2021, 04:02 AM
Bro, don't you worry about Certain Intelligence Agencies coming into your place to "educate" you about freeedommm and stuff?

https://cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/infobae/ISDODJFZ4RDO5IX6GRTCHSUJS4.jpg (https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-01-14/mexico-exonerates-ex-defense-chief-implicated-in-scrapped-u-s-drug-prosecution)

January 19th, 2021, 07:02 AM
I wonder when Trump's pardon list will be released. It'll be interesting to see which criminals find their freedom today. Joe Exotic? Suge Knight? etc?

January 19th, 2021, 07:15 AM
Bernie Madoff?

January 19th, 2021, 08:08 AM
Snowden and Assange?

Come on! Mr. pigdick, you owe the world a lot... A LOT.

January 19th, 2021, 09:27 AM
Snowden and Assange?

Come on! Mr. pigdick, you owe the world a lot... A LOT.

I'd like to see those 2 pardoned as well..., but he's probably more focused about how to save himself at this point. He probably also thinks the world owes him...

Actually, I just want a fair trial for those 2. Maybe they do deserve to get punished..., but I guess we might never know... Trump is probably our last chance for us to learn their secrets...

Rare White Ape
January 19th, 2021, 01:54 PM

January 19th, 2021, 02:56 PM
Time to yeeto the cheeto.

January 19th, 2021, 03:21 PM
12 national guards removed from inauguration because they lean too much to the right...

We can get rid of Trump, but will USA ever be United States again?

January 19th, 2021, 03:26 PM
12 national guards removed from inauguration because they lean too much to the right...

We can get rid of Trump, but will USA ever be United States again?

Was it ever really in the first place?

MR2 Fan
January 19th, 2021, 05:23 PM
Was it ever really in the first place?

IMO not really

January 19th, 2021, 06:44 PM
We just need a foreign ‘human’ invasion. Back when there were only 13 colonies against the British and after Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Viral invasions apparently don’t work.

G'day Mate
January 20th, 2021, 03:38 AM
My news is telling me the orange baby leaves the White House in 20ish minutes ...

January 20th, 2021, 03:41 AM
Man, in the meantime there is soooo much bullshit going on. But frankly I can't be bothered to explain it.

January 20th, 2021, 05:13 AM
The internet has brought to my attention that even though Mr. Jizzstain did not start a war abroad, at home, he is responsible for stoking racial tensions and deepening a divide on the free press that could well be beyond practical repair.

January 20th, 2021, 05:53 AM
Today is the day. The day we’ve been looking forward to. Security is tightened, but personally I don’t think anything significant is going to happen in terms of an attack or assassination attempt. Hopefully I’m right, but if I’m wrong blame somebody else.

January 20th, 2021, 06:16 AM
From what I can gather, many of the MAGA devout are probably finally seeing defeat because they were hoping for a hail mary from Trump to fight the election, name the deep state, or start rounding up and arresting opponents, but seeing that isn't happening, they are realizing Trump is indeed a failure and not so great.


January 20th, 2021, 06:28 AM
Hopefully I’m right, but if I’m wrong blame somebody else.

A time-honoured technique used by politicians to ensure that they get voted into power!

January 20th, 2021, 06:32 AM
He's rolling over because he's a fat pig with a lard ass. A disgusting pig with a deep-seated hatred of humanity, a privileged loser who never grew from the boy who caused his father so much disappointment.

Fuck him and the policies of hate he brought with him.

January 20th, 2021, 06:37 AM
SCOTUS received notice of bomb threat, building was not evacuated.

Yeah, baby... pigdick is gone, but trumpism has made its shameless entry.

January 20th, 2021, 06:57 AM
Stupid protocol question... which branch(es) of the AF carries the nuclear briefcases?

January 20th, 2021, 07:10 AM
The Nukular Force of course!

January 20th, 2021, 07:10 AM
A time-honoured technique used by politicians to ensure that they get voted into power! I’m in the wrong business. Need to switch careers.

January 20th, 2021, 08:16 AM
Stupid protocol question... which branch(es) of the AF carries the nuclear briefcases?

One of each in rotation

January 20th, 2021, 08:21 AM
I cried during Garth Brook's Amazing Grace...

Doesn't that song rang particularly true to US?

Anyway, also can't believe in the end he went handshaking, hugging and kissing people... maskless... May God be gracious and not let virus spread thru him... :smh:

January 20th, 2021, 08:34 AM
Four years ago, I started saving the best of the incredibly bizarre, stupid and bad vibes photos being rapidly produced by the Trump administration to cathartically post today. (https://twitter.com/saywhatagain/status/1351911008634331140)

January 20th, 2021, 09:05 AM

January 20th, 2021, 12:12 PM

January 20th, 2021, 12:57 PM
I wonder what Trump's letter to Biden says. Probably "fuck you and die" written in crayon. Twat.

Anyway, today is a great day. It feels soothing and refreshing, the return to a sense of normalcy. Notwithstanding the pandemic raging on. I wish President Biden "tremendous" success.

I heard (not really from a credible source) that he will revoke the WH press credentials for Fox News, Newsmax and OAN. A step in the right direction, I think. People on the right will of course interpret it as an attack on freedom of speech, but I say fuck them. It's not an attack on your first amendment it's more of an attack on propaganda. Propaganda/misinformation/disinformation is a disease, and shouldn't be protected speech anymore. Just like yelling "fire" in a movie theater isn't protected either. (Or is it?)

January 20th, 2021, 01:00 PM
I predict it's an NDA, or a picture/scan of his tiny penis.

January 20th, 2021, 03:53 PM
Just waiting for the right wing media to suddenly care about coronavirus, the debt, border security, etc.

Been at work all day, so I don't know if they've started working their watchers into a froth already or not.

January 20th, 2021, 04:29 PM

I, for one, welcome our boring overlord.

January 20th, 2021, 04:44 PM
I wish the Librarians well.

January 20th, 2021, 06:53 PM

I 1st read librarians too!

Tom Servo
January 20th, 2021, 10:14 PM
All of that sounds pretty good to me.

Saw Cruz tweeting that this was favoring Parisians over Americans. It's called the Paris Accord because that's the city they met in. I'm really fucking tired of these bad faith nonsense statements. I know we'll never see the end of them from Cruz, but man I'd love to see less of that.

January 21st, 2021, 07:57 AM
A lot of people in Canada are irritated with Joe Biden on day 1, (especially those cowboy hat wearing yahoos in Alberta), due to the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline. I don't know why we got into that mess to begin with, we should've been focusing our energies on improving our refining capabilities instead. Our inability to refine oil is the main culprit for the disparity in gas prices between the two countries. You cross the bridge from Ontario to New York or Michigan and the price of gas plummets by 30% at least.

Anyway, looking forward I think it's better to focus on green technology and the new world of business and job opportunities that will go with it. Electric car technology is the future.

January 21st, 2021, 09:28 AM
i think not many refineries can process tar sand (cannuck) oil, thus why the pipeline to send raw material to the gulf facilities and bring back consumer products was so necessary for industrial regions above the bible belt.

we have sort of the same problem. mexican heavy petroleum is not really valuable in european markets, and trading crude for refined oils leaves us at a deficit. we depend on yankee refining just to meet domestic demand.

January 21st, 2021, 09:40 AM
Alberta oil is difficult to extract.

There are loads of things I could say about it to elaborate, but I will leave it at that.

MR2 Fan
January 21st, 2021, 01:26 PM
batshit senator from Georgia introduces articles of impeachment against Biden on day 1


G'day Mate
January 21st, 2021, 01:37 PM
Man, the news is already so boring!

January 21st, 2021, 02:40 PM
I still have to regularly (multiple times a week) flag political posts from the free section of Craigslist. :rolleyes:

January 21st, 2021, 03:29 PM
batshit senator from Georgia introduces articles of impeachment against Biden on day 1


Representative, not the newly elected Democratic senators! :p

She wore a mask saying Trump won.

WTF, why is she wearing a mask?

Rare White Ape
January 21st, 2021, 03:43 PM
Apparently Biden erased women (hashtag) for simply being pro-trans.

Bigots are already going the knife.

Well, where do we fucking start with this one?

January 21st, 2021, 04:36 PM
Trump can happen again if there is no accountability, says Beau Of The Fifth Column. (https://youtu.be/KuNwPBSZG5M)

January 21st, 2021, 04:38 PM
batshit senator from Georgia introduces articles of impeachment against Biden on day 1


You can see that they're playing to a type. "The path of the MAGA is meandering, but it inexorably bends toward the imbecilic!" (stolen from the interweb.)

January 22nd, 2021, 08:47 AM
batshit senator from Georgia introduces articles of impeachment against Biden on day 1


Beau (https://youtu.be/PFmtLg8X7C0) gives us a "yes, lets impeach Biden on this" because ... reasons, and I wholeheartedly agree!!!

Rare White Ape
January 22nd, 2021, 01:30 PM
Those reasons are sound.

The bit where they get bitten on their own arse could be a bit of a hurdle.

But the reasons are sound!

January 22nd, 2021, 02:25 PM

January 22nd, 2021, 05:17 PM
I wish the Librarians well.I read Libertarians the first time.

January 22nd, 2021, 06:40 PM
Those reasons are sound.

The bit where they get bitten on their own arse could be a bit of a hurdle.

But the reasons are sound!

Once the precedent is set ...

January 23rd, 2021, 02:58 AM
Perfectly normal. Let's have unity. Both sides are in the wrong. etc.


January 23rd, 2021, 04:52 AM


January 23rd, 2021, 08:54 AM
Nobody ever blames Republicans for not doing their job.


January 23rd, 2021, 11:12 PM

Right, so when cnn reports on portland protests they happily throw around the word "rioter" and even use it in the title. Whereas when stuff like this happens in HK, the protagonists are only "pro-democracy activists/protesters".

January 24th, 2021, 03:54 AM

Right, so when cnn reports on portland protests they happily throw around the word "rioter" and even use it in the title. Whereas when stuff like this happens in HK, the protagonists are only "pro-democracy activists/protesters".

US has always been supportive of people showing their disdain at their government as long as it's not here.

January 24th, 2021, 08:37 AM
I didn't realize this place still existed. No political commentary for today... just Hi!!!

Tom Servo
January 24th, 2021, 10:26 AM
Hey! Welcome back! Yep, we're still around, and still bickering at each other.

Rare White Ape
January 24th, 2021, 11:13 AM
Welcome back :up:

January 24th, 2021, 11:20 AM
Howdy Fogelhund!

Rare White Ape
January 24th, 2021, 02:24 PM
Fauci delivers postmortem of his dealings with the Trump administration


January 25th, 2021, 06:06 AM
Trump can happen again if there is no accountability, says Beau Of The Fifth Column. (https://youtu.be/KuNwPBSZG5M)
Beau (https://youtu.be/PFmtLg8X7C0) gives us a "yes, lets impeach Biden on this" because ... reasons, and I wholeheartedly agree!!! Beau is awesome. I subscribed and watched so many of his other videos. Because of his appearance I initially thought he was a pro-Trump redneck, but I guess that was my own preconceived prejudice. He's so educated and well spoken.

I didn't realize this place still existed. No political commentary for today... just Hi!!! Welcome back. Hope you stick around.

January 25th, 2021, 06:58 AM

I'm sure everyone's seen this by now. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. These people are cult followers, and it's really pathetic how they've deified Trump. They need to be institutionalized and unbrainwashed.

January 25th, 2021, 07:19 AM
They need to be institutionalized and unbrainwashed.

Uh, no!

Better education, less isolation, more social contact, less commercial agents intervening in the arts and in digital friends networks.

January 25th, 2021, 07:19 AM
And people wonder how Hitler or Stalin happened.........

Trump has showed exactly how it happens and how dangerous it can be to allow misinformation to permeate society.

January 25th, 2021, 07:24 AM
And people wonder how Hitler or Stalin happened.........

Trump has showed exactly how it happens and how dangerous it can be to allow misinformation to permeate society.

Yes, the British response to fascism was a reform of the education system, to broaden culture, arts and crafts to the masses.

Thanks to that, there was an explosion in the years after the great war of new fashion, new theater, new music from those tiny islands. And no rise of new authoritarian policies for decades.

January 25th, 2021, 07:54 AM
Yes, but then what's up with Brexit? Boris Johnson is no Donald Trump, but it's still pretty similar, isn't it? They figured they don't need EU to make UK great again, right? UK didn't end up as badly as US, but probably only because they don't quite have a Trump figure.

Point is something has gone badly and upset enough people in order for these opportunistic bad actors to slip themselves in and take charge... promising these disgruntle folks better lives...

Easiest way to avoid insurrectionists or the rise of these fascist leaders is to make sure majority of the citizens in your country have jobs that pay living wages. Without sufficient bread to eat, education, arts and cultures can't really be enjoyed fully.

I don't know about UK, but in the US, the middle class is disappearing... then COVID hits, making matters worse... more and more people are being pushed toward poverty. These people are not looking for re-education and arts. Condition is ripe for another Hitler/Trump figure to take over if Biden fails... Trump better be disqualified from running in 2024 after impeachment...

January 25th, 2021, 08:07 AM
Yes, but then what's up with Brexit? Boris Johnson is no Donald Trump, but it's still pretty similar, isn't it? They figured they don't need EU to make UK great again, right? UK didn't end up as badly as US, but probably only because they don't quite have a Trump figure.

Point is something has gone badly and upset enough people in order for these opportunistic bad actors to slip themselves in and take charge... promising these disgruntle folks better lives...

Easiest way to avoid insurrectionists or the rise of these fascist leaders is to make sure majority of the citizens in your country have jobs that pay living wages. Without sufficient bread to eat, education, arts and cultures can't really be enjoyed fully.

I don't know about UK, but in the US, the middle class is disappearing... then COVID hits, making matters worse... more and more people are being pushed toward poverty. These people are not looking for re-education and arts. Condition is ripe for another Hitler/Trump figure to take over if Biden fails... Trump better be disqualified from running in 2024 after impeachment...

That was 60 years ago. Things have obviously changed since then. :facepalm

January 25th, 2021, 08:22 AM
So rather blaming things on people like Hitler and Trump, we need to watch out how things changed over time... and correct those things so that we won't end up giving opportunities to assholes like Hitler and Trump.

So far the only changed we've made is getting rid of Trump. Hope Biden will be able to correct the other changes that helped Trump rose to power.

January 25th, 2021, 08:30 AM
Beau on Bernie taking off the gloves. Go Bernie. (https://youtu.be/cRHTHd9PPGU)

January 25th, 2021, 08:39 AM
The do nothing Sanders will finally do something you appreciate? ;)

Hope all the dems will like Bernie enough to support him on this...

January 25th, 2021, 11:01 AM
Uh, no!

Better education, less isolation, more social contact, less commercial agents intervening in the arts and in digital friends networks. No man!

These people are sick in the head and seriously diseased. More social contact means more opportunity to spread/receive more lies and propaganda. Lock them up!

January 25th, 2021, 11:46 AM
Ice picks worked a treat about 100 years ago.

January 25th, 2021, 12:38 PM
That would definitely work today too!

January 26th, 2021, 08:22 PM
Y'all realise that Ruth Nader Ginsburg only died in September.

It seems so distant becaus we've been through fucking hell in the time since she passed thanks to fucking Trump and fucking McConnell.

Fuck Republicans!

January 26th, 2021, 08:45 PM
Enough fucking around, let’s move forward!

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2021, 08:47 AM
It's been a month and two days since a suicide bomber took out a fair chunk of a city block in the downtown area of a major American city, and it's been so crazy since then we stopped talking about it weeks ago.

January 27th, 2021, 09:02 AM
I think that's a tough thing to report...


Do we really want to publish all of his crazy writings in their entirety and give him some notoriety? Or should we not do it... but then end up encouraging other conspiracy theories?

Was he really just a crazy man without any motives or is the government suppressing information for some reason?

In this day and age, anything is possible.

Personally, it appears this guy knows what he's doing. As crazy as he supposedly is, he knows to not waste his properties and gave them away to whoever he thought he could trust. He also made sure he bombed himself without anybody around his RV. Typical crazy suicide bombers are not that considerate and give warnings to those around him. The guy obviously planned this carefully. Hard to believe that he had no motives.

Our government is either incompetent at solving crimes or deliberately trying to hide something. IMHO.

January 27th, 2021, 09:26 AM
I've been thinking about the past recently...

As far as I could remember, Bill Clinton was the earliest dem president in my personal memory. I liked the guy. Time was pretty good while he was in office... it was cool to have a cool saxophone playing president! Unfortunately he fucked things up a bit with Monica...

That gave an idiot born again Christian a shot at the office... because he's supposedly more moral than slick willy. However, W really sucked. Prior to becoming Christian myself, I really hated the guy... The guy was truly an idiot. However, besides the bad things that he did, bad shit also happened on his watch that may not necessarily be his fault on a personal level... 9/11 and the financial crisis... so W left office leaving behind a huge mess...

Then a progressive cool looking president comes to the rescue! Once again another dem president came in that made me proud to be an American again! Obama never made any obvious errors as Bill Clinton; however, I really thought Obama squandered his opportunity. He appeared to be more progressive when campaigning against Hillary, but his policies are not that progressive at all. I really didn't liked him shutting Snowden up, killing Bin Laden in the middle of the night and never truly reformed Wall St. He really should've just let Hillary be president. Anyway, we could blame a lot of the lack of accomplishments on the obstructionist republicans..., but regardless of who we blame, the world has shifted to become more and more nationalistic... US influences around the world was a bipartisan effort.

That paved the way for Trump. Another supposedly born again Christian who just got baptized before entering office... and this baby Christian was way more idiotic than W! W was awesome in comparison!!!

Anyway, it really looked like the system is oscillating way and way more out of control at each election cycle...

So basically I'm hoping Biden will end up breaking the cycle or at least damp things down? So that we won't end up with someone even more idiotic than W and Trump? At least he is not as cool as Clinton nor Obama... so maybe that's a good start? :p

MANA! Make America Normal Again!

Of course I still wish we have MAP! Make America Progressive!

January 27th, 2021, 11:20 AM
No man!

These people are sick in the head and seriously diseased. More social contact means more opportunity to spread/receive more lies and propaganda. Lock them up!

That's not what worked in Germany after the war, Adenauer and Erhard (https://assets.cambridge.org/052183/3620/sample/0521833620ws.pdf) went for improving the material conditions of the working people and reducing inequalities as the way to forge new social contracts and to lessen the influence of far-right ideologies.

Sure, Germans hanged treasonous fuckers of comparable roles to Steve Bannon and Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and Stephen Miller, but that was only part of it.

January 27th, 2021, 07:32 PM
Loving the Republicans complaining about how many Executive Orders President Biden is signing. They were'nt saying shit when Trump was signing his, and they aren't self aware enough to realise that all the EO signing is because they are fucking up the parliamentary system. And of course the fucking media just parrots them instead of asking, "well, what is your part in the inability of the government to function, and what are you going to do about it?"

*I know it's not parliamentary, but I just can't think of the right word right now.

January 27th, 2021, 08:12 PM
Speaking of which... the stimulus check to Americans, Sanders is saying we could send these checks right away thru budget reconciliation, no need to worry about them fucking republicans, but Biden seem to think we need further negotiations, not sure with who... and Americans likely won’t see that check til March...

Do you know what Biden and the dems are waiting for?

January 27th, 2021, 08:31 PM
*I know it's not parliamentary, but I just can't think of the right word right now.

It's a presidential system.

The executive says what, the legislative says how.

Rare White Ape
January 27th, 2021, 08:35 PM
Do you know what Biden and the dems are waiting for?

Probably the red tape and bureaucracy that Trump said he'd get rid of when he drained the swamp.

January 27th, 2021, 08:40 PM
Fuck Trump and republicans. This is an emergency, dems have majority, budget reconciliation requires Simple majority, which we have. Dems don’t need to negotiate with anybody. Just give the chks to all Americans. Those in need, even if they’re republicans, they’ll thank you.

Those rich Americans who don’t need the money, we can always tax that money back.

I really don’t understand why is negotiating necessary. Am I missing something?

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2021, 09:29 PM
Part of the fun is that a lot of Trump's nonsense is so easily overturned because it was just executive action, it wasn't actual legislation.

But yes, ignore Republicans upset over Biden's use of the EO. Trump used more per year than anyone since Carter (and yes, I'm also surprised that Carter was a prolific user of the EO): https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders

January 28th, 2021, 09:28 AM
Part of the fun is that a lot of Trump's nonsense is so easily overturned because it was just executive action, it wasn't actual legislation.

But yes, ignore Republicans upset over Biden's use of the EO. Trump used more per year than anyone since Carter (and yes, I'm also surprised that Carter was a prolific user of the EO): https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders

According to your linked table, from Jimmy Carter all the way back to Theo Roosevelt, they all signed more EOs/year than Trump. Maybe it was just more fashionable back then to sign these things?

January 28th, 2021, 10:56 AM

Fascinating. Biden bans the term China virus or Wuhan Virus with EO on official documents. However, what about Kung Flu? I think he forgot about that one.

Anyway, I appreciate Biden protecting us Asians... and I also appreciate his commitment to saving the environment and all that global warming stuff with all these cute orders, but when will you be delivering those damn stimulus checks to help out American people?!?!?

You don't need to negotiate with republicans to get it done! Just get it done! You were laughing at republican's meager $600..., now that you officially have the power and the majority, where is your sense of urgency?

I'm beginning to worry that USA will be following CA's footsteps when it comes to COVID response. Emphasizing more on being politically correct rather than being just correct.

Neanderthal, both sides are definitely not the same, but both side can be equally bogged down by their own political ideologies and become ineffective during time of crisis.

It'll be sad to see Bernie Sanders failed to accomplish anything as usual because he's being obstructed by the Dems... I really hope Dems won't waste their chance. People have voted to give you the majority. Do something with it and do it swiftly! Stop dragging your feet! We have an emergency here! We don't need republican approval to act!

January 28th, 2021, 12:40 PM

It's the same old theme, since twenty-sixteen
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
With their tanks, and their bombs, and their bombs, and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying

Rare White Ape
January 28th, 2021, 12:45 PM
Those aren't the lyrics to Ironic.

January 28th, 2021, 02:25 PM

Biden Continues Reading ‘The Pet Goat’ To Schoolchildren After Being Informed Of GameStop Situation.

- The Onion.

January 28th, 2021, 04:40 PM
Yes! Looks like dems are ready to move forward without republicans!


January 29th, 2021, 05:04 AM
Those aren't the lyrics to Ironic.

What's In Your Head?

January 29th, 2021, 11:32 AM
I don't usually look at tweets and share them, but this one is just too good!


In the end, Trump cost Republicans the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. The son of a bitch actually did it. He made America great again.

January 31st, 2021, 12:45 PM
the con loser that has been outed as one of the authors of the Q posts by his own son, looks exactly like the vile piece of human manure that you would expect such a loser to look like.

Rare White Ape
January 31st, 2021, 01:12 PM
You got a name or a link I can follow to get what you're referring to?

January 31st, 2021, 01:22 PM
Yeah, pics or it didn't happen, duh. :rolleyes:

January 31st, 2021, 03:43 PM
Why wouldn't you take my word for it... well, gentlemen, have the eyewashing solution on hand:



Freak p##n and ch**d p__n pagemaster, and 8chan operator, Jim Watkins.

January 31st, 2021, 03:45 PM
Someone said "hey, looks like him and bannon go to the same spa!"

Tom Servo
January 31st, 2021, 06:03 PM
Wait, Ron's said that his dad posted as Q? I know there's been lots of speculation, but I haven't actually seen that stated.

January 31st, 2021, 07:22 PM
he said so on some twitter clone where "likes" are "parleys", there are screencaps going around.

Tom Servo
January 31st, 2021, 09:48 PM
Sounds like it was an impersonator: https://twitter.com/rothschildmd/status/1355991143511584768

Now, I would not doubt for a second that Ron or Jim has posted as Q, or may have always been the one posting as Q, but that grift ain't confirmed just yet.

Rare White Ape
February 1st, 2021, 06:02 PM
What would McDonald Trump say about this?



They were there to "Stop the Steal" and to keep the President they revered in office, yet records show that some of the rioters who stormed the US Capitol did not vote in the very election they were protesting.

One was Donovan Crowl, an ex-Marine who charged toward a Capitol entrance in paramilitary garb on January 6 as the Pro-Trump crowd chanted "who's our President?"

Federal authorities later identified Crowl, 50, as a member of a self-styled militia organization in his home state of Ohio and affiliated with the extremist group the Oath Keepers. His mother told CNN that he previously told her "they were going to overtake the government if they...tried to take Trump's presidency from him." She said he had become increasingly angry during the Obama administration and that she was aware of his support for former President Donald Trump.

Despite these apparent pro-Trump views, a county election official in Ohio told CNN that he registered in 2013 but "never voted nor responded to any of our confirmation notices to keep him registered," so he was removed from the voter rolls at the end of 2020 and the state said he was not registered in Ohio. A county clerk in Illinois, where Crowl was once registered, also confirmed he was not an active voter anywhere in the state.

... ... ...

Among those who didn't vote were a 65-year-old Georgia man who, according to government documents, was found in his van with a fully-loaded pistol and ammunition, and a Louisiana man who publicly bragged about spending nearly two hours inside the Capitol after attending Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally. Another was a 21-year-old woman from Missouri who prosecutors say shared a video on Snapchat that showed her parading around with a piece of a wooden sign from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office. And a Florida man previously convicted of attempted murder who was accused by the government of refusing to leave the Capitol likely did not have the option to cast a ballot because of his unpaid court fines.

... ... ...

Jack Griffith, a 25-year-old from Tennessee, trumpeted his arrival in Washington DC with a Facebook post saying, "THE CAVALRY IS COMING!!!!," using the hashtag "#MAGA," according to court documents. Shortly after leaving the Capitol on January 6, he posted a message of disappointment. "I hate to be that guy, but The New World Order beat us," he wrote. "Trump was our greatest champion, and it still wasn't enough. He tried his very best. He did so much, but he's only one man...I even helped stormed(sic) the capitol today, but it only made things worse...Why, God? Why? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? Unless...Trump still has a plan?"

These online missives describing his participation in the Capitol siege were later used by the Department of Justice to build a criminal case against him. Griffith faces a number of charges, including violent entry or disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

Election data from Tennessee and Alabama, where public records show Griffith had lived, showed that he had voted in the 2016 and 2018 elections but not the 2020 presidential election. The public defender who initially represented him declined to comment. Another attorney listed as representing him now did not respond to requests for comment.

And it goes on and on and on with more examples.

February 1st, 2021, 06:41 PM
Sounds like it was an impersonator: https://twitter.com/rothschildmd/status/1355991143511584768

Now, I would not doubt for a second that Ron or Jim has posted as Q, or may have always been the one posting as Q, but that grift ain't confirmed just yet.

dude, now i feel bad for commenting on the looks of a ch*ldpr0n webmaster.

. . .

nah, not really. ugly fucker must be terrible human being.

February 1st, 2021, 09:36 PM
It’s really mind boggling to me why Biden needs anymore ‘negotiations’ with those 10 Republican senators.

Republican voters have clearly spoken what they’d like Washington to do. Why is there a need to negotiate with the out of touch Republican politicians?

Plus, dems have what they need to get it done thru budget reconciliation...

Mr president, you told them Georgians themselves that $2000 chks would come immediately. That’s probably how the dems won senate majority. Get it done and quit hoping for bipartisan support with a delayed and/or smaller checks. You don’t need to answer to Republican senators, but you might need to answer to Republican voters... get it done! Or Georgia might become red again next time...

February 1st, 2021, 11:15 PM
Stop the steal! Yeah clearly he got more votes!
- so do you vote for him?
Hell no, voting is rigged why bother voting.

How am I surprised when a new level of stupid comes to light.

February 2nd, 2021, 08:57 PM
Democrats get the job done. Despite what leftists say.


Now, will we see any media talking about the Republicans refusing to act in a bipartisan way? Hell no.

Did you see that Biden fired the entire labor relations something something.

Sec def too, fired entire be boards. Clean fucking slate.

February 2nd, 2021, 09:25 PM
The tweet says it all.


February 2nd, 2021, 09:29 PM
About time.

I really don’t understand why Biden needs to waste any time with gop politicians at all. They clearly don’t support you and you clearly don’t need their votes to move forward. Those Georgians gave you the senate majority because of this. ‘Immediately’ really should be immediately. Rather than wasting time negotiating with gop senators.

Those 10 gop senators are funny too. Maybe they read the art of the deal? They really think they can get Biden to agree with their deal?

Anyway, Neanderthal, will you continue to think Sanders is a do nothing senator? All credit goes to Biden?

February 2nd, 2021, 10:10 PM
Democrats get the job done. Despite what leftists say.


Now, will we see any media talking about the Republicans refusing to act in a bipartisan way? Hell no.

Did you see that Biden fired the entire labor relations something something.

Sec def too, fired entire boards. Clean fucking slate.

Well, color me wrong. (https://www.yahoo.com/news/not-single-senate-republican-voted-035107158.html)

February 2nd, 2021, 10:12 PM
About time.

I really don’t understand why Biden needs to waste any time with gop politicians at all. They clearly don’t support you and you clearly don’t need their votes to move forward. Those Georgians gave you the senate majority because of this. ‘Immediately’ really should be immediately. Rather than wasting time negotiating with gop senators.

Those 10 gop senators are funny too. Maybe they read the art of the deal? They really think they can get Biden to agree with their deal?

Anyway, Neanderthal, will you continue to think Sanders is a do nothing senator? All credit goes to Biden?

The fuck did Bernie do? Cheerlead?

February 2nd, 2021, 10:37 PM
How quickly you forget.

Beau on Bernie taking off the gloves. Go Bernie. (https://youtu.be/cRHTHd9PPGU)

February 3rd, 2021, 12:54 PM
How quickly you forget.

He did his part as the chairman of the budget committee. But, so did Schumer in bringing it to a vote. All the Democrats not breaking rank. And President Biden in establishing the $1.9 trillion floor for the COVID bill. And not kow- towing to the "moderate" Republicans who approached him with their concerns about the size of his package. Ahem!! bullshit covid package.

What I need to see from Sanders is him directing the focus of leftist anger to, IMO, the rightful place; Republicans. HE can set that tone. HE can lead by example. HE must use his pulpit to highlight that the GOP are the ones seeking to limit the size, and therefore reach, of the COVID relief bill. And the payments. And the extension of unemployment insurance. And their opposition to universal healthcare in the middle of a healthcare crisis. And all that.

Just doing his job gets him no plaudits from me. Now, doing his job exceptionally well, like using reconciliation to pass the COVID bill, gets him the praise I already gave him. For that.

February 3rd, 2021, 01:38 PM
The thing is this budget reconciliation idea was proposed to Biden by Sanders, right?

However, did Biden listen to him and take immediate action to save Americans in need? No, he spent some time to talk with Republican senators trying to negotiate I don’t know what deals.

Dems seems to prefer listening to republican lawmakers than people like Sanders.

Why do you hate Sanders so much? Also, why couldn’t Biden take the time to negotiate with the progressive lawmakers more?

Why must we negotiate the check amount downward from $1400? Why couldn’t it go back up to $2000? And make it happen more regularly?

GOP lawmakers are idiots. That’s pretty self evident. I really think it’s fair to criticize dems for trying to negotiate with idiots and allowing them to delay this stimulus package.

When you know bipartisanship cannot be reached and you don’t even need their votes, Biden should’ve acted more quickly during this emergency.

Unless Biden doesn’t believe this is an emergency? We should take more time to consider whether if Americans could get away with $1000 or less checks?

Lastly, if Bernie bros are being idiots, it’s not really Sanders fault. Sanders is a democratic socialist, not a dictator who can tell the bros what to do. I thought he is doing a fine job in congress. If people are angry, blaming the republicans is not going to help anymore... because they are no longer in power.

Act more decisively helping average Americans out, dems can only grow more powerful. Forget about those Republican lawmakers.

February 3rd, 2021, 02:13 PM
What progressive lawmakers? Who? Where?
Now, name the progressive lawmakers who haven't attacked the Democrats.
Why would the Democrats work with lawmakers who only criticize them, but never criticize Republicans?

I really do wonder if you actually think before you type.

February 3rd, 2021, 04:56 PM
Republican lawmakers never criticized dem lawmakers? Biden was always praised by the republicans thats why he cared so much about what they think?

Anyway dude, I give up. If you wish to keep on fighting the leftists, go ahead.

February 4th, 2021, 04:05 PM
So you can't name them? Figures.

February 4th, 2021, 04:06 PM
More Republicans voted against Liz Cheney than voted against Marjorie Taylor Green.

Let that sink in.

February 4th, 2021, 04:11 PM
So you can't name them? Figures.
There are currently 2 independent/progressive senators. Do you really need me to name them? Why?

Those are 2 votes dems actually need. I guess whether if the checks are $600 or $2000, those 2 ain’t gonna vote it down. Need to worry more about moderate dems in red states who might not go along with big checks or higher min wage.

Rare White Ape
February 4th, 2021, 11:18 PM
Worlds smallest violin.jpg

https://www.businessinsider.com.au/trump-suggests-insults-for-aides-tweet-report-2021-2?fbclid=IwAR2iU2TthRThVoc7X0t6XcDN36Fk06Ymc3M_lZ6 mkrmc-nmwNW5lZ5dOJvo&r=US&IR=T

February 4th, 2021, 11:18 PM
Worlds smallest violin.jpg[/url]

So to fit his tiny hands?

Rare White Ape
February 5th, 2021, 01:44 AM
And to warm his tiny heart.

February 5th, 2021, 04:51 AM
Forget that loser.

February 5th, 2021, 06:56 AM
Could not agree with YW more on that.

Freude am Fahren
February 5th, 2021, 07:53 AM
I've seen so little of him lately, when I think about it, it's like the moment in cheesy movies when the sun breaks through clouds and grass grows and birds are chirping.

Well for a moment, then the rest of The Shit ruins it.

February 7th, 2021, 08:43 PM
I'm so glad the Democrats didn't fall for McConnell's shit anti corporate liability nonsense.

I hope the family (https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2021/02/05/judge-denies-publixs-request-to-dismiss-covid-19-wrongful-death-case/?outputType=amp&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=FBtimes&fbclid=IwAR19JNSi4Hte4vJoV6l3zDJXbqlZJKFU871ZXL5Hb 4E4wAnasl-jU2dvrXU&__twitter_impression=true) sues the ever loving fuck out of Publix.
And whichever corporate fuck decided that they couldn't wear masks.
And deSantis.

February 7th, 2021, 08:45 PM

February 8th, 2021, 08:43 AM
Paid for by Boldprogressives.org?

Glad you're more willing to listen to progressive messages now! :p

However, right now it looks like a long shot to convict that dude. If only we could also have a impeachment reconciliation process... ;)

GOP is really hopeless. Our best chance is for dems to do a good job and continue to gain more seats in congress and keep the WH.

Don't get me wrong Neanderthal, nothing personal against Biden, but my new disappointment now is that he is seemingly weaseling out the $15 min wage thru budget reconciliation. I suppose it couldn't survive because there are moderate dems against it? Otherwise, I don't understand how can it not 'survive'? If it can't survive with budget reconciliation, american people will never be able to have minimum wage above living wage if this were up to GOP votes in normal procedures.

This is the kind of disappointments that'll eventually cause dems to lose power... Democratic party can't possibly serve 2 masters. You can't keep the rich establishment and the poor voters happy at the same time. At least the GOP has clearly picked a side. Which side are you going to pick Mr. President?

GOP had no problems giving the rich tax cuts thru budget reconciliation, but dems can't give the poor min wage? I think there are probably too many 'republicans' in the democratic party?

Mr. President, fight harder for the American people please. True leaders don't talk like that. We don't enter WWII by saying most of our soldiers probably won't survive and we probably won't win... or try to aim for the moon and say we probably won't make it... Fuck that!

Bernie Sanders is the kind of guy who probably knew he won't make it as US president, but the dude ran for it twice and scared the shit out of the establishment. I still wish we have that kind of president... who has a consistent unwavering message who's constantly aiming high.

Yes, mr president, we want normalcy back, but it'd also help if you can improve on that normal. It is absolutely not normal for americans who work full time and still be living below poverty. Might as well allow slavery again. Surely that'll please the republicans.

Lincoln probably will roll in his grave upon learning what republicans have become...

Rare White Ape
February 8th, 2021, 01:55 PM
Seems… weirdly familiar.


February 8th, 2021, 02:25 PM
That is really something....

So I hope this pandemic is fucked up enough to help our government and people realize that we need an universal healthcare?

Well, I guess it’s probably not bad enough yet if half of our population still think it’s a hoax or just another flu...

Why do we need to hit rock bottom in order to realize the right thing to do?

February 9th, 2021, 01:33 PM
Just caught the ending of the resolution to determine the constitutionality of the Trump trial. It passed 56-44, but not surprisingly Mitch voted against it. I thought he was a strong supporter of this whole thing. Unless hearts and minds change drastically in the next week, they won't have enough votes to convict the fucker. They should've pushed for the trial right after they introduced the articles of impeachment, while the incident was still fresh in everyone's minds.

It’s a bad idea to delay this, as more time will allow these suddenly outraged Republicans to to revert back to Retrumplicans. I called it.

February 9th, 2021, 02:43 PM
Wonder if there’s any other way to ban trump from ever running for public office again.

If the best we could do is ban trump from social media, I suppose that’s still better than covfefe...

Maybe it’s time to just sue the mutherfoquer as a regular citizen? Get the man entangled in a web of legal law suits until he is bankrupt or convicted.

Is it really that hard to convict this man? IRS really has nothing on him?

If he is really that ‘good’ and no laws could touch him as a private citizen, maybe I’ll just vote for him come 2024.

Our legal system must be badly in need of reform too if we can’t nail a bad guy... why are we chasing after Assange and Snowden when we can’t even go after somebody like Trump?

Hopefully our political system can be reformed enough to prevent someone like trump to ever win office again.

February 9th, 2021, 10:21 PM
Republicans before inauguration: What's the rush, we can table this for a couple weeks.
Republicans after inauguration: he's not president anymore, what's it matter

We watched most of the "arguments" yesterday, and it's good to see that the defense team is on-brand with not directly addressing the allegations that got them there, and blaming everything else and trying to word-fuck things to pass the buck.

It should be telling that many (many!) attorneys would have jumped on the chance the represent the president as a once-in-a-lifetime shot and career move. But they get stuck with people I wouldn't want to represent me fighting a parking ticket.

February 9th, 2021, 10:42 PM
Two party politics is such a borked concept.

We hate everything the other team does, because they're on the other team, and don't need any other reason.

Rare White Ape
February 10th, 2021, 03:13 AM
Two party politics is such a borked concept.

We hate everything the other team does, because they're on the other team, and don't need any other reason.


February 10th, 2021, 07:43 AM
And that sucks. However, I suppose that's better than one party system.

Wonder how many parties we should have to achieve the sweet spot? Probably 3?

February 10th, 2021, 08:37 AM
They should just eliminate ALL parties and just vote people in on their merits.

Yes, I was laughing the whole time I typed that....

Freude am Fahren
February 10th, 2021, 10:03 AM
But but but...

Then people will actually have to research who they're voting for!

Rare White Ape
February 10th, 2021, 11:57 AM
Instead of listing names and parties just list their policies, accompanied by a list of failures and a list of things they’ve been accused of and a list of things they’ve been found guilty of.

February 10th, 2021, 01:42 PM
can the financial records of American Made Media Consultants LLC (https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/02/jan-6-protests-trump-operation-paid-3p5mil/)be subpoenaed during this impeachment trial?

It seems to be a shell company for routing payments from Donald Trump For President to the separatists.

February 10th, 2021, 05:00 PM
man! Larry Flint is dead.

Tom Servo
February 10th, 2021, 07:00 PM
Instead of listing names and parties just list their policies, accompanied by a list of failures and a list of things they’ve been accused of and a list of things they’ve been found guilty of.

Reminds me of one of my favorite recent political ads.


(For those who don't live in the US, that was a legit campaign ad for an incumbent member of the US Senate from Georgia who got defeated in the runoff earlier this year)

February 10th, 2021, 08:49 PM
Totally dude!

February 11th, 2021, 01:38 AM
Instead of listing names and parties just list their policies, accompanied by a list of failures and a list of things they’ve been accused of and a list of things they’ve been found guilty of.

Exactly. Do it like boxing line ups.

Person 1: Penned bill to increase funding for children's hospitals.
Person 2: Arrested for fiddling children.

Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2021, 03:29 AM
We would have a ballot that includes a candidate who stole $80 million dollars of public funds in order to pay for water. And we didn't even get the water.

And that is no joke (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNXV6k2Rojo).

February 11th, 2021, 07:11 AM
Four years ago the GQP was scheming on how to dismantle Obamacare.


February 11th, 2021, 07:26 AM
4 years later, thanks to Trump, Dems need to be scheming on how to further dismantle GOP.

Do a good job of helping out average americans in the red states, Dems just might win true majority.

Hope Dems have learned from their mistakes during the Obama era and won't end up repeating it...

February 13th, 2021, 06:47 AM
Is this CEO going to get invited to all the news and opinion shows or nah?

GoFundMe CEO (https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2021/02/11/gofundme-ceo-congress-pass-covid-relief-desperate-americans-column/4440425001/)

February 13th, 2021, 10:40 AM
People will see the Democrats not calling witnesses for the Trump impeachment as a defeat. But people seeing that won't be looking at the big picture; he was never going to be impeached. 17 Republicans won't vote for it. Ten, maybe. Seventeen; now you're having a laugh.

And, the actual big picture is Biden's agenda; dragging this trial on would limit the amount of time for Biden to enact his agenda. Obama only had a filibuster proof majority for 72 days*; people forget that. If we spend time trying a trial that will only result in Trump being acquitted by the spineless fucking republicans, then we've wasted time.

*72 days of the legislature working.

February 13th, 2021, 12:04 PM
Acquitted again. Big surprise.

Rare White Ape
February 13th, 2021, 12:34 PM
Whatever. It doesn’t change his title from Former US President.

February 13th, 2021, 01:10 PM
We just need new laws in place to prevent future shady characters from entering into public offices...

February 13th, 2021, 11:59 PM
He's still a complete maggot. Which means he fits in nicely to a fetid political system.

February 14th, 2021, 04:05 AM
People will see the Democrats not calling witnesses for the Trump impeachment as a defeat. But people seeing that won't be looking at the big picture; he was never going to be impeached. 17 Republicans won't vote for it. Ten, maybe. Seventeen; now you're having a laugh.

And, the actual big picture is Biden's agenda; dragging this trial on would limit the amount of time for Biden to enact his agenda. Obama only had a filibuster proof majority for 72 days*; people forget that. If we spend time trying a trial that will only result in Trump being acquitted by the spineless fucking republicans, then we've wasted time.

*72 days of the legislature working.

As long as the filibuster remains nothing is going to happen anyway.

February 14th, 2021, 06:11 AM
People will see the Democrats not calling witnesses for the Trump impeachment as a defeat. But people seeing that won't be looking at the big picture; he was never going to be impeached. 17 Republicans won't vote for it. Ten, maybe. Seventeen; now you're having a laugh.

And, the actual big picture is Biden's agenda; dragging this trial on would limit the amount of time for Biden to enact his agenda. Obama only had a filibuster proof majority for 72 days*; people forget that. If we spend time trying a trial that will only result in Trump being acquitted by the spineless fucking republicans, then we've wasted time.

*72 days of the legislature working.

I am already seeing hot takes on Twitter about the Democrats "failure" to convict Trump.

Did anybody, really, ANYBODY, think seventeen RepubliQan senators were going to convict Trump? Did they not see the for years of Trump's presidency? Or is it just me ...

Rare White Ape
February 14th, 2021, 06:44 AM
Also there are people crowing about how Trump was acquitted as if he was found to be not guilty of his accusations.

No, he was acquitted because cowards in the GOP were afraid to vote in that direction. And his own party voting for impeachment is very different to a group of independent peers looking at the evidence and the testimony and unanimously declaring him guilty in a court of law.

February 14th, 2021, 07:59 AM
Totally exonerated once again!

Hope dems can focus on doing a good job rather than focusing on defeating GOP and the republicans.

One disadvantage dems have is that they are trying to please both rich people and poor people at the same time. When push comes to shove, who will they ultimately save?

GOP had more success because their market focus is clearly about looking after rich white people. If it weren’t for Covid 19 and his amazingly poor handling of it, I’m pretty sure Trump could easily win re-election.

Don’t get me wrong Neanderthal, I don’t want gop or trump to win, but I also hope dems can wise up and stop being corporate centrists.

It doesn’t pay to be a centrist in this polarizing environment and corporations can perhaps buy votes but won’t ever win votes for you.

February 15th, 2021, 08:22 AM
Remember this congress woman? She pushed and pushed to get the CDC director to commit to pay for Covid testing for all americans...


She's also an excellent griller of Wall St executives with her white boards and visual aids..., but House financial services committee chair Maxine Waters(D) appears to have a problem with her fierce questioning and progressive financial reform... so she's kicked out of the committee. https://prospect.org/politics/why-katie-porter-not-on-house-financial-services-committee/

Can you explain why dems do this, Neanderthal?

February 15th, 2021, 10:24 AM
Remember this congress woman? She pushed and pushed to get the CDC director to commit to pay for Covid testing for all americans...


She's also an excellent griller of Wall St executives with her white boards and visual aids..., but House financial services committee chair Maxine Waters(D) appears to have a problem with her fierce questioning and progressive financial reform... so she's kicked out of the committee. https://prospect.org/politics/why-katie-porter-not-on-house-financial-services-committee/

Can you explain why dems do this, Neanderthal?

Basic fucking google search.

You can only serve on a limited number of committees. 2 to be exact. She chose to be on the natural resources and also the oversight committee and asked for an exemption to also be on the budget committee. That was denied. SHE CHOSE THE TWO COMMITTEEs, knowing she'd have to give up being on the budget committee. If she had more seniority she might have been given the exemption, but she's a freshman congressperson.

You'd know this if you did a basic google search.

February 15th, 2021, 11:49 AM
The author of the article I linked must’ve not know basic googling skillz then.

Thanks for clarifying.

Porter wasn’t doing a good job in that committee anyways, so it’s good that she’s out. Wall st CEOs can now breath easier. Whew.

February 15th, 2021, 11:53 AM


Tom Servo
February 15th, 2021, 06:04 PM
Huh, we don't have a "vomiting uncontrollably" emoji.

February 15th, 2021, 06:32 PM
that was from the GOP, or as some people refer to it, the church of trump.

February 15th, 2021, 08:33 PM
The Church of Donald J Trump and Latter Day Insurrectionists!

February 16th, 2021, 07:13 AM
I'd go with "latter day secessionists", but yeah.

February 16th, 2021, 09:11 AM
Huh, we don't have a "vomiting uncontrollably" emoji.

This place could use some updated emojis! https://www.bikeforums.net/images/smilies/old.gif

February 16th, 2021, 05:59 PM
I'd go with "latter day secessionists", but yeah.

Anyway, whatever. Either way the name is too long. I think it’ll be easier to refer to them as Morons.

February 17th, 2021, 10:17 AM
Apparently Rush Limbaugh is dead. A sad day for roofer, I think. He was a big fan.

I won't speak ill of the dead, no matter how tempting. I will say the world got a little less toxic today. Just a little.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2021, 11:10 AM
Good. Fuck him.

The stuff he’s said over the years would have either directly contributed to the deaths of thousands (COVID conspiracy remarks) or delayed action on important social legislation that would have indirectly contributed to saving thousands of lives (all his other hyper-conservative views).

You don’t have to be polite to dead people.

February 17th, 2021, 11:16 AM
You don’t have to be polite to dead people.

Hitler was bag of shitpebbles. Donnie is a glob of pus, and nothing is going to change once he is dead.

February 17th, 2021, 11:37 AM
Fuck Rush Limbaugh with the rotting corpse of Margaret Thatcher3675

February 17th, 2021, 12:20 PM
I listened to Rush for a few years starting in around 1991 or '92 when I worked with and for a typical Republican salesman and business owner in North Carolina. I found his talk generally inspiring. He talked about working hard and being successful. I was young and trying to figure out how to earn a living and I liked that kind of stuff. It was different than other things on the radio at the time. He used to put callers on cell phones at the head of the line since they were paying for the call. This was back when cell phone calls cost a lot of money. That went right along with his pro-business, hard work, and conservative leanings.

I remember him then as being more conservative than specifically Republican. He wasn't yet the obvious shill for the Republican party he turned out to be. Or, maybe he always was and I was just to young and naive to recognize it.

His show then wasn't only about politics and what went on in Washington, although there was a LOT of Bill Clinton-bashing, and that was okay with me. "Open Line Fridays" were often fun and funny. He was a big football fan and would do absurd football game predictions based on the names of the teams. Giants vs. Cowboys? Clearly giants would destroy a bunch of guys with big hats who rode horses and goofy stuff like that.

He was confident and self-promoting in a way similar to Muhammad Ali, I thought. "I am the greatest" and all that stuff. Not my cup of tea, but not really offensive, either.

Back then I did a lot of driving for work and I'd listen to him in the radio on long drives. He was on everywhere, so when one station faded out, I could find him on another. I also listened to NPR but found it pretty left-leaning back then - not so much in how they presented the news, but in which stories they chose to cover. I still think that sometimes, even though I'm nowhere near being a Republican anymore.

I didn't hear Rush at all for a long time. Many years went by. I heard he lost his hearing and some unflattering situations he had gotten into. I had stopped listening to AM talk radio, if only because I wasn't driving long distances during the week as much. I moved to Colorado and evolved into a granola-munchin' leftist hippie, at least in comparison to when I was trying to make it in business-to-business sales back east and surrounded by the kind of guys who would practice their golf swing with an invisible club in the office. In other words, assholes.

One day in the 2010s, I went to lunch from my office job and was flipping around on the radio in my car and dreading going back to work. I clearly remember sitting in the parking garage at work and tuning in Rush just for laughs. He was talking about a female college student who was on birth control and I think the story was that she wanted either her health insurance company or perhaps the government to pay for it as a healthcare cost.

I hadn't heard him in a long time, but he sounded positively deranged. He kept saying, over and over, that "if she is having SO MUCH SEX that she needs that much birth control that she must be"...well, he implied she was a professional. He kept on with this for five or ten minutes, repeating the SO MUCH SEX thing over and over.

I sat there wondering what had happened to the guy I used to listen to and how could he know so little about how birth control pills work. He was going on as though one pill was used each time and she was going through bottle after bottle and couldn't afford to keep buying so many. I didn't think he sounded coherent and wondered who could listen to crap like that and think it was good. It turned out that became somewhat of a scandal for him and I was surprised that after not listening to him for a decade, perhaps, the one time I did, I heard something people would be talking about later.

If this post sounds like a bunch of praise for Rush, it isn't. I'm just saying he used to seem like a decent entertainer on the radio. His callers seemed educated and articulate for the most part and I'm not afraid to say I enjoyed his show way back in the 1990s.

Like anyone who was a partner in crime with Trump, I have nothing good to say about him now.

February 17th, 2021, 12:21 PM
Hitler was bag of shitpebbles. Donnie is a glob of pus, and nothing is going to change once he is dead.

Dead people will most definitely begin the process of changing back to dirt... eventually.

They will also exert less influence on the living... usually.

Main reason to not bad mouth the dead is just to avoid unnecessary needless arguments over 'dirt'. Of course I'm pretty sure not a lot of current active GTXFers is an admirer of Rush... so it's probably safe to bad mouth him here... Still, if we don't talk about him here while he's living, why bother to talk about him now?

February 17th, 2021, 12:30 PM
I listened to Rush for a few years starting in around 1991 or '92 when I worked with and for a typical Republican salesman and business owner in North Carolina. I found his talk generally inspiring. He talked about working hard and being successful. I was young and trying to figure out how to earn a living and I liked that kind of stuff. It was different than other things on the radio at the time. He used to put callers on cell phones at the head of the line since they were paying for the call. This was back when cell phone calls cost a lot of money. That went right along with his pro-business, hard work, and conservative leanings.

I remember him then as being more conservative than specifically Republican. He wasn't yet the obvious shill for the Republican party he turned out to be. Or, maybe he always was and I was just to young and naive to recognize it.

His show then wasn't only about politics and what went on in Washington, although there was a LOT of Bill Clinton-bashing, and that was okay with me. "Open Line Fridays" were often fun and funny. He was a big football fan and would do absurd football game predictions based on the names of the teams. Giants vs. Cowboys? Clearly giants would destroy a bunch of guys with big hats who rode horses and goofy stuff like that.

He was confident and self-promoting in a way similar to Muhammad Ali, I thought. "I am the greatest" and all that stuff. Not my cup of tea, but not really offensive, either.

Back then I did a lot of driving for work and I'd listen to him in the radio on long drives. He was on everywhere, so when one station faded out, I could find him on another. I also listened to NPR but found it pretty left-leaning back then - not so much in how they presented the news, but in which stories they chose to cover. I still think that sometimes, even though I'm nowhere near being a Republican anymore.

I didn't hear Rush at all for a long time. Many years went by. I heard he lost his hearing and some unflattering situations he had gotten into. I had stopped listening to AM talk radio, if only because I wasn't driving long distances during the week as much. I moved to Colorado and evolved into a granola-munchin' leftist hippie, at least in comparison to when I was trying to make it in business-to-business sales back east and surrounded by the kind of guys who would practice their golf swing with an invisible club in the office. In other words, assholes.

One day in the 2010s, I went to lunch from my office job and was flipping around on the radio in my car and dreading going back to work. I clearly remember sitting in the parking garage at work and tuning in Rush just for laughs. He was talking about a female college student who was on birth control and I think the story was that she wanted either her health insurance company or perhaps the government to pay for it as a healthcare cost.

I hadn't heard him in a long time, but he sounded positively deranged. He kept saying, over and over, that "if she is having SO MUCH SEX that she needs that much birth control that she must be"...well, he implied she was a professional. He kept on with this for five or ten minutes, repeating the SO MUCH SEX thing over and over.

I sat there wondering what had happened to the guy I used to listen to and how could he know so little about how birth control pills work. He was going on as though one pill was used each time and she was going through bottle after bottle and couldn't afford to keep buying so many. I didn't think he sounded coherent and wondered who could listen to crap like that and think it was good. It turned out that became somewhat of a scandal for him and I was surprised that after not listening to him for a decade, perhaps, the one time I did, I heard something people would be talking about later.

If this post sounds like a bunch of praise for Rush, it isn't. I'm just saying he used to seem like a decent entertainer on the radio. His callers seemed educated and articulate for the most part and I'm not afraid to say I enjoyed his show way back in the 1990s.

Like anyone who was a partner in crime with Trump, I have nothing good to say about him now.

Thanks for sharing that. I've never listened to Rush, not by choice, just was never expose to him over the years..., but sounds like he has lost some of his marbles over the years? (Just like our nation? ;) )

So it sounds like Jordan Peterson has replaced Rush with young conservatives? I found pretty much all of his youtube videos inspiring... and surprisingly he identifies himself as a 'liberal'. Well, it's not like I know what to identify myself as... :p Anyway, hope Peterson won't end up like Rush in his old age...

February 17th, 2021, 01:30 PM
Having heard a fair amount of Limbaugh over the years, I generally agree with George. In the 90s, it was sort of generalized conservative/right wing talk and humor, not hugely divorced from the popular culture of the times - I'm sure a lot of it seems utterly insane and offensive now, but that's in large part a product of how far society has come since then. It got real nuts by around '08 9for obvious reasons) and never looked back, as far as I'm aware (not sure I've heard more than 3-5 minutes clips since 2011 or so).
One thing I will give him is that he did know how to run a radio show much better than any of the other political talk guys I've ever heard, I assume that's from him coming out of sports talk before he got into politics.
Anyway, it's great for america and the world that he's dead.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2021, 02:08 PM
Still, if we don't talk about him here while he's living, why bother to talk about him now?

So that we can enjoy the fact that he is dead?

And for the record, Jordan Peterson fell from the public spotlight after his medical troubles in the last few years (I'm not sure the exact details so it's probably unwise to speculate or ridicule) so there are others to take the mantle. One is that Steven Crowder fuckwit, and another is that Ben Shapiro fuckwit. There are undoubtedly more.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2021, 02:51 PM

Facebook has blocked the sharing of all news articles in Australia, and won’t allow users overseas to share news from Australian sources. They’ve even blocked beloved satire page The Betoota Advocate!

The mirth runs deep for this poster, and I’d share my thoughts on social media but I’ve been blocked too!

February 17th, 2021, 03:40 PM
So that we can enjoy the fact that he is dead?

And for the record, Jordan Peterson fell from the public spotlight after his medical troubles in the last few years (I'm not sure the exact details so it's probably unwise to speculate or ridicule) so there are others to take the mantle. One is that Steven Crowder fuckwit, and another is that Ben Shapiro fuckwit. There are undoubtedly more.

Don’t even know Steven crowder. I also just don’t like Ben Shapiro’s face. Somehow his face compels me to want to kick his ass for some reason.

Peterson suffers from a lot of pain and depression, supposedly her daughter’s special broccoli and meat only diet helped somehow, but I guess not anymore? Anyway, I still like Peterson because he really felt like a father I never had... actually I do have a father, just that I wish my father were more like Peterson! Of course I’d rather not inherit his pain and depressive genes... :( can’t have it all I guess.

Anyway, I really think we need more people like him in leadership positions. Our current leaders have gone off the deep right and left ends.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2021, 03:59 PM
I don't know enough about Peterson to condone listening to whatever he says. A lot of what I have heard is searing criticism of him. But hey, if you want to treat him like a physical Jesus, then go ahead. He can't be more harmful than your imaginary Jesus, can he?

(That slightly tongue-in-cheek question actually raises a good point about the potential for harm that both of these characters could cause, which, again, I am not prepared to be able to delve into. Use good judgement please Billi)

To address this bit: "Our current leaders have gone off the deep right and left ends."

Go research the Overton Window and decide for yourself if this is actually true.

For once I agree with you on something: Shapiro has a very punchable face.

And Crowder is a right-wing shock-jock who you have seen in the change my mind meme:


Tom Servo
February 17th, 2021, 04:50 PM
I'll just quote something I saw on Twitter.

I know it's tempting to lash out, but try to treat Rush Limbaugh with the same dignity, respect, and humanity as he showed to rape victims, Michael J. Fox, Sandra Fluke, Iraq War veterans, refugees, and victims of mosque shootings.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2021, 04:54 PM
Not sorry.

https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/151578094_263023131888559_313410915220556605_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=104&ccb=3&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=HBaAPPPH7ugAX8Bg6-l&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=08230963126a773e5e709bdd2ae2d064&oe=60547816

February 17th, 2021, 04:56 PM
Re Shapiro's face: The truly amazing thing is that his voice is exactly a perfect match to that eminently punchable face.

February 17th, 2021, 06:06 PM
:lol: You are absolutely right!

It’s amazing how Ben Shapiro brings people together...

Anyway, I love Peterson because I thought he’s very insightful and balanced with whatever issues at hand. Yet, he is enigmatic to me... though not a pastor nor theologian, his interpretations of scripture is awe inspiring. His political views are also something I often can’t argue against, last but not least, although he’s no doc love, he also has a very good understanding of women with his psychological background. I do look up to him, but of course I understand he’s no Jesus! :p

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2021, 12:31 PM
Wondering if the latest Ted Cruz thing will finally be the one that sticks, especially after his criticism of Austin's mayor when he went to Cabo. The "trying to be a good dad" angle isn't quite the defense he thinks it is, IMHO.

February 18th, 2021, 01:13 PM
I hope so. He's a weasel who should have lost to O'Rourke because of his flip-flopping on Trump and subsequent bootlicking. But I guess enough Texans liked Trump enough to vote for his newest lackey.

The mayor of Denver did something similar at Thanksgiving - sent out a Tweet reminding people to stay home and then boarded a plane and flew out of state to visit family.

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2021, 02:13 PM
Yep, and our governor pulled his French Laundry move too. It's definitely not that unusual, but if you're running around saying the mayor should resign then do the same thing...

Beto didn't miss any chances, tweeting out that they'd called 150,000+ offering assistance, finding at least one elderly man living alone, no power, that hadn't eaten for two days and got him a ride to a warming center and a meal. Tweeting that out was political grandstanding without a doubt, but it also contradicts the claims by people like Ben Shapiro and Dinesh D'Souza running around saying "well, what could a senator do to fix the power grid?" Not doubt he couldn't, but he could spend his time making sure his constituents have what they need in the meantime, and potentially doing things to facilitate ERCOT in getting things back online. Maybe just being there for the experience would help identify what needs to be fixed to this happens again. Maybe it's just the idea that leadership should get the last lifeboat out rather than the first. At the very least, he could not tie up police resources during a disaster to make sure he and his daughters make their flight.

EDIT: Another thing comes to mind - he's saying that the kids wanted to go because school was cancelled due to the storm. This wasn't a trip they had planned for long ago and just didn't want to disappoint the kids who had been looking forward to this for months, this was a trip they were taking *because* of the disaster.

February 18th, 2021, 04:16 PM
This is what I was talking about, regardless of left or right, our current batch of leaders typically are not the type who’d take the last life boat. They are also very good at shifting responsibility. Yeah, my kids made me do it! It’s all my kids’ fault... or it’s always the other party’s fault...

Unless our leaders become more responsible, we will probably never be great again.

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2021, 04:39 PM
That ultimately comes down to actual consequences for that. The problem is, chances are he'll win the next time he runs. It'll take voters holding people accountable, but that's not happening that much.

I remember when Clinton was impeached and how ridiculous I thought it was. Recently on a road trip we listened to a podcast that did an in depth retelling of what happened (it's called "Slow Burn", a previous season was about Nixon and Watergate, it's really good), and it was only then that I realized just how bad Clinton was. It made it clear how easy it is to dismiss what "your person" is doing and made me try harder to not do that. I doubt I'm good at it, but I figure it's good to be cognizant, e.g., a bunch of people have done this shitty thing, but Ted's special in that he kept talking about how horrible those people were and how they should resign for doing the shitty thing he did.

February 18th, 2021, 09:31 PM
Yeah, it’s just too easy to dismiss the problems of ‘our own people, and just blame everything that went wrong on the ‘other side’...

And I think the weight of our extreme polarization is beginning to buckle our nation. Whether if we’re in blue California or in red Texas, we’re seeing rolling black outs. Doesn’t matter which way the Governors lean, political leadership just kicks responsibility down the road for the next guy. Corporations just want profits now, government leaders just wants to win elections now...

It’ll be refreshing if someday we could actually elected political leaders that can point in a more hopeful direction rather than just pointing at opposition’s shortcomings. Of course besides having that audacity to hope, it’ll be even more refreshing for this leader to be able to act faithfully on his words.